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Plaisirs de meufs. Collectively Dreaming New Worlds: Walidah Imarisha on "Octavia's Brood" Walidah Imarisha, coeditor of Octavia's Brood.

Collectively Dreaming New Worlds: Walidah Imarisha on "Octavia's Brood"

(Photo: AK Press)What do activists and organizers have in common with science fiction writers? The remarkable anthology Octavia's Brood starts from the premise that both are engaged in the process of imagining a better world. Walidah Imarisha and adrienne maree brown have collected short pieces of "visionary fiction" that include fantasy and sci-fi, comedy and horror, united by a desire to explore new ways of understanding ourselves and our world.

Click here to order the book from Truthout today! There are so many powerful stories in Octavia's Brood that summarizing a few of them, in the interest of giving a taste of what the book has to offer, feels like an unfair task. "When we talk about a world without borders, without capitalism, without prisons, without war, that's science fiction. " Joe Macaré: Let's suppose that a reader is completely unfamiliar with Octavia Butler (or even, like me, has only read a little of her work). « Construire des formes d'autonomisation populaires assez puissantes pour détruire l'hégémonie impérialiste » - Action Antifasciste Paris Banlieue. 10 African Illustrators You Should Know. Illustrators have the monumental ability to change the attitudes, viewpoints, and mindsets of those touched by their work.

10 African Illustrators You Should Know

Below are 10 such artists representing the African perspective, both on the continent and outside. You never know, one of them just might be the source of some much needed illumination. Monica Obaga Kenya-born, Los Angeles-based Monica Obaga uses her illustrations to tell whimsical stories. Her generous use of color emphasizes the vibrancy of her personality even more, and the beautiful women she draws almost always make you think Obaga could be among your crew of stylish BFF. Nicholle Kobi This Congolese-French illustrator based in Paris knows a thing or two about glitz and glamour, specifically when it comes to her drawings of groovy cosmopolitan black women. Michael Soi The Kenyan-based artist cites the city of Nairobi as his inspiration, and one look at his work makes this evident.

Diana Ejaita Musa Omusi David Tshabalala Thandiwe Tshabalala Steve French Desola Lasisi. La science-fiction féministe est le meilleur genre littéraire de tous les temps. Je ne sais pas si vous êtes une fille et si vous aimez la science-fiction, mais si c'est le cas, lisez L'Autre Moitié de l'homme.

La science-fiction féministe est le meilleur genre littéraire de tous les temps

Ce roman de science-fiction, écrit par la défunte Joanna Russ en 1970, se déroule dans quatre mondes habités par quatre différentes femmes partageant le même génotype et dont les noms commencent tous par la lettre J. Il y a Jeannine Dadier, qui vit en 1969 dans une Amérique qui ne s'est jamais remise de la Grande Dépression ; Joanna, toujours en 1969, mais dans une Amérique normale ; Janet Evason, une créature amazone vivant dans un monde nommé Lointemps et uniquement peuplé de femmes ; et Alice Reasoner, ou « Jael », une chef de guerre dans un futur où les hommes et les femmes s'envoient des bombes nucléaires depuis des décennies. L'Autre Moitié de l'homme est l'un des nombreux merveilleux romans de science-fiction provocateurs et non-linéaires qui ont émergé aux côtés de la seconde vague de féminisme des années 1960 et 1970.

C'est son rôle. Alice B. Resistance - Science * Spirit * Action. Purchase Synopsis: It’s 2036.

Resistance - Science * Spirit * Action

The world’s economy has collapsed. North American cities are bankrupt. Still there is hope and RESISTANCE. Disgraced and drummed out of work because of a bad decision made in her youth, nanotechnology researcher Inez Xicay responds to an old friend’s invitation to practice medicine in Toronto. What inspired Resistance? Not-so-Invisible Ninjas. Or: Recent and Upcoming Debuts in Fantasy and Science Fiction... that just happen to be written by women.

Not-so-Invisible Ninjas

Charlie invited me to come by and join in the posts helping those who may not already be in the know to find the wealth of writers who also happen to be female that they can't otherwise find when they are writing those excellent "where are all the women writers of fantasy and science fiction" posts. I began to make a list of 'next-generation writers' who also happen to be women. (Since we don't write with our gender identities or genitalia, I figured it would be fine to not modify the word "writer," but for the search engines, I'll add it at in the end, so you know, they can find us.

When they look.) The problem seemed to be that there were so many of us who were otherwise hard to find! As I stipulated above, this list is defined purely by time, debut-status, and the number 20. And the Grands and Great Grands and so on, like Pat Cadigan, Joan D. And and and...