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Where Did All the Entry-Level Jobs Go? Entry-level work isn't what it used to be.

Where Did All the Entry-Level Jobs Go?

Companies bruised by the recession have stayed lean by automating and outsourcing core functions while slashing training budgets and payrolls. But in an effort to cut costs, some companies also have cut entry-level jobs that serve as a crucial first step on the path to a professional career. And others have made the responsibilities for first-timers more sophisticated, raising the bar for new graduates, who are expected to arrive job-ready from day one. These developments may be making it more difficult for some young adults to gain a foothold in the labor market, economists say. The unemployment rate for people 20- to 24-years-old is falling as the economy recovers, but remained at a historically high 11.3% in July.

Managers at State Street Corp. Four years ago, the Boston-based bank began an overhaul of its technology systems to cut costs and streamline operations. Managers began to ask, "What's the new entry-level job? " Job Interviews: 5 Questions Great Candidates Ask. Thank You Email After Job Interview Example. Here is an example of a thank you email message to send after a job interview.

Thank You Email After Job Interview Example

When relaying your appreciation for the opportunity to interview be sure to send your message right away. Use the example message below to get a sense of how to format your email and what information should be included. Subject Line of Email Message:Thank You - Assistant Account Executive Interview Email Message: Dear Mr. Last Name: It was very enjoyable to speak with you today about the assistant account executive position at the Smith Agency. In addition to my enthusiasm, I will bring to the position strong writing skills, assertiveness, and the ability to encourage others to work cooperatively with the department. I appreciate the time you took to interview me. Sincerely, Your NameEmail AddressAddressPhone Number Related Articles Please Note: This sample is provided for guidance only. Job Search Samples: Letters, Resumes, Cover Letters & Supporting Documents. How to Write a Networking Email That Gets Responses.

Career Services. You are here: Career Services > Job & internship search guide > Networking Why network?

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Personal contacts / networking is consistently the largest single source of accepted jobs for Virginia Tech graduates. We ask each academic year's grads: of grads got their jobs through networking and referrals. [varies by college] Job source by college (pdf): Percentage of employed grads who cited networking and other means as the source of the jobs they accepted. Networking is: 1st- or 2nd-place job source for total university for ten years. 1st- or 2nd-place for all colleges, except 3rd-place source once for BUS & often for ENGR. What is it? Networking is different from applying for jobs — but it can lead to one. Online networking LinkedIn LinkedIn is the current primary tool for online professional networking.

Of employers have rejected a job candidates because of information found about the person online. What are the rules? Don't ask flat out for a job. Why the email above is weak: Related topics: