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10 Great Free Google Forms Every Teacher Should Be Using. Today's post is about a great work that has been done by our colleague Tom Barret. He has created awesome example forms for different topics. He has also made all these forms available for us to download and use with our students. To download any of the forms below, make sure to visit Tom's original post. 1- Get to Know your Class Use this form to collect information about your students such as their likes, dislikes, club affiliations, and many more. 2- Emotion Graph This is a form ideal for use by students when studying linear narrative both written or visual. 3- Spelling Test As its name suggests , this form is great for use inside the classroom to test students spelling. 4- Comprehension Questions This is a form that test students understanding of a text or anything thing else you want to test. 5- Weekly Reading Record This is a form where students can provide data about their reading. 6- Maths Data Handling 7- Guided Reading Record 8- Prior Learning Assessment 9- Library Book Review.

Showcase. SIMILE Widgets. Google Ramayana. Insights para pesquisa - Pesquisa na web do Google Interesse: sesc - São Paulo (Brasil), Últimos 90 dias. Look at Cook: Brought to you by Cook County Commissioner John Fritchey. « back to Cook County Budget Explore Cook County's budget from 1993 to 2012 and learn how the money is being spent. Read more or check out the FAQ » Where's the money going? Every year our Cook County government budgets and spends more than $3 billion. The County's budget impacts our lives every day. All of its funding comes from you—your sales and property taxes, your purchase fees on gas, and other goods. This budget transparency tool was created to answer that question, but it's only the first step. Fusion Tables. Como usar o Google Refine na sua próxima matéria. Licença do tipo Creative Commons, cortesia de LarimdaME no Flickr.

Depois de meses de telefonemas, e-mails e muita paciência, você finalmente obteve o conjunto de dados de uma agência governamental. Antes de sonhar sobre como vai ganhar um prêmio Pulitzer com as matérias incríveis que irá escrever, você percebe que o conjunto de dados é confuso e difícil de entender. O Google Refine permite limpar os dados para que você possa começar a trabalhar neles e tirar conclusões. Primeiro você precisa fazer o download do Google Refine. Como explicado neste tutorial, apesar de você usá-lo através de seu navegador, o Refine é um aplicativo do desktop.

Isto significa que você não tem que se preocupar em carregar dados sensíveis na Internet. Depois de dar um nome ao seu projeto e clicar no botão "create project" (criar projeto), você verá os dados exibidos no Google Refine. Agora você está pronto para começar a trabalhar no seu projeto. Refine - Google Refine, a power tool for working with messy data (formerly Freebase Gridworks)

Facebook Friends Visualization - YASIV. Treemap Component. DrasticTreemap 1.5 is a dynamic treemap component. In the example above, it is used to display all 2155 orders from the well known northwind sales database. Initially, each sales order is represented by a rectangle and colored based on the product that was ordered, The orders are grouped by product category and its size represents the revenue on the order. As you can see, beverages, and diary products had the highest revenue. The largest order was an order for 60 bottles of Côte de Blaye for 263.5 each, without any discount. You can change the coloring, grouping, sizing and visualisation type to see other data patterns. For example try grouping by employee to see who had the highest revenue in total (Margaret Peacock) or group by product and size by quantity to see that Camembert Pierrot was sold most and Mishi Kobe Niku the least.

You can use DrasticTreemap to display your own data on your own web page. Quadrigram. Crossfilter. Fast Multidimensional Filtering for Coordinated Views Crossfilter is a JavaScript library for exploring large multivariate datasets in the browser. Crossfilter supports extremely fast (<30ms) interaction with coordinated views, even with datasets containing a million or more records; we built it to power analytics for Square Register, allowing merchants to slice and dice their payment history fluidly. Since most interactions only involve a single dimension, and then only small adjustments are made to the filter values, incremental filtering and reducing is significantly faster than starting from scratch. Crossfilter uses sorted indexes (and a few bit-twiddling hacks) to make this possible, dramatically increasing the perfor­mance of live histograms and top-K lists.

Example: Airline on-time performance The coordinated visualizations below (built with D3) show nearly a quarter-million flights from early 2001: part of the ASA Data Expo dataset. February 28, 2001 236 mi. +139 min. 304 mi. 569 mi.