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Android Development Tutorial. Android Development: Do You Know Your Options? » BuildMobile. Nowadays everyone wants to be an Android developer. Android applications can be built in many programming languages. Some users are familiar with web programming (HTML5/CSS/JS/Ruby.. ) some others are very much familiar with software programming (Java) or Game or Flash programming(AS3) etc.

Today I am going to introduce you about different platforms which you can use them to develop applications for an Android. Java Programming This is one of the familiar, and preferred, ways to develop for an Android using Java. PhoneGap PhoneGap is an open source, cross platform JavaScript framework where JavaScript developers can build native applications using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Sencha Touch Sencha Touch is a free JavaScript mobile framework which allows you to build appliaction for touch devices. jQuery Mobile RHOMobile RHOMobile supports all Smartphones and is best suited for Ruby developers. Titanium Mobile Corona Corona SDK is very powerful when creating complex games! Adobe AIR Adobe Flex Flixel.

Building Your First App. BuildMobile | Beginning Andoid: Create an Android Virtual Device. Lesson 4: Create an Android Virtual Device An Android Virtual Device (AVD) is a device configuration that is run with the Android emulator. It works with the emulator to provide a virtual device-specific environment in which to install and run Android apps. Lesson 4 shows you how to create an AVD by introducing you to the Android SDK’s AVD Manager tool. Using AVD Manager to Create an AVD The Android SDK provides the AVD Manager tool for creating and otherwise managing AVDs. You can run this tool directly or run SDK Manager and select Manage AVDs from the Tools menu. In either case, you are greeted with the Android Virtual Device Manager window shown in Figure 8. Figure 8: Android Virtual Device Manager lists existing AVD entries in terms of their names, target names, and other criteria. Android Virtual Device Manager lets you create, update, delete, repair, and start AVDs.

Figure 9 shows you that an AVD has a name, targets a specific Android platform, and has other features. Review. BuildMobile | How to Handle SMS in Android Development. SMS is an integral part of mobile devices and mobile applications. An overwhelming majority of mobile users use the SMS service on their mobiles; some use it dozens of times per day. Android provides a very good API so that developers can integrate SMS technology into their apps, increasing the utility and appeal of their applications.

In this article we are going to examine several apps that use SMS technology via the APIs provided by Android. How to Launch the SMS Application From Your Program. We are now going to create a small app which will say “hello” to our friends by sending an SMS message. This app will take the friend’s number from the user, then the application will launch the SMS application of the mobile phones with the number the user entered, and finally it will send a “hello” message. Step 1: Creating the UI and layout First, create a simple activity called as LaunchSMS , then we will create the lay out as follows: The code for the activity is as follows: Conclusion.

BuildMobile | Know Your Layouts in Android. Android provides solid support for the development of UI-based applications. Android provides a variety of widgets that the application programmer can use to create a desired layout and interface. These layout elements can be created via the programming language directly, or through XML layout files. In this article, we are going to show you both methods and highlight their differences.

XML-Based Layouts in Android In Android, an XML-based layout is a file that defines the different widgets to be used in the UI and the relations between those widgets and their containers. The Benefits of XML-Based Layouts XML-based layouts are very helpful if you know the UI components at the time of compiling. XML-based layout have the following advantages: XML is a very popular and widely-used format. Standard Layouts in Android The UI in Android is a hierarchy of viewgroups and views. For example, in the above main.xml file, the LinearLayout is a viewgroup and the TextView is a view. Absolute Layout. Eseguire test sull'emulatore e sullo smartphone | Guida Android |

Vediamo dunque come eseguire il debug della nostra applicazione di prova usando, prima, l'emulatore di Eclipse e, dopo, su un terminale reale. Test nell'emulatore Siamo pronti per lanciare e testare la nostra app nell'emulatore precedentemente configurato. Tutto quello che dobbiamo fare è cliccare sul pulsante Debug ( ) che troviamo nella toolbar di Eclipse; oppure premere il tasto F11 o scegliere la voce Debug dal menu Run. Una volta cliccato sul pulsante Debug verrà lanciato il l’emulatore: al primo lancio è necessario aspettare un po’ di tempo prima di poter interagire con il device virtuale, dunque aspettiamo con calma che lo startup si concluda (anche alcuni minuti su computer meno potenti). Figura 8: L'emulatore prima di essere sbloccato Se abbiamo fatto tutto correttamente nel nostro emulatore vedremo una schermata molto simile a quella seguente: Figura 9: L'emulatore con la nostra applicazione di prova Test nello smartphone Nel caso in cui stessimo lavorando in ambiente Linux (es.

