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All the Best Linux Cheat Sheets. Linux Security Quick Reference Guide - An awesome security checklist reference IP Tables - If you are interested in Linux firewalls this is a must have TCPDump - Great cheat sheet to an awesome security tool Wireshark Filters - An awesome list of filters for the best packet sniffing utility IP Access Lists - Cheat sheet for IP Access Lists Common Ports - In case you don’t have all common ports memorized netcat - Reference to the swiss army knife of networking.

All the Best Linux Cheat Sheets

Pentoo. Basic Iptables - Debian/RedHat. Summary You can find an easier to read version here: Alot of people are freaked out by IPTables and find it hard to understand.

Basic Iptables - Debian/RedHat

However, once you get the grasp of it the basics are easy. This document will serve as a basic how-to on using iptables. Lignes de défense.