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Copyright Term and the Public Domain in the United States. Notes 1.

Copyright Term and the Public Domain in the United States

This chart was first published in Peter B. Hirtle, "Recent Changes To The Copyright Law: Copyright Term Extension," Archival Outlook, January/February 1999. This version is current as of . The most recent version is found at For some explanation on how to use the chart and complications hidden in it, see Peter B. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. The copyright notice for phonorecords embodying a sound recording is different from that for other works. 1. . ; and 2. 3. 4. 2004 X.Y.Z. 16. 17. 19. and may have inherited UCC obligations and protections from the , which joined the UCC on . E. e. cummings. News from the Raven: Essays from Sam Houston State University on Medieval ... Creating and Sharing Custom Microsoft Word Styles. In the last post on Microsoft Word’s Styles feature, we learned how to apply Styles to the text in your documents and how using Styles can enhance legal document readability and enforce consistent document standards.

Creating and Sharing Custom Microsoft Word Styles

Using the skills developed in the last Styles post, you can tweak an existing Style set to your liking. But how do you save it for future use? And can others in your workgroup use it, too? Unless otherwise noted below, all instructions and screenshots are for Microsoft Office 2010 for Windows. Before we discuss sharing your new Styles (using Word 2010 to demonstrate), though, we’ll need to talk about how and where they’re saved on your computer. The relationship between Styles and Templates Microsoft Word Styles live, so to speak, in Microsoft Word Templates, which are files containing document specifications such as margins, page size, default font, paragraph justification, etc.

Normal’s not the only choice you have, though. Creating new Quick Style Sets (photo: Inspirational Graduation Speeches for College and High School. These are truly inspirational graduation speeches worth reading from the beginning to the end.

Inspirational Graduation Speeches for College and High School

Since 2010, I also create top ten lists for the best speeches of the year, so if you are looking to find some of the best commencement addresses in the recent past, look no further. Truth be told, I love each and every speech I collected on this site. This is why the top 10 list was really hard to make; I believe you can't go wrong with any of the speeches in the Graduation Wisdom collection, there is something to learn and share from every single commencement speech. Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice.

Commencement Address at Stanford University, 2005 It doesn't matter that your dream came true if you spent your whole life sleeping. Commencement Address at University of Wisconsin, 2003 Commencement Address at University of Texas Austin, 2014 Commencement Address at Kenyon Collge 2005. An Archive of Inspirational Graduation Speeches. I have been collecting commencement addresses with inspirational quotes for the past eight years now and when I talk about my passion for collecting graduation speeches people often ask me which one is my favorite.

An Archive of Inspirational Graduation Speeches

I tell them I have over 150 best speeches. It might sound hard to believe but truly, each and every one of these speeches has beautifully crafted words of advice and touching stories. Commencement speeches have been known to be boring and I am the first one to agree, knowing all too well that to put together this collection I have read probably more than 1,000 platitude peppered speeches. Luckily, you can skip the boring ones and instead use this collection and take the plunge: be inspired, come along for the ride, and bask in this timeless advice. You May Also Like: How to Write A Graduation Speech.