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Even Women Think Men Are More Creative. The Research: Devon Proudfoot, a PhD candidate at Duke, and her colleagues Aaron Kay and Christy Koval performed several studies of gender bias and creativity. In one, subjects rated how central certain personality characteristics were to creativity. The results showed that both men and women associated creativity with stereotypically “masculine” traits—independence, daring—more than with “feminine” traits, such as cooperativeness and sensitivity. In another study the researchers asked subjects to evaluate a house design but varied the gender of the architect.

Both men and women rated creativity higher when told that the architect was a man. The Challenge: Is gender bias so insidious that it affects how we judge ingenuity, too? And who brainwashed women into believing men’s ideas are better? Proudfoot: Our research clearly showed that people associate creativity with “agentic” masculine qualities—boldness, risk taking, independence. HBR: Great. And what’s that? The hits keep coming! Passionate women and passionate men: sex differences in accounting for angry and weeping episodes. - PubMed - NCBI. Men ‘more likely to be sacrificed for the benefit of others’ than women – study. MD/PhD-Psychology | Student Doctor Network.

So...if most of your days are spent looking at eating disorders, then I take it that very few of your days are spent actually shadowing physicians? I'm asking because I get the impression that you're not really aware of what physicians spend most of their time doing. Particularly bariatric surgeons. I know that bariatric surgery may just have been an example, and not something that you're particularly interested in. But, using it as an example - bariatric surgery is, out of all the surgical fields (besides possibly Vascular, CT, and transplant) one of the most time-consuming fields.

Their patients are "poor protoplasms" (to use the horrible, but expressive, surgical slang) - their immense obesity prevents them from being good wound healers. Their wounds can go south VERY quicky, and require your immediate intervention. Outline of academic disciplines. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Overviews of and topical guides to academic disciplines Disciplines vary between well-established ones that exist in almost all universities and have well-defined rosters of journals and conferences, and nascent ones supported by only a few universities and publications. A discipline may have branches, and these are often called sub-disciplines.

Humanities[edit] Performing arts[edit] Visual arts[edit] History[edit] Also regarded as a Social science Languages and literature[edit] Linguistics listed in Social science Law[edit] Also listed in Applied science Philosophy[edit] Also regarded as the separate, an entry at the highest level of the hierarchy Religious Studies[edit] Divinity[edit] Theology[edit] Social science[edit] Anthropology[edit] Archaeology[edit] Economics[edit] Geography[edit] Linguistics[edit] Also regarded as a formal science Political science[edit] Psychology[edit] Sociology[edit] Social work[edit] Natural science[edit] Biology[edit] Chemistry[edit] Physics[edit]

Why Facts Don’t Change Our Minds. Among the many, many issues our forebears didn’t worry about were the deterrent effects of capital punishment and the ideal attributes of a firefighter. Nor did they have to contend with fabricated studies, or fake news, or Twitter. It’s no wonder, then, that today reason often seems to fail us. As Mercier and Sperber write, “This is one of many cases in which the environment changed too quickly for natural selection to catch up.” Steven Sloman, a professor at Brown, and Philip Fernbach, a professor at the University of Colorado, are also cognitive scientists. They, too, believe sociability is the key to how the human mind functions or, perhaps more pertinently, malfunctions. Virtually everyone in the United States, and indeed throughout the developed world, is familiar with toilets.

In a study conducted at Yale, graduate students were asked to rate their understanding of everyday devices, including toilets, zippers, and cylinder locks. Cognitive neuroscience/psychiatry | Student Doctor Network. Doctors, Revolt! But Dr. Lown identifies first and foremost as a healer. In 1996, he published “The Lost Art of Healing,” an appeal to restore the “3,000-year tradition, which bonded doctor and patient in a special affinity of trust.” The biomedical sciences had begun to dominate our conception of health care, and he warned that “healing is replaced with treating, caring is supplanted by managing, and the art of listening is taken over by technological procedures.” He called for a return to the fundamentals of doctoring — listening to know the patient behind the symptoms; carefully touching the patient during the physical exam to communicate caring; using words that affirm the patient’s vitality; and attending to the stresses and situations of his life circumstances.

