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Brownies and bars

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Lemon Bars With Olive Oil and Sea Salt Recipe. A brownie by any other name… Love brownies. Love their shiny, flaky top that shatters into micro-thin shards that shower onto your fingers as you eat. Love their dark, gooey center. Their “chocolate nirvana” flavor. Sometimes can’t deal with the bake, wait to cool, cutting into squares messiness and fuss of brownies. Want something I can enjoy within 5 minutes of its exit from the oven. Something I can put on a plate and take with me – fast. Every time I make these cookies (which, truth be told, is quite often), I think of a former colleague, Ana, who left King Arthur last year in order to be a full-time mom to her 2-year-old twins. The test kitchen bakers loved Ana. Ana still visits occasionally, 2-year-olds in tow. And when she does, she’ll invariably nose out any chocolate, and treat us to her classic reaction: “Perfect!

These cookies are basically brownies: flat, round, 2 ½” brownies. First task: Combine the chocolate and butter. Melt in the microwave till softened… …then stir till smooth. Buy vs. Sticky Cranberry Gingerbread Recipe. 15 Recipes for Brownies, Bar, and Blondies (It's Okay, Have Seconds) Recipe |... The Very Best Brownies. Chewy Toffee Bars - Living Sweet Moments. Cardamom Coffee Dirty Blondies - The View from Great Island. Blondies Recipe. Please welcome Simply Recipes guest author Garrett McCord who shares with us his favorite blondie recipe. Blondies are often called brownies without chocolate which I find silly; blondies are a dessert with their own unique deliciousness and personality.

Whereas brownies depend on chocolate for their flavor, for blondies it’s all about the brown sugar, giving the blondies their distinctive molasses flavor. Chewy, rich, and flavorful blondies, when made right, are an indulgent dessert that are hard to resist. This is my “go-to” dessert recipe since it only takes about 5 minutes to make and then throw in the oven. I can’t count how many times I dashed this together so that last second company could arrive to a freshly baked treat. Since brown sugar is the critical flavor here, I suggest using dark brown sugar. Ingredients Method 1 Preheat the oven to 350°F. 2 Add the egg and vanilla extract and whisk. 3 Add the flour, baking soda, baking powder, and salt, mix it all together.

Rhubarb Bars. Strawberry Rhubarb Dessert Bars Recipe - - 124335. Pumpkin Bars with Cream Cheese Frosting. Cider mills, apples, cinnamon, doughnuts, sweaters, jeans, boots, leaves, football, tailgate parties, pies, soups, stews, chili...those are what come to mind when I think of fall. The air turns nice and crisp and I am immediately reminded of fall in Michigan, with all of the beautiful leaves and the perfect weather to leave the house wearing jeans, a sweater, cute boots and a scarf. My all-time favorite outfit. Another item that always comes to mind when I think of fall always puts a huge smile on my face. As soon as the first of October arrives, I immediately take out my fall decor from the storage closet and begin placing these beautiful little gems all around the house. I have quite the collection already and I'm always picking up more whenever I go to the store. What item might this be? I love pumpkins. Do you know what else I love about pumpkins? Pumpkin Bars with Cream Cheese Frosting Ingredients: Bars * Recipe slightly adapted from Paula Deen.

Frozen Strawberry Squares Recipe. Cheesecake Bars. I was in the mood for something cold and lip-smackingly sweet. Something I could sink my teeth into. Something to maintain my weight. So I made this treat with a few of my favorite things. Cheesecake. Chocolate. (Hello there my friend) and these cookies. If you ever fly Delta, then you’ve probably had them before. They’re a crunchy, no-frills, sans chocolate type of cookie. So I thought they would be great to use for the cheesecake crust. Throw the cookies into a food processor and chop them up into beautiful golden brown cookie powder. About 1 1/2 cups worth. Then add 3 tablespoons of brown sugar. Don’t you love how packed brown sugar looks? To make the crust, mix the cookie crumbs and brown sugar together. Mix up the cheescake ingredients and pour it on the crust. Oh yeah! Then bake it at 325 degrees for about 45 minutes. And let it cool.

And try not to eat it. Then whip up some chocolate ganache to pour on top. Oh yeah. Cut into cute little cheesecake bars… Makes about 30 bars. The Motherlode Layered Cookie Bars! Good Thursday folks! I know this cookie should absolutely be illegal, but let me tell you it is so much fun! Just imagine all of your favorite cookies layered into one bar of fabulousness! Now, don’t go and eat this on a regular basis, but do bring it to your next party or gathering and watch them disappear! At first glance it may look like a lot to prepare, but each cookie dough can be made in under 10 minutes, so don’t be turned off by the steps below. See the picture below for all the incredible cookie layers. The Mother Load Layered Cookie Bars Layer 1: Sugar Cookie 1 Roll of Pillsbury Sugar Cookie Dough 1.

