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Grid-Based Design 101. Designers of all types (web, print, etc.) are constantly facing issues involving the structure of their designs. Web designers are increasingly turning to grids to control the structure of web pages, and grids have long been used extensively in other design mediums. For many designers, grid-based design is still somewhat of a mystery. In this article we’ll take a look at some of the basics of grid-based design so that you can understand it and apply it to your projects. What is Grid-Based Design? The grid serves as the framework for page layout. Some Examples: New York Times Subtraction Why Use Grid-Based Design? Grids in web design can be helpful for both the designer and the visitor. Visitors benefit from grids by arriving at a page that is easier to digest and the structure helps with usability.

Helpful Resources for Further Development: Mark Boulton is one of the leading sources of knowledge involving grid-based web design. Have You Designed Any Grid-Based Sites?


CALCOLO. APPS. 45+ CSS Grid Layout Generators. Using a CSS Grid System is really worth considering if you’re planning to create a complex web design like e.g a magazine layout. For quite some time CSS Grid frameworks have been very popular and helped designers and web developers to create well structured and easy to maintain solutions. However there many options available and it is not an easy tasks to make the right pick when starting up a new project. This article will give you the overview and tools you need to get started by presenting more than 45 CSS Grid systems and tutorials on how to use them.

If you are looking for examples and inspiration on grid based web design you need to check this article. Update: While the grid generators below still work I think you should now that it more or less have become the de-facto standard to use responsive layouts. The success of this design approach is driven by the demand for mobile ready websites. You can check some examples of responsive website here. Advertisement Introduction BlueTrip. 960 Grid System. Creare il mockup del sito nel browser | Articoli Webdesign | Questa è la traduzione dell’articolo Make Your Mockup in Markup di Meagan Fisher pubblicato originariamente su 24 Ways il 24 Dicembre 2009.

“Non progettiamo copie di pagine web, progettiamo pagine web”. Andy Clark, via Quotes on Design Come si faceva Ho sempre pensato che il posto migliore per progettare un sito web fosse un software di grafica. Creavo un PSD perfetto al pixel riempito con contenuto generico, lo mandavo al cliente, procedevo con le revisioni e alla fine passavo alla creazione del markup. È un procedimento familiare pure per voi? Recentemente, grazie soprattutto all’influenza di un maestro come Dan Cederholm, sono arrivata alla conclusione che la progettazione del design di un sito dovrebbe iniziare là dove il sito vivrà: nel browser. A morte Photoshop Alcuni di voi forse si stanno chiedendo: “Cosa c’è di male a usare Photoshop per la maggior parte del mio lavoro di design?” Figura 1 – L’applicazione Adobe Photoshop CS4 vi ha rovinato la giornata Un male necessario? CSS with vertical rhythm |

Framing the Problem - ClickZ. Bryan Eisenberg | November 1, 2002 | 0 Comments inShare0 Wireframes: why you need one, how to build one, and, once and for all, why a wireframe is not a storyboard. We last examined uncovery, the first, most critical phase of the Minerva Architectural Process (MAP). Let's move on to phase two, wireframing. Wireframing is a simple, nontechnical process. Wireframing saves a lot of time and money. People confuse wireframing with storyboarding. Wireframing puts something in front of decision makers not to excite them visually but to elicit a reaction. The distinction between wireframe and storyboard is critical. There are two parts to solving any problem: What you want to accomplish, and how you want to do it. What do wireframe pages contain? What personas (types of visitors) need to be persuaded? Marketers tend not to appreciate linear processes. Einstein defined insanity as "doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

" FROONT – design responsive websites in the browser. Jeffio - Sketches, Wireframes & CSS. It seems that I keep refining my interface design process for each new project that I work on. In this article I’d like to share with you my process of designing a user interface from sketch through to the implemented design for Apricado Music.

Apricado is a service for independent musicians to sell their music online as a digital download. Step 1 – Start with a sketch. Reasons to start with a sketch: A sketchbook is a little more portable than a macbook and doesn’t run out of batteries. Step 2 – Wireframes & Copywriting By “wireframes”, I mean using a tool such as OmniGraffle or Visio (but really, go with OmniGraffle) to be able to rapidly set up chunks of information on the screen.

The process of moving ideas from sketch into wireframes gets my head into a different space. Step 3 – Design Mockup When you get into “design mode”, it’s nice to not have to worry about business logic or mocking up a design with Lorem ipsum text because all of that thinking has been done by the wireframing step. Representing Content and Data in Wireframes: Special Deliverable #10 - Boxes and Arrows: The design behind the design. Visio practically groaned as I opened the wireframes for my current project, which were in something like the twentieth revision. It was the usual story—poorly defined requirements and business rules—and my project folder was fast becoming the poster child for Feature Creep Flu. To hang all the versions of the wireframes up side-by-side would reveal something like the storyboard for Memento. Anyway, as meticulous as the project manager and I were in going through the wireframes to ensure they looked “clean,” things are always dirtier in the cold light of day (read: during the presentation to the client).

Although it went well enough, the hang-ups in this meeting were over the examples used in the wireframes, requiring additional explanations to clarify functionality. Until that moment, I had not given much thought to the kinds of sample data and content I used the in wireframes. Typically, sample data and content in wireframes is repetitive and invented: The Grid System. The what, when and why of wireframes. In the presentation I attempted to answer these questions; Wireframes • What are they?

• Why do we use them? • When should they be used? • What are the different types? • How are they used in a project life cycle? • Why are they important? What are they? They are NOT… • Meant for an external audience without an explanation of context • Meant to be the design of a page • To portray any graphic elements • To convey the brand of a website Why do we use them? When should they be used? Jesse James Garrett very neatly summarised the five phases of website development in this model and you can read more about it here. What are the different types? How are they used in a project life cycle? The wireframe can evolve into HTML or Flash prototypes and is a tool that encourages collaboration – this is its most important strength. The diagram below highlights a typical journey of a wireframe through a product development cycle. Why are they so important? • They ensure accurate planning for functional specifications.