This time he was the patient in need of healing. And I was the doctor, the product of a system that has, if anything, become even more impersonal and transactional since he first wrote those words. Despite his reputation, Dr. I had known Dr. BreathABLETM | SYMBICORT® (budesonide/formoterol fumarate dihydrate) Inhalation Aerosol. BREATHABLE is a place created to help you see the possibilities ahead of you. Sign up today for great articles, breathing tips that can help you navigate your day-to-day life, valuable offers, and an opportunity to connect with others like you. Yes, Sign Me Up for BREATHABLE ! Talking to your doctor about your COPD. Preparing for your appointment + View More A trick to help you breathe better Making spaceto do what you want. Strike the right life balance 4commontriggers of breathlessness. See what they are Stay on track with your treatment 6 steps to staying on top of your medication The shower fix.

Breathe easier in the shower 5 things to do with your kids or grandkids 6 TIPSto get you moving Staying active can help you breathe better Breathing at work. Manage breathing problems at the workplace How to avoid some common triggers Leg up! How leg exercises may improve breathing I can. Find your motivation 5 STEPSto help youask for help. Don’t go it alone Sing and you may just breathe better. Focus on you. The Professional-Sports Bubble. Who Are the 100 Most Influential Lawyers in America?

Today, the National Law Journal released its list of the 100 most influential lawyers in America. The NLJ releases a similar list once every few years, and each time, the nation’s top lawyers — some from Biglaw, some from legal academia, some from the in-house world, and some from the trial and appellate bars — celebrate their success in creating real change in the industry. That said, the people named to this list are relatively well-known to the general Above the Law readership, but they won’t exactly be household names to laypeople. Which legal eagles soared into the NLJ’s list this time around?

Well, the NLJ selected their influential lawyers based on their political clout, legal results, media penetration, business credibility, and thought leadership. We’ve whittled the impressive list of 100 down to our own top 10. So who made our cut? Did we say 10? 1. Ted Olson and David Boies How could we not include this dynamic duo as a twofer? 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. PDC16 0007. Is medical school worth it? A physicians perspective. | Student Doctor Network. Should I go to medical school or graduate school? How Can Lawyers Balance Work and Leisure? Not your grandfather’s med school: Changes trending in med ed. After many decades that saw little change in how medicine is taught, medical schools are rethinking nearly every facet of physician training.

A report analyzes the efforts to better prepare the physicians of the future and presents trends in medical school curricula. These include earlier exposure to patient care, growing focus on the science of health systems, more team-based learning opportunities, shorter times to completion and greater emphasis on new technology. “Medical Education: Health Care Trends 2016 – 2017 Edition,” a report issued by the AMA’s Council on Long Range Planning and Development, cites how widespread change already is happening in some areas.

Case in point: A survey by the Liaison Committee on Medical Education found the number of schools requiring interprofessional education doubled in less than ten years—from 44 percent in the 2007 – 2008 school year to 88 percent in 2014 – 2015. Hot spots of change Creating the med school of the future Related coverage. Fortune. FORTUNE — Healthcare today is often really the “practice of medicine” rather than the “science of medicine.” Take fever as an example. For 150 years, doctors have routinely prescribed antipyretics like ibuprofen to help reduce fever. But in 2005, researchers at the University of Miami, Florida, ran a study of 82 intensive care patients. The patients were randomly assigned to receive antipyretics either if their temperature rose beyond 101.3°F (“standard treatment”) or only if their temperature reached 104°F.

As the trial progressed, seven people getting the standard treatment died, while there was only one death in the group of patients allowed to have a higher fever. At this point, the trial was stopped because the team felt it would be unethical to allow any more patients to get the standard treatment. Today’s diagnoses are partially informed by patients’ medical histories and partially by symptoms (but patients are bad at communicating what’s really going on).

