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How to Keep SSH Connections Alive In Linux. For those that need to work constantly on SSH, it can be very frustrating when the system cut you off after a period of time.

How to Keep SSH Connections Alive In Linux

This article shows you the method to keep SSH connection alive until you disconnect it. Login to your remote system, or open the terminal in your own computer. Open the /etc/ssh/ssh_config file. sudo nano /etc/ssh/ssh_config and add the following line to the end of the file: What this option does is to send a null packet to the server at every 60 seconds (of inactivity) to keep the SSH connection alive. How to Audit Your Linux Security With Lynis. For most home-based situations, you won’t have to bother with the security of your Linux machine.

How to Audit Your Linux Security With Lynis

It is pretty secure by default. However, if you are using your computer as a server, either SSH server or Web server, or you are the system administrator for your company, then you will have to step up on the Linux security. Anatomía de una conferencia de Linux (Infografía) 5 de los mejores convertidores de video gratuitos para Mac y PC. A dive in music html5/webGL experiment. How to Use WinSCP for File Transfer Tutorial. WinSCP (Windows Secure Copy) is an open source SecureFTP client for Windows.

How to Use WinSCP for File Transfer Tutorial

It allows secure file transfers between the client's local computer and the remote server. In order to establish a secure connection through WinSCP the SSH support should be enabled. Systemback: Restore Your Linux System To Previous State. A couple of months ago, we have described an awesome tool called TimeShift that can be used to restore your Linux desktop to the previous working state in Unixmen.

Systemback: Restore Your Linux System To Previous State

In the same series, today I introduce a new tool named systemback. Systemback is an open source, system backup and restore application. Using Systemback, we can easily create backups of system and users configuration files. In case of problems, we can easily restore the previous state of the system. There are extra features like system copying, system installation and Live system creation. Linux RAID 5 - Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks. Hi Unixmen readers, I am Vishal Vyas, a Linux System Administrator from India.

Linux RAID 5 - Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks

I am new here, so please be nice with me. In this quick how-to, let us see how to setup Raid level 5 on Linux. For more details about RAID 5, please refer this link. Linux RAID 5 requires at least three disks. Image credit: Wikipedia. Understanding Pipes and Redirection For the Linux Command Line. Two powerful features of the Linux command line shell are redirection and pipes which allow the output (or even input) of a program to be sent to a file or another program.

Understanding Pipes and Redirection For the Linux Command Line

You may have already used this features without being aware of it. Whenever you have used the “>” sign in a command or “|” then you have used redirection or a pipe, respectively. On all Unix-like operating systems, like Linux and FreeBSD, the output from a command line program automatically goes to a place known as standard output (stdout). Simular carga en servidor linux con un solo comando. Linux: 25 PHP Security Best Practices For Sys Admins. PHP is an open-source server-side scripting language and it is a widely used.

Linux: 25 PHP Security Best Practices For Sys Admins

The Apache web server provides access to files and content via the HTTP OR HTTPS protocol. A misconfigured server-side scripting language can create all sorts of problems. So, PHP should be used with caution. Bonus track: ¡Distribuciones! SVGeezy - a JS plugin for SVG fallbacks. 13 Essential Tools to Check Cross-Browser Compatibility. With an endless combination of modern and legacy browsers for users to choose from (depending on their system capabilities), it's our responsibility as designers and developers to ensure the websites we build perform adequately.

13 Essential Tools to Check Cross-Browser Compatibility

Testing multiple browsers on multiple platforms isn't just difficult — it can be virtually impossible without the correct resources. However there are tools that let you comprehensively test your website, and check if it successfully displays across various browsers, platforms and resolutions. Curso Maquetación Web. Using FTP Over SSL in IIS 7. Compatibility Introduction Microsoft has created a new FTP service that has been completely rewritten for Windows Server® 2008.

Using FTP Over SSL in IIS 7

Tutorial: Como usar la API de Google Font. Si google tiene una característica buena para los programadores es que todas sus APIs son muy fáciles de implementar, desde la API de Google Maps que esta tendencia se viene repitiendo, y por suerte para nosotros la API de Google Font no es la excepción.

Tutorial: Como usar la API de Google Font

Hoy me puse a jugar un poco con ella y quería comentarle a modo de guía básica como funcionar, para que sirve y sobre todo como implementar esta fantástica herramienta. Comencemos. ¿Para que sirve la API de Google Font? Principalmente para que podamos utilizar cualquier familia de tipografías en nuestro sitio web, independientemente de las que son consideradas por defectos en los navegadores más populares. Siempre fue una critica hacia los navegadores las pocas tipografías aceptadas por defecto, pero desde hace un tiempo existen varias alternativas como FLIR para que los diseñadores puedan implementar cualquier familia de fuentes.

