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Especial 20 mejores aplicaciones para tablet android. Cada vez más las tablets son el elemento común y presente en muchos de nuestros hogares. Poco a poco, aunque de una manera bastante rápida, se han convertido en un gadget más con su importancia y utilidad particular. Ya hemos hablado mucho y os mantenemos al día de todo lo que va saliendo al respecto de estos aparatos. Pero uno de los elementos más importantes sin duda para el disfrute de las tablets son las aplicaciones que específicamente están diseñadas o adaptadas para ellas. Las aplicaciones son esenciales para tener una experiencia completa en una superficie tan amplia como es la pantalla de un tablet. Así que después de haber hecho hace algún tiempo un primer repaso a las aplicaciones que cumplen con estos requisitos, vamos con un segundo repaso. No es ningún ranking, ¡que conste! Aplicaciones de noticias / RSS 1. Sin duda una de las aplicaciones imprescindibles para todo buen lector de noticias.

Puedes leernos desde este enlace Descarga Google Currents del Google Play 2. 3. 5. 17. 20. PushBullet - Easily push to your Android devices. Un libro gratuito y una herramienta para quien programa Android. Vamos ahora a concentrarnos en los que desarrollan aplicaciones para Android y lo hacemos con dos enlaces que vale la pena revisar con calma: Fries Se trata de un framework de desarrollo para crear interfaces de aplicaciones en Android. No sirve únicamente para presentar prototipos o bocetos de apps a los clientes, también podemos usar Fries para desarrollar la parte de interacción de nuestra aplicación utilizando únicamente HTML, CSS y JS. En su página hay un ejemplo interactivo en la parte derecha, mostrando como es sencillo incluir formularios, barras, listas, botones, pestañas y demás componentes necesarios en toda interfaz para móviles.

Lo describen en como una de las pocas opciones que tienen los desarrolladores de Android de crear este tipo de interfaz de forma rápida, ya que en el mundo iOS existen muchas más opciones. Enlace: Introducción a Android Enlace: Google opens access to CalDAV API once again, adds CardDAV to the list. Developers of all sizes now have open access to both calendar and contact data syncing across the web Google announced today that it will be reopening access to its CalDAV API, and going one step further by adding open access to CardDAV as well. This is a bit of a technical subject, but CalDAV and CardDAV are open standards managed by Google that let developers keep both calendar (CalDAV) and contacts (CardDAV) synced across the web. For example, CalDAV and CardDAV are used by Apple for syncing data on iOS; Microsoft has also pledged to support the APIs since Google's announcement that it is shutting down EAS.

Back in March, Google decided to make CalDAV a partner-only API because it felt that there were only a few select large companies taking advantage of it. Following lots of feedback and information about how smaller developers were looking to make user of the APIs, Google decided that it was better left as an open option for anyone to use. Source: Google Developers Blog. Decrap - Windows PC De-crapifier, remove bloatware with ease!

Decrap removes bloatware from your factory fresh PC. PC manufacturers such as Dell, Asus, HP or Toshiba increase the revenue of each system they sell by installing third party software on these systems. They cooperate with software companies who pay them for the privilege of adding programs or files to the PCs. The applications added to PCs this way are commonly referred to as bloatware or crapware as they usually consist of trial software or software limited in other ways that the majority of users do not need at all. This can be a free trial version of antivirus software, a DVD burning software, or simply shortcuts on the desktop that link to sites on the Internet. Manufacturers in addition to that add programs of their own to the PC which are also often not needed to work with the PC.

The go-to program is PC Decrapifier as it has been around for years. The program displays a couple of tips to you on first start that act as a tutorial of sorts. The results are divided into several groups: Closing Words. 4 Effective Methods to Disable SELinux Temporarily or Permanently. By Ramesh Natarajan on June 1, 2009 On some of the Linux distribution SELinux is enabled by default, which may cause some unwanted issues, if you don’t understand how SELinux works and the fundamental details on how to configure it. I strongly recommend that you understand SELinux and implement it on your environment. But, until you understand the implementation details of SELinux you may want to disable it to avoid some unnecessary issues. To disable SELinux you can use any one of the 4 different methods mentioned in this article.