Www.forbes. Www.forbes. Is not available outside of the United States. Certain Antidepressants Change Personality. Postgraduate education. Postgraduate education, or graduate education in North America, involves learning and studying for academic or professional degrees, academic or professional certificates, academic or professional diplomas, or other qualifications for which a first or bachelor's degree generally is required, and it is normally considered to be part of higher education. In North America, this level is generally referred to as graduate school (or sometimes colloquially as grad school). The organization and structure of postgraduate education varies in different countries, as well as in different institutions within countries.[1] This article outlines the basic types of courses and of teaching and examination methods, with some explanation of their history. Types of postgraduate qualification[edit] There are two main types of degrees studied for at the postgraduate level: academic and vocational degrees.

Degrees[edit] History[edit] Definition[edit] Honorary degrees[edit] Non-degree qualifications[edit] There's More to Life Than Being Happy. This is why some researchers are cautioning against the pursuit of mere happiness. In a new study, which will be published this year in a forthcoming issue of the Journal of Positive Psychology, psychological scientists asked nearly 400 Americans aged 18 to 78 whether they thought their lives were meaningful and/or happy. Examining their self-reported attitudes toward meaning, happiness, and many other variables -- like stress levels, spending patterns, and having children -- over a month-long period, the researchers found that a meaningful life and happy life overlap in certain ways, but are ultimately very different.

Leading a happy life, the psychologists found, is associated with being a "taker" while leading a meaningful life corresponds with being a "giver. " How do the happy life and the meaningful life differ? Happiness, they found, is about feeling good. A Beginner's Guide to Paying For Medical School | Student Doctor Network. By Matt Sutton, MD You got into medical school! Now how do you pay for it? You already sold a kidney and your grandma disinherited you after your last arrest.

What options are left? In this guide, I’ll provide a rundown of some basic options for funding medical school. This subject is very complex and my guide won’t be 100% comprehensive, but it’ll be a good starting point. As you prepare to matriculate, work with your school’s financial aid office to explore these and other options. There are several options for funding medical school: Cash (your own money) Scholarships and grants (other people’s money) Loans (other people’s money that you’ll have to pay back someday) Service programs (everybody’s money that you pay back with years of your life) But first things first: the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).

The FAFSA My wife says if you aren’t familiar with the FAFSA, you should talk to your mom because she’s been filling it out for you every year. The Funding 1. 2. 3. 4. Ezekiel Emanuel. Ezekiel Jonathan "Zeke" Emanuel (born September 6, 1957) is an American oncologist and bioethicist[2] and senior fellow at the Center for American Progress. He is the current Vice Provost for Global Initiatives at the University of Pennsylvania and chair of the Department of Medical Ethics and Health Policy.

Previously, Emanuel served as the Diane and Robert Levy University Professor at Penn. He holds a joint appointment at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine and the Wharton School and was formerly an associate professor at the Harvard Medical School until 1998 when he joined the National Institutes of Health. Family[edit] Emanuel is the son of Benjamin M. His two younger brothers are Chicago mayor Rahm Emanuel and Hollywood-based talent agent Ari Emanuel. Emanuel is a divorced father of three daughters. Education[edit] Emanuel graduated from Amherst College in 1979 and subsequently received his M.Sc. from the University of Oxford in Biochemistry.

Career[edit] Rationing[edit] Industrial and organizational psychology. Industrial and organizational psychology (also known as I–O psychology, occupational psychology, work psychology, WO psychology, IWO psychology and business psychology) is the scientific study of human behavior in the workplace and applies psychological theories and principles to organizations. I-O psychologists are trained in the scientist–practitioner model.

I-O psychologists contribute to an organization's success by improving the performance, satisfaction, safety, health and well-being of its employees. An I–O psychologist conducts research on employee behaviors and attitudes, and how these can be improved through hiring practices, training programs, feedback, and management systems.[1] I–O psychologists also help organizations and their employees transition among periods of change and organization development. Historical overview[edit] World War II brought in new problems that led to I–O Psychology's continued development. Research methods[edit] Topics[edit] Job analysis[edit] Anyone considering an MD/PhD in humanities/social sciences? | Student Doctor Network.

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