¿Cuando debería utilizar la API de Google Font? Bien, me gusto ¿Que necesito para empezar? OwnCloud 6 Released With Online Collaborative Document Editing, More. OwnCloud, a free software alternative to proprietary web services such as Dropbox, Google Drive and others that you can install on your own server, has reached version 6. For those not familiar with ownCloud, this is a tool that you can install on your server (there are also desktop and mobile sync clients) which comes with a web interface that provides access to file management, calendars, tasks, image gallery, music player, document viewer and more. It features file, contacts and calendar sync, quickly share files, calendars and so on, file versioning (you can easily revert the changes you make to a file) and support for external storage so you can mount Dropbox, Swift, FTPs, GoogleDrive, S3 and external WebDAV servers from ownCloud. More about ownCloud features. The latest ownCloud 6 features an improved design, performance improvements as well as new features: Install ownCloud in Ubuntu Ubuntu 13.10 users can install ownCloud (server) by using the commands below: Download ownCloud.

The Capitol - The Official Government of Panem. How to read music - Tim Hansen. A victory for open source in Munich. Hirschgarten, in the west of Munich, is one of Europe's biggest beer gardens, with over 8,000 places to sit. It's a spectacular sight in summer: hundreds of benches as far as the eye can see, trees providing some shelter from the heat, and a vast number of people relaxing and enjoying the city's famous beers. But while 8,000 is an impressive number, it's not as impressive as 15,000. NFC explained – Nokia Conversations : the official Nokia blog. NFC as an acronym probably doesn’t sound that exciting. However, as a technology, NFC is fascinating. Nokia has used it in mobile phones since 2004, but the concept of NFC actually dates back to the 1830s.

It is believed that the technology behind NFC was first discovered by English scientist Michael Faraday, in 1831. However, it’s disputed that it was in fact Francesco Zantedeschi who discovered it in 1829. What is a Linux Distribution and How to Choose the Best One. If someone asks you what version of Linux are you using, they probably don’t mean which version of the Linux kernel are you running, but rather which Linux distribution are you using and the version number of that distribution. Technically, Linux is just an operating system kernel and all the other bits like the tools, the graphical user interface and the apps are written separately and independently from that kernel. In fact many of the tools and GUIs run equally well on systems like FreeBSD.

From early on, “Linux” became the de facto name for the entire OS from its kernel right up to the desktop and it is this combination of kernel, installer, tools, GUI and apps which is known as a Linux distribution (or distro). Open Source Software: Sailing Into Friendlier Seas. Compare Top Ecommerce Platforms Debating SaaS vs. on-premise for your ecommerce platform? In this free guide, you'll get a side-by-side comparison of the major ecommerce solutions and how they handle security, uptime, analytics, account support, and more.Download the guide!

By Jack M. 30 Cool Open Source Software I Discovered in 2013. These are full-featured open source software products, free as in beer and speech that I started to use recently. Vivek Gite picks his best open source software of 2013. Adblock detected 😱 My website is made possible by displaying online advertisements to my visitors. I get it! - an audio book publisher providing audio book downloads of philosophy and classic literature titles. Los 10 mejores programas de mantenimiento PC del 2012. Jon Preece - Full stack web and software developer. Create a Bootable Ubuntu 9.10 USB Flash Drive. The Ubuntu Live CD isn’t just useful for trying out Ubuntu before you install it, you can also use it to maintain and repair your Windows PC. Even if you have no intention of installing Linux, every Windows user should have a bootable Ubuntu USB drive on hand in case something goes wrong in Windows. Creating a bootable USB flash drive is surprisingly easy with a small self-contained application called UNetbootin.

How to get started with Snap.svg. Building open source in your spare time could revolutionize software. Outpost Security Suite FREE — The first Free Complete Internet Security Suite. This Music Is Designed to Help You Relax and Sleep. Top Three Duplicate Music File Cleaners. El menú ciclista se pasa al plato ovalado. El Comercio. Interview with Adam Miller of Red Hat on open source responsibility. Free Audio Books in Serialized Form - An MIT Project That Lets You Spy On Yourself : Planet Money. RefreshPC - Reset your PC's settings safely and easily. Samyroad, una nueva forma de encontrar, consumir y compartir contenido en Internet. How to Make Your Entire Internet Life More Secure in One Day. Drawing in perspective with Inkscape. Music Vault, el tributo a los amantes del rock con 13.000 piezas en directo. ¿Pensando en rolling release? Tres cosas que debes tener en cuenta.

Support Nixie creating videos to make you laugh and learn something. Midnight Juggernauts' "Memorium" Traces The Evolution Of CGI [Music Video Premiere] DTN, la solución para tener “Internet” en el espacio, y la NASA solicita nuestra ayuda. What is the Svchost.exe Process & Why Are So Many of it Running? Help EFF Test Privacy Badger, Our New Tool to Stop Creepy Online Tracking. New video: How ZEISS helps make Nokia smartphone cameras the world’s best. Live chat features to win customers hearts and drive more sales. I'm Gonna Be Ready - Yolanda Adams, "Believe" released Dec 04, 2001.

Automate the Web Using IFTTT: Useful Recipes to Get You Started. Do you know Prime Numbers - God may not play dice with the universe, but something strange is going on with the prime numbers #primenumbers.