The SELinux will enforce security policies including the mandatory access controls defined by the US Department of Defence using the Linux Security Module (LSM) defined in the Linux Kernel. Method 1: Disable SELinux Temporarily To disable SELinux temporarily you have to modify the /selinux/enforce file as shown below. . # cat /selinux/enforce 1 # echo 0 > /selinux/enforce # cat /selinux/enforce 0 # setenforce 0 Method 2: Disable SELinux Permanently.

43.2. Introduction to SELinux. Security-Enhanced Linux (SELinux) is a security architecture integrated into the 2.6.x kernel using the Linux Security Modules (LSM). It is a project of the United States National Security Agency (NSA) and the SELinux community. SELinux integration into Red Hat Enterprise Linux was a joint effort between the NSA and Red Hat. SELinux provides a flexible Mandatory Access Control (MAC) system built into the Linux kernel. Under standard Linux Discretionary Access Control (DAC), an application or process running as a user (UID or SUID) has the user's permissions to objects such as files, sockets, and other processes. SELinux defines the access and transition rights of every user, application, process, and file on the system. On a day-to-day basis, system users will be largely unaware of SELinux.

The SELinux Decision Making Process Refer to the following diagram: Figure 43.1. SELinux Operating Modes For more information about how SELinux works, refer to Section 43.2.3, “Additional Resources”. CentOS / Redhat: Turn On SELinux Protection. SELinux enforces the idea that programs should be limited in what files they can access and what actions they can take. However, by default it is turned off under RHEL / CentOS 5.x server? How do I turn it on?

How can I enable SELinux on CentOS / RHEL 6 IBM server? SELinux is a kernel security extension, which can be used to guard against misconfigured or compromised programs. It comes with Mandatory Access Control (MAC) system that improves the traditional UNIX/Linux DAC (Discretionary Access Control) model. SELinux can be any one of the following state: enforcing - SELinux security policy is enforced.permissive - SELinux prints warnings instead of enforcing.disabled - SELinux is fully disabled. Step #1: Install additional SELinux packages Type the following the yum command: # yum install policycoreutils setroubleshoot Step #2: Run SELinux in permissive mode Edit /etc/selinux/config file, run: # vi /etc/selinux/config Update the configuration file as follows: Save and close the file. Altavoz inalámbrico SRS-BTV5 | Galería - Sony Smartphones (Spain) KDE Connect traerá la sincronización entre smartphones y escritorio.

Uno de los proyectos más interesantes de los que se están llevando a cabo en el GSoC de este año es KDE Connect. Como su nombre indica, va de conectar algo con KDE, y algo es nuestro smartphone. Es decir, KDE Connect va de integrar nuestro smartphone con el escritorio de una manera que suena a gloria, según la explican. KDE Connect es un proyecto del desarrollador Albert Vaca, del que daba buena cuenta su autor en la pasada Akademy de Bilbao.

El documento en el que apoyó su conferencia lo podéis ver en este enlace (PDF); ahí se explica todo de forma muy sencilla (y en español). Siguiendo las actualizaciones de KDE Connect en KDEBlog, publicaban anteayer un vídeo en el que Albert Vaca detalla las características ya disponibles: Notificaciones de llamada / SMSNotificaciones del estado de la batería de teléfonoSincronización del portapales para copiar y pegar textoControles multimediaNotificaciones de pings. PredictionIO - Building Applications That Predict User Behavior Throu… The Top Ten Linux Console Applications. Cómo instalar una conexión a escritorio remoto para Windows XP. Las ediciones profesionales de Windows XP incluyen la característica Escritorio Remoto, que te permite acceder a tu computadora Windows XP de forma remota. Las personas que tengan la contraseña adecuada podrán conectarse a tu computadora desde otras en la red local o a través de Internet, y controlar el escritorio de tu computadora utilizando sus propios ratones y teclados como si estuvieran sentadas enfrente de ella.

