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Humanoids and prosthetics

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World's 10 Most Amazing Robots. Future is Today - Humanoid Robots 2014. Actroid. Repliee Q2 can mimic such human functions as blinking, breathing and speaking, with the ability to recognize and process speech and touch, and then respond in kind.


The Actroid woman is a pioneer example of a real machine similar to imagined machines called by the science fiction terms android or gynoid, so far used only for fictional robots. It can mimic such lifelike functions as blinking, speaking, and breathing. The "Repliee" models are interactive robots with the ability to recognize and process speech and respond in kind.

Technology[edit] Robotics. Actroid-F: Japan’s Super-Realistic Humanoid Gets A Brother (Video) Do you remember Actroid-F, the super-realistic humanoid that we’ve shown you last year?

Actroid-F: Japan’s Super-Realistic Humanoid Gets A Brother (Video)

Her makers, robot venture Kokoro and Japan’s National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), have apparently been working hard since then to create a “brother” for her. According to AIST, people kept asking the institute why it only manufactured a female robot, and they not only did that, but also built cameras into the new robot’s eyes to make him look at people (or other robots) while communicating.