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Scott Rbe

TZM Activist:

The Zeitgeist Movement. Project Earth: A Resource Based Economy Explained. Zeitgeist Addendum (2008) Zeitgeist Moving Forward (2011) Zeitgeist Movement FAQ's. (1) What is The Zeitgeist Movement?

Zeitgeist Movement FAQ's

The Zeitgeist Movement is an explicitly non-violent, global sustainability advocacy group currently working in over 1000 Regional Chapters across 70 countries. The basic structure of The Movement consists of Chapters, Teams, Projects & Events. Overall, the Chapters are essentially what define the Movement and each Chapter works to not only spread awareness about the roots of our social problems today but also to express the logical, scientific solutions and methods we have at our disposal to update and correct the current social system and create a truly responsible, sustainable, peaceful, global society. Working through global and regional educational projects and community programs, the intermediate goal is to obtain a worldwide movement, essentially unifying the people, regardless of country, religion or political party, with a common value identification that we all invariably share, pertaining to our survival and sustainability.

The Venus Project. Resource Based Economy (RBE) The Venus Project FAQ's. Paradise or Oblivion (Short Documentary)


Free. I LOST MY JOB. Films For Action. Just imagine what could become possible if an entire city had seen just one of the documentaries above.

Films For Action

Just imagine what would be possible if everyone in the country was aware of how unhealthy the mainstream media was for our future and started turning to independent sources in droves. Creating a better world really does start with an informed citizenry, and there's lots of subject matter to cover. From all the documentaries above, it's evident that our society needs a new story to belong to. Hemp / Cannabis. Clean, Free Energy. Sustainability / Eco. Science & Tech.
