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Mise à jour septembre 2016 - Update for September 2016

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Fidéliser les plus jeunes : l’impossible pari ? - Mobilité interne - Fidelisation des salariés - Focus RH. Pour se développer, il n'y a pas le choix : il faut d'abord recruter puis fidéliser les meilleurs.

Fidéliser les plus jeunes : l’impossible pari ? - Mobilité interne - Fidelisation des salariés - Focus RH

Pas facile, lorsqu'on ne bénéficie pas d'une marque forte et attractive... Lorsqu'il crée la plateforme Wiztopic (link is external), Raphaël Labbé, ex HEC, a fait le pari de quitter un poste confortable pour se lancer dans la digitalisation de la communication. Aujourd'hui, des clients du CAC 40 et autres grands comptes de la banque et de l’assurance lui font les yeux doux pour faire évoluer leur offre… En réponse, il a fallu recruter une quinzaine de jeunes, des "pure player" du web et autres développeurs très courtisés. Même problématique pour JobTeaser (link is external), plateforme spécialisée dans l'emploi des jeunes, qui fait face à des besoins en main d'oeuvre variés (commerciaux, cadreurs monteurs, développeurs...). Dénicher les oiseaux rares du web. Recrutement programmatique : quand la publicité online trouve la perle rare. Nearly 40 Percent of U.S. Workers Prefer Gig Work.

About 4 in 10 U.S. workers would prefer to work outside of the traditional, full-time, salaried 40-hour workweek, according to new research.

Nearly 40 Percent of U.S. Workers Prefer Gig Work

Thirty-seven percent of 7,000 respondents selected alternatives to full-time employment as their preference, with gig work emerging as a leading choice for many. The finding is from research on the size and scope of the contingent workforce in the United States, conducted by Staffing Industry Analysts (SIA), a staffing advisory firm based in Mountain View, Calif. SIA defined contingent work as synonymous with gig work—anyone working on a temporary basis across one or more various types of work arrangements, including: Temporary workers assigned through a staffing agency.Workers managed through an online platform.Independent contractors.Self-employed workers.Temporary employees sourced directly, including summer interns and seasonal workers.Statement of work consultants employed by consulting firms.

Microsoft Wants Autistic Coders. Can It Find Them And Keep Them? The day before Blake Adickman was scheduled to start interviewing at Microsoft last spring, he called his parents and kept them on the phone as he walked from his hotel to the building where his meetings were set to take place.

Microsoft Wants Autistic Coders. Can It Find Them And Keep Them?

His parents, back in Boca Raton, Florida, zoomed in on Redmond, Washington, on Google Maps and followed along. When he arrived at the building, he took a photo of its entrance and texted it to them. Then he turned around and retraced his steps to his hotel. Adickman is autistic. Why Your Hiring Process Keeps Missing Candidates' Character Flaws. Canada and the Changing Nature of Work. Table of Contents Executive Summary One of the more disruptive features of the emerging digital economy is the rise of virtual workers.

Canada and the Changing Nature of Work

Employment in the ‘gig economy’: A new worker category? Philip McCabe, September 05, 2016.

Employment in the ‘gig economy’: A new worker category?

Why aren't we hiring flexibly? Katie Jacobs, September 28, 2016 Demand for flexible working is on the rise but flexible job adverts are few and far between “It was disheartening because you think ‘what am I supposed to do?

Why aren't we hiring flexibly?

Does that mean I can never move jobs?’” That’s not how any HR director wants to make a potential candidate feel. What Happened to the Human Side of Your Recruiting? A negative candidate experience can be costly because job-seekers are prone to share how they feel about their experience with others.

What Happened to the Human Side of Your Recruiting?

CareerArc’s 2016 State of the Candidate Experience survey found that nearly 60 percent of its 826 respondents said they had had a poor candidate experience, and 72 percent had shared that experience online or with someone directly. The best recruitment website I've ever seen. And it made me thirsty, too Sep 20, 2016 A screen grab from the Heineken Go Places website.

The best recruitment website I've ever seen

HR Needs to Communicate the Value of Benefits. 8 Hiring Stats That Will Change the Way You Recruit. When it comes to creating recruiting processes or making hiring decisions, I like to do my research.

8 Hiring Stats That Will Change the Way You Recruit

And in my normal fact-dependent fashion, I did a little refresher research before I got I began screening and interviewing this fall’s round of interns and onboard new talent at Red Branch Media. What I found heavily influenced my approach to fall hiring, and I think it will influence yours too. Here’s what I mean... 1. Average time to hire is 28 days. How and Why the Hiring Process Differs for Each Company - FlexJobs. How Best-In-Class Organizations Use Recruitment Marketing. Réseaux sociaux professionnels : qu'en pensent les recruteurs ? Si les réseaux sociaux professionnels font partie du quotidien des salariés, ils sont également utilisés par les professionnels du recrutement.

Réseaux sociaux professionnels : qu'en pensent les recruteurs ?

Et ces derniers ont un avis bien tranché. Les réseaux sociaux professionnels constituent pour les salariés un moyen de trouver un emploi, de réseauter ou de réaliser des veilles sectorielles. Mais quel usage en font les DRH, responsables du recrutement et autres consultants en recrutement ? Viadeo a tâché d'y voir plus clair en menant l'étude "Quel recruteur êtes-vous sur les réseaux sociaux professionnels ? " auprès d'un panel de 2 260 professionnels français. Si les réseaux sociaux professionnels, tels que LinkedIn ou Viadeo pour ne citer que les plus connus sont répandus dans le monde du travail, les recruteurs ne font pas exception à la règle. Aux yeux des recruteurs, les réseaux sociaux professionnels ont de sérieux atouts à faire valoir pour faciliter leur quotidien professionnel.

This crucial step is missing from your hiring process. There was a time when a cardboard box was just a simple brown vessel in which to mail packages. These days, as we purchase more products online than we do in brick-and-mortar stores, brands are using attractive packaging to create a delightful unwrapping experience that allows them to stand out from the crowd. As our doorsteps are piling up with an increasingly diverse array of boxes, bubble mailers, and envelopes, a colorful, beautifully designed box is the modern-day equivalent to having an eye-catching storefront. While big e-commerce companies like Amazon, Zappo's, Target, Macy's, and Walmart still send products in generic, utilitarian packaging, startups have been leading the charge to make boxes and envelopes more exciting. Visible tattoos: time to roll up the cuffs on employee appearance? Sign of the times? Employers are challenged to change view on tattoos.

Pic: Janinne Wiedel/REX/Shutterstock New research on appearance at work from Acas shows that employers may be out of touch with changing public attitudes to visible tattoos, body piercings and other developments. Rachel Pinto looks at how employers should respond. Hiring Job Seekers with Criminal Histories. Page Content Davon Miller was studying computer engineering at National College in Charlottesville, Va., when he was convicted of distributing cocaine and unlawfully possessing a firearm. "I was trying to work my way through college, but there weren’t any jobs," Miller recalls.

"In my community, it was easier to make a living with guns and drugs than to find work. " He served two years in prison for his crimes. The Millennial Myth. Diversity - it's just good business. Greater diversity is good business, writes Bev Cassidy-Mackenzie Diversity is a journey, not a destination. Are millennials the perfect candidates for call centres? Lara Ponomareff, September 21, 2016 Good Read. It’s time to put a new face on the Call Center jobs, and appeal to the millennials. What is name-blind recruitment? Why Ignoring Social Recruiting Will Cost You Your Career. Posted by Alexis Marinopoulos Recruiting is merging with marketing.

Gone are the days that clients are willing to pay you to screen candidates that they can get from job boards. It used to be that recruiters were merely CV shufflers, matching a resume to a job. Guide to Posting Job Ads. Social Media Isn’t Just How You Find Passive Candidates — It’s Where You Engage Them. Chances are, your job postings, referral programs, and website career portal are not bringing in all the candidates you need – especially for hard-to-fill positions.

So, recruiting passive job candidates is a smart move. Blind recruitment gaining traction as way to control unconscious bias. Last updated 05:00, September 11 2016 Supplied Blind recruitment is more common overseas, but its beginning to be adopted in New Zealand. WSJ City - Blind Recruitment Move Brings in New Generation at EY. More diverse but just as smart: EY hails new recruitment policy. How unconscious bias holds us back. Those with an eye for statistics may have felt their hearts sink upon reading the 2015 Singapore Board Diversity Report, which revealed that among 676 SGX-listed companies, only 9.5% of board directors, 4.5% of CEOs and 3.3% of chairpersons were female. Getting real about references. 11 Hiring Hacks Every Recruiter Should Know In 2017. IZA World of Labor - Internal hiring or external recruitment? 35 Tools Every Sourcer And Recruiter Needs To Know — Proactive Talent Strategies. Victoria launches Aboriginal career development program.

The civil service must tackle its middle-aged problem – or risk becoming a monoculture.