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Leave Your Chemicals at the Border: Bhutan Going 100 Percent Organic. The prime minister of Bhutan, the small Himalayan country situated between China and India, has announced that the nation is planning to convert all its agricultural land to organic farms, reports Rodale.

Leave Your Chemicals at the Border: Bhutan Going 100 Percent Organic

The announcement came at the June Rio+20 Conference on Sustainable Development when Prime Minister Thinley said the “raised in Bhutan” label would be synonymous with “organically grown.” Improving “Gross National Happiness”—a phrase made popular by the country’s fourth king some thirty years ago—is the main reason the country would like to shift to an organic haven. Thinley said, “we are convinced that it is on the farm that people can find happiness amid vital communities boosted by the necessity of interdependence, active spiritual life, and daily communion with nature and other living beings.” Cosechadoras Autopropulsadas HORTECH - 2. EARTHLINGS - Make the Connection. Farm to Fridge - The Truth Behind Meat Production.