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Hacking. Website Tools. Night School News, Videos, Reviews and Gossip - Lifehacker. How to Learn a Programming Language: 7 steps. Edit Article Edited by Bourkas, Tom Viren, Ben Rubenstein, Compmod129 and 77 others Whether you want to design a video game, develop some cool apps for iPhone or Android or just want to do it for fun, programming is the way to go.

There are countless programming languages for all sorts of uses, but learning them is easy once you learn how to use one. As a beginner, you'll probably start with Java or HTML. Once you become proficient in a language, you'll be able to create all sorts of new programs and really let your creativity show through! Ad Steps 1Decide your goal. 10Have a lot of practice. Tips When you learn something new, it is often helpful to implement it yourself and then tweak the design, predicting the results, to make sure you understand the concept.For practice, try to teach others.

Sources and Citations How To Become A Hacker, an essay by Eric S. Tom's Hardware: Hardware News, Tests and Reviews. Garage Computer Mod - Custom Shop PC. Mike Allen's Workshop is an orderly, well-maintained place. Located a few miles from the New Jersey shoreline, the compact garage of PM's senior automotive editor has high shelves stacked with meticulously organized, plainly labeled plastic bins of tools and welding equipment.

Occasionally, however, the air in the shop is toxic. Mike is a mechanic and metalworker, and his grinding, routing and drilling sends plumes of metal particulate into the air. This is not so great for the lungs, but positively deadly for electronic equipment. That's a problem, because a workshop these days needs to be computerized. But Mike was tired of his laptops burning out every few months. It's one challenge to keep the computer cool—it's quite another to make it look cool, so I proposed that we build the machine into a Craftsman rolling tool cart.

The shop PC was a difficult beast to build, but we think the concept has legs. Some Assembly Required 1. 2. 3. 4. Keeping It Cool. How to Build a Computer" Have you ever thought about building your own computer? Actually buying a motherboard and a case ­along with all the supporting components and assembling the whole thing yourself? Here are three reasons why you might want to consider taking the plunge: You'll be able to create a custom machine that exactly matches your needs.It will be much easier to upgrade your machine in the future because you'll understand it completely.You may be able to save some money.

And, if you've never done it before, you'll definitely learn a lot about computers. ­ In this article, we'll take you through the entire process of building a computer. ­ The first step in building a computer is deciding what type of machine you want to build. ­ Let's imagine that you want to build a powerful video-editing computer. Quad-core CPUs (either Intel or AMD)At least 8GB of high-speed RAMFour (or more) SATA hard drivesFireWire connections (possibly in both the front and back of the case)USB 3.0 ports. | 1.877.243.8266 | World's Largest Selection of PC Modification Supplies.