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Breathtaking Photos Of Witch Doctors And Healers Reveal The Spiritual Diversity Of Bolivia. Artists Thomas Rousset and Raphaël Verona traveled across the Altiplano region of Bolivia for a very specific reason.

Breathtaking Photos Of Witch Doctors And Healers Reveal The Spiritual Diversity Of Bolivia

They wanted to photograph the astounding spiritual diversity of the landlocked South American expanses, capturing portraits of the healers, witch doctors and medicine men who keep traditional mystic culture alive. Living in a beautiful space between the country's storied religious past and its rapidly advancing present, these figures represent magical realism in the 21st century. From a snapshot of masked women lounging beside an antenna-equipped television to a crowded storage room packed to the brim with curious relics, Rousset and Verona's series reveals a quietly fascinating religious realm not often seen by Western audiences. Many of the images are staged, populated by merchants and makers of ritual objects in places like La Paz, Oruro, and Potosi. Annals of ye legacy - Humans of New York.

American History Myths Debunked: White Settlers Did Not Carve America Out of the Untamed Wilderness. We’ve spent the last six days going through’s popular post “6 Ridiculous Lies You Believe About the Founding of America,” breaking each myth down, taking a look at their sources and adding our own.

American History Myths Debunked: White Settlers Did Not Carve America Out of the Untamed Wilderness

The last myth we’re going to dive into is myth number two, “White Settlers Did Not Carve America Out of the Untamed Wilderness,” which says the “pilgrims were the first in a parade of brave settlers who pushed civilization westward along the frontier with elbow grease and sheer grizzled-old-man strength.” That’s not exactly how it happened though.

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