Layer 2: Double Chocolate Chip Cookie (the recipe below makes double what you’ll need for the bars, use extra for cookies) 1 cup butter 1 cup white sugar 3/4 cup brown sugar 2 eggs 1 tsp. vanilla 1 3/4 cups flour 1 1/4 cups cocoa powder (I used Hershey’s Dark Chocolate Cocoa Powder) 2 tsps. baking soda 1/4 tsp. salt 1 1/2 cups chocolate chips 1. 2. Layer 3: Peanut Butter Cookie 1 egg 1. Chocolate Toffee Bars. Chocolate Toffee Bars KILLER. That’s the best description for this rich, decadent dessert.

If you are looking for something impressive to add to your holiday menu or to take to a party, this is the dessert. I adapted this from one of my Southern Living books. I don’t think I’ve ever made a Southern Living recipe that I didn’t love; the magazine and cookbooks have been inspiration for many of my recipes. This has a cookie crust, gooey filling and a great toffee crunch topped with chocolate, I am talking rich and delicious. Chocolate Toffee Bars adapted from Southern Living Ingredients: 3/4 cup butter or margarine, softened 3/4 cup firmly packed brown sugar 1 egg yolk 1 1/2 cups all purpose flour 1/4 teaspoon salt 1 14 oz can sweetened condensed milk 2 tablespoons butter or margarine 1 tablespoon strongly brewed coffee 1 cup toffee bits 1 12 oz package milk chocolate chips Add flour and salt, stirring just until blended.

Enjoy! Miss Tagged as: chocolate, cookie bars, sweetened condensed milk, toffee. How To Make Perfect Brownies. I’ve tried lots of brownie recipes: Boxes, scratch, frosted, plain, nuts, chips, fudge … Each of them has something to like, but depending on my mood I might want a change of pace. Not any more. My wife found this recipe, and it’s perfect. I’m done looking. This is the brownie recipe that I’ll use from now on. Ingredients 1½ cups sugar ¾ cup flour ¾ cup cocoa powder (see note below) 3 eggs ¾ cup butter, melted ½ teaspoon salt (if using unsalted butter) ¾ cup semi-sweet chocolate chips (see note below) Directions A NOTE ON CHOCOLATE: You’ll notice the list of ingredients is very short. The assembly is about as easy as you can get. Do this by hand, until the dry ingredients are just incorporated into the wet, and stop. Stir in the chocolate chips. Line a 9×13 baking dish with parchment.

Pour the batter and spread it out. Bake at 325° for 20-30 minutes. Very carefully lift the parchment out of the baking dish. Peel the edges and let cool for a few minutes before slicing. Like this recipe? Brownies, as they should be. Nutella Brownies. These Nutella Brownies almost didn’t happen. They were a last minute, oh hey, chocolate sounds kinda good, let’s do our favorite brownie recipe. Then, as I was grabbing the flour from my cabinet, I bumped into the jar of Nutella and, well, I just went with it. Divine intervention, y’all. It’s a thing. After seeing how decadent and fudgy they were, I busted out my macro lens. I usually shoot with a 50mm 1.4, but these were begging for my dusty ol’ macro that I never use and yet can’t seem to part with.

I think it’s safe to say that the macro will be getting plenty of use after these photos. Now, seriously, I’ll get around to a healthy recipe one of these days. After receiving a couple of comments from those of you who have tried these, I wanted to clarify that the predominant flavor here is chocolate, not Nutella. Print Save These decadent brownies are full of Nutella, cocoa, and milk chocolate for a super fudgy treat! Ingredients: Directions: Pre-heat the oven to 350 degrees. A brownie by any other name… Better-Than-Crack-Brownies.

I’m sorry for doing this to you. I really am. But see, last Friday while I was on a 10-hour road trip heading for vacation, I received this recipe from a reader named Liz. Liz, I love you. That’s all I have to say. I was tortured by this recipe for a full 8 days before I could make it. So it was the first thing I made when I returned home. These are an absolute sin. I really don’t have any words, other than you must try them. They may also change your waistline too. But that’s okay. It’s all in the name of chocolate. Better-Than-Crack Brownies 1 batch brownies (boxed mix or oooey gooey brownies) 1/2 cup salted peanuts (if don’t have salted, add sea salt) 1 cup chopped Reese’s peanut butter cups 1 1/2 cup milk chocolate chips 1 1/2 cup creamy peanut butter 1/2 tablespoon butter 1 1/2 cups Rice Krispies Cereal Mix brownies according to directions, and bake for 20-25 minutes in a 9 x 13 baking dish.

