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Mysteries of a Nazi Photo Album. Wednesday | Updated Readers of Lens and EinesTages quickly figured out that the photographer was Franz Krieger.

Mysteries of a Nazi Photo Album

(“World War II Mystery Solved in a Few Hours.”) And that his wife and children did not survive the war. Lens has shared this story with Der Spiegel, the leading German newsweekly, and Spiegel Online, its Web edition. We hope readers of Spiegel’s EinesTages site (Once Upon a Time) can help solve a 70-year-old mystery: Who created this photo album of the Eastern Front? Lens hat Spiegel Online bei dieser Geschichte um Unterstützung gebeten. There are certainly many photo albums of Nazi leaders and many photo albums of the Nazis’ victims. At least one does, however, and it has surfaced in New York City. Two pages in this album, on the Eastern Front in 1941, are devoted to prisoners. Four pages later, there is Hitler himself, waiting at a train station for the arrival of Adm.

Clearly, this photographer had a lot of access — and not a little talent. But who was he? Ogefr. Dr. Ogefr. Unveiling the Pictures of the Year, as Judged by Pictures of the Year International. After two weeks of semi-suspense, the Missouri School of Journalism has announced the winners of the Pictures of the Year International competition.

Unveiling the Pictures of the Year, as Judged by Pictures of the Year International

To the extent that any person or institution might be called the biggest winner of such a sprawling contest, Barbara Davidson and The Los Angeles Times plainly took top honors. Ms. Davidson, a staff photographer at The Times, won the community awareness award, the issue reporting picture story award (newspaper division) and the feature picture story award (newspaper division) for her series documenting the devastating aftermath of gang violence in the lives of those who have been caught in the crossfire. The newspaper itself won the award for overall excellence in editing, the newspaper editing portfolio award and the award for online publication best use. Barbara Davidson/The Los Angeles TimesFirst place, feature picture story (newspaper division): Josue plays alone on the porch. One of the most affecting of Ms. The fact that some of Mr. Jason E. Powell, Cameraist · PHOTO - Un collectif photo documente les effets de la crise aux Etats-Unis (Facing - Big Browser - Blog

En son temps, la Farm Security Administration avait engagé des photographes pour documenter les effets de la Grande Dépression américaine des années 1930.

PHOTO - Un collectif photo documente les effets de la crise aux Etats-Unis (Facing - Big Browser - Blog

Des grands noms de la photographie comme Dorothea Lange ou Walker Evans en avaient tiré un portrait devenu iconique de la crise et de ses victimes. Cette période a grandement influencé les photographes américains jusqu'à aujourd'hui et les a poussés à se pencher avec acuité sur les problèmes sociaux de leur pays. Un collectif de photographes de renom (Anthony Suau, Danny Wilcox Frazier, Stanley Greene, Brenda Ann Kenneally, David Burnett...) s'est lancé sur la trace de ces glorieux aînés pour dresser le portrait d'une Amérique où les effets de la crise financière se font toujours sentir. Deux ans après la chute des grands noms de Wall Street, les anonymes de "Main Street" (la classe moyenne, les petits commerçants, les ouvriers…) souffrent encore, disent leurs photos. Le nom du collectif, Facing Changes, a des accents prophétiques.