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The global WiFi network that provides WiFi access through hotspots | Fon. Software para elaborar mapas mentales: crea mapas mentales en línea.


Intelligent Systems at IDI. Platforms. The Aalto University Platforms are designed to initiate and coordinate multi- and interdisciplinary research and teaching in some thematic area. The Platforms bring together Aalto's competences in the area, and increase Aalto's external visibility. Primary purposes of the Platforms are to facilitate and strengthen the industry-academia collaboration, and to increase the internal cooperation within the University.

The Platforms and their agendas are born through a bottom-up process, and aim at concrete benefits for the participating actors. Platforms are founded in areas where Aalto has competence both in methodologies, infrastructures, and applications. The first Platform to be set up was the Energy Platform, and the Digi Platform and Living+ Platform are built up during 2014.


MindSet: A Book written by Carol Dweck. Teaching a growth mindset creates motivation and productivity in the worlds of business, education, and sports. TryEngineering. Video Magnification. Banner slider Many seemingly static scenes contain subtle changes that are invisible to the naked human eye. However, it is possible to pull out these small changes from videos through the use of algorithms we have developed. We give a way to visualize these small changes by amplifying them and we present algorithms to pull out interesting signals from these videos, such as the human pulse, sound from vibrating objects and the motion of hot air. Videos Software and Code Eulerian Video Magnification code Matlab code and executables implementing Eulerian video processing for amplifying color and motion changes. Phase Based Video Motion Processing code Matlab code for implementing the new and improved phase-based motion magnification pipeline.

Videoscope Web interface for motion and color magnification. Publications (Magnifying Motion and Color Changes) Publications (Analysis of Small Motions) People Faculty: Students, Postdocs and Affiliates: Collaborators: Edward H. Talks. GRADO DE ESTADÍSTICA. Universitat de Barcelona Informació sobre: Idiomes Cercador Serveis Estudis de grau Inicio > Estudios y Docencia > Oferta formativa > Grados > E > GRADO DE ESTADÍSTICA ¿Qué se pretende con esta enseñanza? Formar profesionales de la estadística, capacitados para llevar a cabo las tareas específicas del proceso de análisis de la información y toma de decisiones, incidiendo en: La obtención y el tratamiento de datos.

Imprimir la ficha del grado Enlaces de interés Acceso directo a: Omitir los accesos directos Mas información Servicio de Atención al EstudianteTel. 933 556 000 Fax 934 035 917Buzón de consultasHorarios, localización y transportes Síguenos: Miembro de: Dos Campus de Excelencia Internacional Footer © Universitat de Barcelona. Alcatel-Lucent Salaries.


Business Model Generation - BMC. Avengers - Home. Radically Cheap: The Story of Pat Delany, Open Source Machine Tools Advocate. The ex-rancher felt empathy push his problem-solving mind into a new direction. He looked back at all those years he had tinkered with junk-built machine tools in his workshop — all that time spent poring over scans of antique how-to magazines looking for clever hacks to avoid having to buy new tools. It was fun and sometimes necessary for me, he thought, but what I’ve created here can also help many people. This is the story of Pat Delany, one of the leading creative voices in Appropriate Technology — technology that is small-scale, decentralized, labor-intensive, energy-efficient, environmentally sound, and locally controlled.

This 78-year-old grandfather came to the field as an outsider, inspired by a second-hand description of a news photo. But his visionary home-built machine-tool designs now have the potential to help millions bootstrap themselves out of poverty. Delany had worked with machines for his entire life and built many machines for himself. The MultiMachine Lost Wisdom. Current Issue - International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research in Engineering.

IEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference (GHTC) OpenLB is … | OpenLB - Open Source Lattice Boltzmann Code. The R Project for Statistical Computing. Juan Pedro Benítez | This is my place to think loud, be positive, drive change and make things happen. Competitions. eTOM Business Process Framework - TM Forum - Business Process Framework.