While they are finishing baking, melt chocolate chips, peanut butter and butter. Mr. Bake sale week: raspberry lemonade bars. I know this seems like a bit of a cop out, seeing as last year I made those lime bars, but the name of these just makes you want one, doesn’t it? It’s like one last throw back to the summertime captured in a cookie. raspberry lemonade bars for the crust: 9 tablespoons unsalted butter (1 stick, plus one tablespoon) 1/4 cup (50g) superfine sugar (or regular granulated) 1 cup (100g) of unbleached all-purpose flour pinch salt for the filling: 1 1/2 cups (287g) superfine sugar (or regular granulated) 3 egg whites 1 egg 2/3 cup (150mL) freshly squeezed lemon juice (from 3 lemons) 2 tablespoons lemon zest (from 2 lemons) 2/3 cup (65g) unbleached, all-purpose flour pinch of salt 1-2 cups (150-275g) of frozen raspberries, defrosted 1 tablespoon confectioner’s sugar 1.

Preheat oven to 350 degrees (180 degrees Celsius). 2. 3. 4. Raspberry Cheesecake Bars. I’ve realized that cream cheese seems to have some strong magical power over me these days. See? It got me again, the cream cheese. And you know what? I’m really glad for that. Because these bars, THESE BARS. They are GORGEOUS. Just imagine a piece of heavenly cake where cream cheese meets raspberries, almonds and coconut and you might get some distant drooling idea what I’m talking about.

To know perfectly what I mean you have to – HAVE TO – make them. You’ll be happy, I’m tellin’ ya! These are the ingredients. 1. 2. 3. . … it resembles crumbs. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. . … and using a spoon or an offset spatula (if you are a big girl/boy) spread the mixture… … to achieve smooth and even surface. 12. 13. 14. . … and even out the surface. ( I placed the preserves into the microwave oven for a couple of seconds to make the mixture warmer and more liquid.) 15.

Mix them with one cup coconut. 16. Like this. 17. 18. 19. Chill in the refrigerator for 3 hours before cutting into bars. Store in the refrigerator. Chocolate Mint Brownies - Scrumptious Photography. On my rugby team, we used to have a captain who was like the team mom. She would make delicious baked goods all the time and bring them for us to eat after our games (needless to say, we were very sad when she retired to have a baby... lucky kid!).

One of the most awesome things she made were brownies with a layer of mint frosting, so when I stumbled across this recipe, I knew I had to give it a try. The end result was SO GOOD -- rich brownie complemented by cool mint. These little guys (they were cut into 1" squares) were so tasty and easy-to-do that I made them twice in one week, the second time for my brother's birthday party, and both times they were a huge hit. --recipe--Chocolate Mint Brownies, with my notesoriginal from Joy of Baking website Brownie Layer: Mint Layer: Chocolate Glaze: 3 ounces (90 grams) semisweet chocolate, chopped (Here, I used Scharffen Berger 70%)1 tablespoon (14 grams) unsalted butter Makes about 81 1-inch (2.5 cm) squares. Happy 4th of July to those celebrating! Crème de Menthe Brownies. I have been thinking about these brownies for ten years. Ten. That's since high school.

I mean, I realize my dad teases me by saying that I've never forgotten a meal (which is true) but ten years is a long time to pine after brownies. My friend J's mom made them for me when I single-handedly got him into college. J was in town the other week, and we met for lunch. Crème de Menthe BrowniesFrom J's Wonderful Mom. For the brownie layer:1 cup sugar1/2 cup butter, at room temperature1 teaspoon vanilla4 eggs, beaten1 cup flour1 16-oz can of Hershey's chocolate syrup (I could only find a large can, so I weighed out 16 ozs) For the Mint Layer:1/2 cup room temperature butter2 cups powdered sugar3 tablespoons crème de menthe For the Top Chocolate Layer:6 oz chocolate chips6 tablespoons butter (J's mom uses 8 ozs chocolate and 8 tablespoons butter, but I forgot to increase) For the brownies:Preheat the oven to 350 F, and grease a 9x13" baking pan.