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Getting the Most Out of Your iPad - 2015 Leadership Connections. Academic. BioInteractive. Fair Use in Education and Research. Fair use offers an extraordinarily important opportunity for educators, researchers, and others to make reasonable and limited uses of copyrighted materials.

Fair Use in Education and Research

Clipping, cutting, pasting, uploading, posting, and many other activities that are common at the university may be copyright infringements or may be within fair use. When do you need to think about fair use? Some example situations: Uploading materials to CourseWorks or another server.Clipping and copying materials into innovative teaching tools.Posting materials for distance learning.Developing databases of copyrighted works for research.Sharing articles and other materials with colleagues.Developing digital libraries.Placing copies on library reserves. This section includes a variety of resources to help you determine if fair use applies to the ways in which you want to use copyrighted materials. Audio Books, Podcasts, Videos, and Free Downloads to Learn From.

Creative Commons. Library. About Student Success from the Library, Learning Center and Counselors. Index of /media/northharris. Dr Walsh Marshmallow WCCO Segment. About Student Success from the Library, Learning Center and Counselors.