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Microsoft Exchange 2010 PowerShell Cookbook (Review) [easyazon-image align="left" asin="1849682461" locale="us" height="110" src=" width="89"]PowerShell is hands down one of the most important skills than an Exchange administrator can learn.

Microsoft Exchange 2010 PowerShell Cookbook (Review)

You can do a lot in Exchange Server 2010 using the GUI administration tools, but eventually you’re going to have to drop into the shell to do some deeper administration or simply to save time on bulk admin. My first contact with PowerShell was when Exchange Server 2007 was released. I dipped into the shell only when absolutely necessary, preferring to stay in the GUI whenever possible. Speed Up Excel Automation with PowerShell - Hey, Scripting Guy! Blog. Summary: Microsoft PFE, Georges Maheu, optimizes the Windows PowerShell script he presented yesterday.

Speed Up Excel Automation with PowerShell - Hey, Scripting Guy! Blog

Microsoft Scripting Guy, Ed Wilson, is here. Our guest blogger today is Georges Maheu. Georges presented a script yesterday to gather Windows services information in an Excel spreadsheet. Although the script did an adequate job for a small number of computers, it does not scale well for hundreds of computers. Note: All of the files from today, in addition to files for the entire week are in a zip file in the Script Repository. Take it away Georges... Manipulation des fichiers en VBA - Club des décideurs et professionnels en Informatique. VBA propose des méthodes pour travailler sur les fichiers.

Manipulation des fichiers en VBA - Club des décideurs et professionnels en Informatique

Ces fonctions de bases telles que Dir, Name, etc. ont un comportement proche des commandes DOS. Malheureusement, elles sont beaucoup trop limitées et permettent, hélas, que très peu d'actions ou bien alors au prix d'un code lourd à maintenir. Afin d'étendre les possibilités en ce qui concerne la manipulation des fichiers et des répertoires, Microsoft à mis au point un ensemble d'objets regroupés au sein de la librairie Microsoft Scripting Runtime. Cet ensemble de classe hiérarchique possède une unique racine : le FileSystemObject, plus communément connu sous le nom de FSO. Bien qu'il s'agisse en fait du nom d'une classe, il n'est pas rare de voir le mot FSO désigner la technique d'accès aux fichiers dans sa globalité. La hiérarchie des objets de cette librairie peut être comparée à celle de l'explorateur Windows : des fichiers inclus dans des dossiers qui eux-mêmes sont inclus dans des disques.

PowerShell Code Repository. PowerShellInside by /n software - The Power Of PowerShell Inside Your Apps! Free SharePoint Themes and Templates. Hey, Scripting Guy! Blog. The Lonely Administrator. Harnessing PowerShell's String Comparison and List-Filtering Features. "Hmm.

Harnessing PowerShell's String Comparison and List-Filtering Features

Wifi Hotspot! " When you are first learning PowerShell, it often seems to be an 'Alice through the looking-glass' world. Just the simple process of comparing and selecting strings can seem strangely obtuse. Michael turns the looking-glass into wonderland with his wall-chart of the PowerShell string-comparison operators and syntax. PowerShell is an outstanding successor to the Windows/DOS batch language. The tradeoff for this added power and flexibility, though, is an increased complexity: learning PowerShell is not a trivial undertaking. Please imagine what it is like for anyone falling into this particular rabbit hole. "Funny, the doors are getting smaller, but the size of Windows keeps growing. " It was all very well to say "Program with me," but the wise little Alice was not going to do that in a hurry. “Let’s try listing all the files in the current directory.

LDAP Query Basics. Topic Last Modified: 2011-01-13 By William Taylor This article discusses Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) queries, which can be useful, but confusing, when troubleshooting Microsoft® Exchange Server and its relationship to its directory.

LDAP Query Basics

This article provides basic information about LDAP queries. = (EQUAL TO) This LDAP argument means a certain attribute must be equal to a certain value to be true. For example, if you want to find all objects that have the first name of John, you would use: This would return all objects that have the first name of John. Slow script for getting list of ... Search Users from Multiple Domains Using a Common Attribute–PowerShell Script ~ Santhosh Sivarajan's Blog. JDH IT Solutions - Administrative scripting, PowerShell, ADSI and WMI. Génération de scripts avec Windows PowerShell. Google's Chromebook set to transform how we think about computers. On 15 June, Google will officially take the next step on its road to global domination.

Google's Chromebook set to transform how we think about computers

From that day onwards, online shoppers will be able to buy the Google Chromebook, a device that the search giant hopes will change the way we think about computers – and in the process rain on the parades of Apple and Microsoft. On the face of it, the Chromebook seems an unlikely game-changer. Its first two manifestations – from electronics giants Samsung and Acer – look like any old netbook: thin (0.79in) clamshell design, 12.1in screen, standard-sized keyboard, trackpad. At 3.2lb, it's not particularly light. The claimed battery life (8.5 hours for the Samsung version) is pretty good, but otherwise the Google machine looks rather conventional. The surprises start when you hit the on button. If this were a film, then the screen would go blurry at this point, signifying a flashback.