Windows XP crea automáticamente una excepción en el Cortafuegos de Windows después de que habilites el Escritorio Remoto, permitiendo a otros usuarios conectarse a través del cortafuegos. Nivel de dificultad: Fácil Consejos y advertencias Todos los usuarios administradores de la computadora local pueden conectarse al Escritorio Remoto por defecto. No dejes de leer... Read this article in English: How to Enable Remote Access on Windows XP. View any installed/connected USB device on your system. See Also USB over Ethernet - USB Network Gate enables work with the remote USB devices over Ethernet (Internet/LAN/WAN) as if they were plugged into your own machine.

It helps you share a USB device over network among multiple computers so people from all over the world (or your office) can use it. (Available for Windows, Mac and Linux) NK2Edit - Edit, merge and fix the AutoComplete files (.NK2) of Microsoft Outlook. DevManView - Alternative to device manager of Windows. Description USBDeview is a small utility that lists all USB devices that currently connected to your computer, as well as all USB devices that you previously used.

Search for other utilities in NirSoft License This utility is released as freeware. Disclaimer The software is provided "AS IS" without any warranty, either expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. System Requirement Known Issues Versions History Using USBDeview AutoPlay.

Llega BitTorrent Sync | Cyberlan. Cualquiera puede probar BitTorrent Sync, puesto que este proyecto ya se encuentra en fase Alpha. Pero ¿en qué consiste?. Muy sencillo, BitTorrent Sync aúna las características de programas en la nube tipo Dropbox, con el p2p, permitiéndonos sincronizar carpetas entre multitudo de ordenadores y de forma ilimitada. Puesto que usa protocolos p2p para sincronizar, puede ser muy lento al principio, pero alcanzar velocidades muy superiores. Cada carpeta que compartimos, tiene su propio código alfanumérico. Este código sirve a su vez de contraseña para poder acceder a los archivos, por lo que cada persona que tenga acceso a esa contraseña, tendrá acceso a los archivos. Nos encontramos varias modalidades en la forma de compartir estas carpetas. Como decíamos al principio del artículo, el proyecto todavía se encuentra en fase Alpha, por lo que habrá que tener un poco de paciencia al encontrarnos con algún bug. Comparte.

BitTorrent Sync: File Syncing Decentralised. File syncing services such as Dropbox, Google Drive and Microsoft SkyDrive all have one thing in common: they provide a centrally hosted solution. Your files are stored not only on the devices you’re using but also on their servers. It’s an extremely useful feature as it means you can easily share files to other people without any complicated setup and you’ll always be able to access your files through a web browser. Whilst these services are extremely secure, there are those who are a little wary of having personal (or even confidential) information stored somewhere that they have no control over. BitTorrent Sync is a new service that provides a decentralised file syncing solution with an emphasis on security and keeping your files off such servers.

How It Compares BitTorrent Sync is a secure file syncing solution developed by the same people responsible for the BitTorrent protocol of file sharing, indeed it even uses the same technology as its underpinnings. Setting Up The Human Element. Are Your Devices Hardwired For Betrayal? It's an interesting time to be a computer security researcher. Last week, Kaspersky Lab released a report about a new family of malware from an entity they called "The Equation Group". The report demonstrated for the first time that firmware-based attacks, previously only demonstrated in lab settings, have been used in the wild by malware authors. This should serve as a wake up call to security professionals and the hardware industry in general: firmware-based attacks are real and their numbers will only increase. If we don't address this issue now, we risk facing disastrous consequences.

What is Firmware? Most pieces of hardware on a modern computer are complex enough that they need their own tiny computers in order to operate. Firmware is not just limited to your computer either. What is the Problem? Firmware is not inherently a bad thing—it is needed to operate the advanced hardware that comprises today's computing environment. Firmware based malware is hard to detect.