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11 Classic CSS Techniques Made Simple with CSS3 | Nettuts+ We've all had to achieve some effect that required an extra handful of divs or PNGs. We shouldn't be limited to these old techniques when there's a new age coming. This new age includes the use of CSS3. In today's tutorial, I'll show you eleven different time-consuming effects that can be achieved quite easily with CSS3. I'm sure you've heard of CSS in general. CSS3 isn't that much different, in terms of syntax; however, the power of CSS3 is much greater. As you'll see in these eleven techniques, you can have multiple backgrounds, dynamically resize those backgrounds, border radiuses, text shadows, and more! Here's what the official (or at least, what I consider official) website of CSS3,, has to say about CSS3: CSS3 is the new kid in the stylesheet family. Here are the 11 techniques that I'll be showing you how to recreate with CSS3. Probably my favorite on of this list, rounded corners provide a developer with so many options.

View the demo. I'm using the dropShadow plugin. 5 CSS3 Design Enhancements That You Can Use Today. Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is the language of Web design, and the next generation of CSS design properties are just chomping at the bit to be released. Are you eager to start using them, but don’t know where to start? Although many of the new properties are not yet “official”, some browsers have already implemented many of the features of the coming CSS Level 3 specifications. The problem is that many browsers—most notably Internet Explorer—have not. The trick to using these new CSS3 features is to treat them as design enhancements. A design enhancement (which I discuss in my new book Speaking In Styles: The Fundamentals of CSS for Web Designers) is any flourish you add to your site designs that increases its visual appeal without diminishing its usability if the style is not rendered.

This can be a tricky call, with there being a fine line between enhancement and not diminishing usability: This is the original design, before applying any CSS3 design enhancements 1. 2. Border-radius: r; 3. 5 Extremely Useful But Rarely-Used CSS3 Properties - DesignFestival. Diligent designers stay up to date with the latest in web design and development. Staying on the cutting edge of the web can give you an advantage in your web design business and can even make your design work substantially easier and better. Most web designers know and use CSS to create beautiful websites that are browser-friendly and consistent across all platforms. Having said that, there are some CSS3 properties that aren’t used as often as you would expect. Despite their rarity, they are extremely useful. Multiple Backgrounds Many designers don’t realize that you can implement multiple backgrounds into your website designs.

To implement multiple backgrounds, you need to define them in the body tag and separate them with commas. The result is that the two images (the life preserver and the anchor) are placed in the top-right and the top-left of the browser. Transitions One of the biggest outcries with the decline of Flash is the lack of animation or transitional properties in CSS. 50 Awesome CSS3 Animations. CSS3 has brought some amazing new features. And the most fun is playing with the CSS animation. Here is a compilation of 50 CSS3 animation that allows you to perform many motion-based functions normally Delegated to JavaScript. In order to view this effect, you are required to have WebKit browsers like Safari and Chrome ( very sorry for the users of Internet Explorer ) 1. CSS3 Clock With jQuery Use the basic features of the CSS3 Transform: rotate. And the combination of javascript frameworks like jQuery can produce a cool CSS3 clock 2. Analogue clock created using webkit transition and transform CSS. 3. 3D Cube That Rotates Using Arrow Keys You can Use up, down, left and right keys to navigate the 3D cube. 3D cube built using -webkit-perspective, -webkit-transform and -webkit-transition. 4.

Multiple 3D Cubes using CSS3 and proprietary ‘transform’ and ‘transition’ properties. 5. An accordion effect using only CSS. 6. 7. Isocube is like 3DCube but have litle different. 8. 9. 11. 12. 14. 15. CSS3 Cookbook: 7 Super Easy CSS Recipes to Copy and Paste. CSS3 Cookbook: 7 Super Easy CSS Recipes to Copy and Paste By now you’ve probably seen enough lengthy CSS3 tutorials to last a lifetime.

You’re probably starting to become familiar with what CSS3 has to offer and are ready to move past basic theory and see some practical design examples that you can copy and paste right into your code without without wading through tons of commentary. Well you’re in luck because that’s exactly what we have for you today! Below you’ll find seven fun and attractive CSS tricks that you can grab and insert right into your own projects and customize at will.