Get Started Developing for Android with Eclipse - Smashing Magazine. Why You Should Get Excited About Emotional Branding Globalization, low-cost technologies and saturated markets are making products and services interchangeable and barely distinguishable. As a result, today’s brands must go beyond face value and tap into consumers’ deepest subconscious emotions to win the marketplace. In recent decades, the economic base has shifted from production to consumption, from needs to wants, from objective to subjective. We’re moving away from the functional and technical characteristics of the industrial era, into a time when consumers are making buying decisions based on how they feel about a company and its offer. Read more... A Guide To Validating Product Ideas With Quick And Simple Experiments You probably know by now that you should speak with customers and test your idea before building a product. Mistakes include testing the wrong aspect of your business, asking the wrong questions and neglecting to define a criterion for success.

Read more... Read more... Guida Android | Guide Mobile | Come progettare le App per smartphone Android. La guida che vi aiuterà a progettare e creare le applicazioni per il più diffuso sistema operativo per telefonini al mondo. Primi passi con Android 1. Introduzione: perché Android Perché Android è la piattaforma di sviluppo con maggiori... 2. L'SDK e l'ambiente di sviluppo Scarichiamo tutti i software (gratuiti) che ci servono per cominciare... 3. Il cuore di un’app Android 8. L’interfaccia grafica (GUI) 13. Lo storage 28. Processi e servizi 33. Android e il networking 35. Hardware e sensori 37. Multimedia 45. Grafica 51. Telefono 55. Testing delle app 59.

Pubblicare un’app 64. Appendice 69. Se vuoi aggiornamenti su Guida Android inserisci la tua e-mail nel box qui sotto: Creare applicazioni Android: anatomia di una app, le attività, creazione di finestre di dialogo. Nella precedente puntata abbiamo presentato tutti gli strumenti per iniziare a creare applicazioni Android ed abbiamo cominciato con l'allestire l'interfaccia della prima "app", la classica "CiaoMondo".Questa volta analizzeremo l'anatomia delle applicazioni Android presentando anche attività, frammenti ed intents. Creare applicazioni Android: i requisiti e la prima app Chi si fosse perso la prima puntata può consultarla facendo riferimento all'articolo Programmare Android: creare applicazioni partendo da zero con Android SDK ed Eclipse.Per sviluppare applicazioni Android due sono i requisiti software indispensabili:- Il pacchetto Java Development Kit (JDK), prelevabile da questa pagina (sito web di Oracle).- L'Android SDK, il prodotto che consente di realizzare applicazioni per il sistema operativo mobile targato Google contenente il debugger, le librerie, un emulatore, il codice d'esempio e la documentazione.

Il pacchetto SDK è scaricabile gratuitamente da questa pagina. Programmare Android: creare applicazioni partendo da zero con Android SDK ed Eclipse. I telefonini si sono trasformati, da tempo, in dispositivi evoluti capaci di mettere a disposizione dell'utente una nutrita schiera di applicazioni per l'assolvimento dei compiti più disparati. Android è uno dei sistemi operativi per device mobili oggi più diffuso ed utilizzato: numerosi produttori (tra i tanti nomi ci sono, per esempio, Acer, HTC, LG, Motorola, Samsung e Sony Ericsson) hanno deciso di installarlo sui propri dispositivi via a via presentati sul mercato, sia che si tratti di smartphone che di tablet. Android si propone come una piattaforma "aperta" basata sul kernel Linux ed in grado di eseguire applicazioni attraverso la cosiddetta Dalvik virtual machine, una macchina virtuale Java adattata per l'impiego sui dispositivi mobili.Appannaggio dei programmatori, Google provvede a rilasciare un pacchetto SDK aggiornato che intregra gli strumenti di sviluppo, le librerie, un emulatore, la documentazione ed alcuni progetti d'esempio.

Dopo l'installazione del pacchetto Java JDK. Phpmaster | Let's Talk: Efficient Communication for PHP and Android, Part 1. The mobile space has exploded in the last several years, prompting the realization that service-oriented architecture is a great way to implement business logic for consumption by both web and mobile applications. While mobile devices have evolved dramatically, their increased availability to consumers has added strain on networks and service providers who are still struggling to make capacity meet demand.

To keep hardware costs down, developers must now pinch bytes of bandwidth just as they did with memory back in the early days of computing. This two-part article will guide you through the process of building an efficient PHP-based REST web service to be consumed by an Android-based application. Some of the concepts presented here are also applicable to other mobile platforms, such as iOS. I assume you already know the basics of PHP and Android development and that you have a suitable development environments set up for both. A Common Request Requesting Data Next Time Image via Fotolia. Programming Android.