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Osho Talks. Osho or Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh was born in 1931 in Central India. He was a charismatic and gifted speaker who became the leader of a worldwide new spiritual movement. It is said that at the age of 21 he attained enlightenment or Samadhi. At the time he was studying philosophy at the University of Saugar. On receiving a masters degree he taught philosophy at the University of Jabalpur for nine years. As well as teaching philosophy he also began to attract disciples to follow his own eclectic mix of philosophy and religion.

In 1966 he decided to leave his teaching post and give full attention to his role as spiritual Master. In 1970 he settled for a while in Mumbai. In 1981, Osho relocated to the United States and his followers established an intentional community, later known as Rajneeshpuram, in the state of Oregon. Osho was arrested shortly afterwards and charged with immigration violations. Watch the lectures now (playlist) Albert Einstein- How I See the World. Einstein [History Channel] Leonardo Da Vinci. Einstein. Albert Einstein Intuition. Albert Einstein Vidoes. Albert Einstein- How I See the World. Albert Einstein. Anthropology. Neurotheology: This Is Your Brain On Religion. Principles of NeurotheologyBy Andrew B.

NewbergPaperback, 284 pagesAshgateList price: $29.95 "Neurotheology" is a unique field of scholarship and investigation that seeks to understand the relationship specifically between the brain and theology, and more broadly between the mind and religion. As a topic, neurotheology has garnered substantial attention in the academic and lay communities in recent years.

Several books have been written addressing the relationship between the brain and religious experience and numerous scholarly articles have been published on the topic. The scientific and religious communities have been very interested in obtaining more information regarding neurotheology, how to approach this topic, and whether science and religion can be integrated in some manner that preserves, and perhaps enhances, both. In short, for neurotheology to be successful, science must be kept rigorous and religion must be kept religious. 1. 2. 3. 4. Theory of relativity. The theory of relativity, or simply relativity in physics, usually encompasses two theories by Albert Einstein: special relativity and general relativity.[1] Concepts introduced by the theories of relativity include: Measurements of various quantities are relative to the velocities of observers. In particular, space contracts and time dilates.Spacetime: space and time should be considered together and in relation to each other.The speed of light is nonetheless invariant, the same for all observers.

The term "theory of relativity" was based on the expression "relative theory" (German: Relativtheorie) used in 1906 by Max Planck, who emphasized how the theory uses the principle of relativity. Scope[edit] The theory of relativity transformed theoretical physics and astronomy during the 20th century. In the field of physics, relativity improved the science of elementary particles and their fundamental interactions, along with ushering in the nuclear age. Two-theory view[edit] History[edit] Special Relativity. Albert Einstein Vidoes. Albert Einstein Quotes (Author of Relativity)