Keep in mind that since this stuff is still cutting edge, older browsers won’t support most of it. I’ve tried to ensure graceful degradation where possible so that you can provide a working experience to all users and a better experience to those with using webkit. Letterpress Insetting text is fairly simple in CSS. To start off, fill your text with the darker shade of your background color. The HTML The CSS. CSS3 pronti per l'uso | Articoli Css | I CSS3 rappresentano il complemento ideale per formattare una struttura di contenuti realizzata con il nuovo linguaggio di marcatura di HTML5, e in questo articolo allestiremo graficamente il template per un blog realizzato per la guida HTML5, utilizzando quelle proprietà CSS3 che sono state implementate nei browser più moderni. Gli esempi presentati (prima e seconda demo) costituiscono un ottimo banco di prova per testare la compatibilità delle varie tecniche: nello specifico, i browser meglio supportati sono Internet Explorer 9, Firefox 4, Safari 5, Chrome 9 e Opera 11.

Una delle novità più importanti dei CSS3 è che non sono più inglobati in una unica specifica monolitica in cui spingere tutti gli aggiornamenti del team di sviluppo del W3C; al contrario, essi consistono in una serie di moduli progettati per essere implementati separatamente e indipendentemente gli uni dagli altri. Figura 1 – Browser vendor prefixes. CSS3.0 Maker | CSS3.0 Generator. CSS reference guide, and blog. Gradienti CSS3. Una breve introduzione all’uso dei gradienti con CSS3 I gradienti CSS3 sono sicuramente una delle rivoluzioni più interessanti dei nuovi fogli stile.

Ci permettono infatti con delle righe brevi di codice, di creare l’effetto di immagini sfumate (linearmente o radialmente) con indubbi vantaggi rispetto ai vecchi metodi. NB: l’effetto è visibile su tutti i browser compresi Internet Explorer 6/7/8 (con un piccolo fix che trovate a fondo pagina).IE9 supporta questa proprietà nativamente a differenza dei predecessori che necessitano di un codice ad hoc. Perchè usare i gradienti CSS3 al posto delle immagini? I vantaggi sono sostanzialmente 3: Maggior flessibilità – Una modifica al css richiede minor tempo che la modifica di un’immagineMeno richieste http al server e quindi minor tempo di caricamento del sitoRidimensionamento – Il cambiamento delle dimensioni del contenitore permette il ridimensionamento automatico del gradiente Esempio di gradiente lineare: Esempio di gradiente radiale:

The Definitive Guide to CSS Transitions - DesignFestival. Back in the golden days of the web, we had a little thing called Flash to help us make the web a dynamic, fun, interactive place. But, Flash is being used less and less. Of course, in certain environments it can still be put to amazing use, but in today’s web environment you need CSS to get the job done.

One of the easiest ways to give your site a near-instant facelift is to bring CSS3 transitions to the table (pun intended). As users interact with various elements on your page, transitions allow for a delayed response that is far more natural and engaging than a jarring, instant response. Case in point, hover over these two boxes and tell me which is more interesting to you. Drop this into an HTML document and check it out: Yeah, I know gray boxes aren’t all that exciting, but the point is that the transitions on the box to the right are more interesting and give the design a more polished feel. Pseudo-Classes for CSS Transitions Introducing CSS Transitions Properties of the CSS Transition. Understanding The Basics Of CSS3. Cascading Style Sheets, commonly known as CSS, has been around for sometime now allowing us to create much more powerful and flexible websites than in the past.

Now that CSS has evolved a bit and the acceptance of CSS3 is making its way to our favorite browsers, we can begin to play around with some of the newer features available. In this article I will focus on some of the more popular features of CSS3, many of which are beginning to make their appearance on several of the websites that I frequently visit. While most of these are only visible in some of the more modern web browsers (Mozilla, Chrome, Safari) it’s important to go ahead and get a grasp of exactly how they work. Border Radius Creating rounded corners in web design wasn’t always the easiest of things to accomplish. Equal Corners Keep all of those corners symmetrical with just a few short keystrokes. The Code: -webkit-border-radius: 10px; -moz-border-radius: 10px; border-radius: 10px; Unequal Corners Box Shadow Text Shadow Gradients.