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10 Open Education Resources You May Not Know About (But Should) This week, the OCW Consortium is holding its annual meeting, celebrating 10 years of OpenCourseWare.

10 Open Education Resources You May Not Know About (But Should)

The movement to make university-level content freely and openly available online began a decade ago, when the faculty at MIT agreed to put the materials from all 2,000 of the university’s courses on the Web. High School Was A Lie. 13 Sites to Download Free eBooks. eBooks have become very popular with devices such as the Kindle and the new iPad.

13 Sites to Download Free eBooks

You can get applications for your smart phone to read PDF files and eBooks from most popular book sites. There ia a large choice of eBooks and many are free. Amazon has a collection of free eBooks for their Kindle reader so be sure and check their site. You don’t have to buy a Kindle to read them. They have applications you can download for your computer, iPhone and certain smart phones that are free. Many eBooks are standard PDF files so all you need is a PDF reader on your computer or port them to your Kindle or iPad and many other devices. 50 Free Android Apps Every College Student Needs. Saving money is paramount in college, as most students don’t have a lot of that commodity to throw around.

50 Free Android Apps Every College Student Needs

So, you may welcome some free Android apps that can push your productivity, creativity and communication always seem welcome. You may find at least one or two apps you’ll want from this list of 50 free Android apps that every college student needs. Productivity 3banana: Capture your thoughts, ideas and notes as well as photos.ASTRID: Astrid is an open-source task list that is simple enough; but, for the important things in your life, it encourages you into staying organized.Books WordPlayer: Download books in seconds or load from your sdcard to read on your Android.CoursePro Demo: Try the trial version for free and you may want the full version for the price of a cup of coffee. Reference. Personalized Brain Training. Welcome to The Future of Freedom Foundation. Ten of the best school-reform ideas from readers. From competency-based learning policies to more time for creativity, readers weigh in with their suggestions for improving public education From staff reportsRead more by eSchool News Staff June 6th, 2011 Many readers gave ideas on grading and testing reform.

Ten of the best school-reform ideas from readers

It seems like everyone has an opinion these days on what it will take to “fix” American public education. Education Reviews - TopTenREVIEWS. 17.03 Introduction to Political Thought, Spring 2004. Célestin Freinet. Freinet redirects here, there is also a village La Garde-Freinet in the French Arrondissement of Draguignan (Var) Célestin Freinet (15 October 1896, Gars, Alpes-Maritimes – 8 October 1966) was a noted French pedagogue and educational reformer.

Célestin Freinet

Early life[edit] Freinet was born in Provence as the fifth of eight children. His own schooldays were deeply unpleasant to him and would affect his teaching methods and desire for reform. In 1915 he was recruited into the French army and was wounded in the lung, an experience that led him to becoming a resolute pacifist. In 1920 he became an elementary schoolteacher in the village of Le Bar-sur-Loup. Educational reforms[edit] In 1923 Freinet purchased a printing press, originally to assist with his teaching, since his lung injury made it difficult for him to talk for long periods.

Freinet created the teachers' trade union C.E.L. Jenaplan - The Schommunity Wiki. Community education - The Schommunity Wiki. From The Schommunity Wiki Main Page - Educational approaches - Community education Overview The term ‘community education’ has been used in a number of ways and consequently it is challenging to provide one distinct definition.

Community education - The Schommunity Wiki

Additionally the literature clearly indicates that academics regard the terms ‘community’ and ‘education’ as misleading and ambiguous. There are three main uses of the term ‘community education’. Who and what - Athenism. I-Power is a community of activist-minded people from all around the world.

who and what - Athenism

It is a social network, much like Facebook and other social networking sites; but unlike other social sites our members all share a particular interest in common – a desire to make the world a better place to live. The meaning of the term, “I Power” is an expression of our belief in the power of the individual to effectively make a difference in this world. It could also be expressed as “Individual Power” or “My Power”, and one of the most important things that we always try to do here is to help people in realizing their own worth and potential.

The Ludwig von Mises Institute. Poor education deadly as a heart attack. NEW YORK, June 18 (UPI) -- Poverty, lack of education and poor social support contribute to as many U.S. deaths as heart attacks, strokes and lung cancer, researchers say.

Poor education deadly as a heart attack

Dr. Sandro Galea of the Columbia University's Mailman School of Public Health in New York and colleagues estimated the number of U.S. deaths attributable to social factors using a systematic review of the available literature combined with statistics data. The researchers calculated for the relative risks of mortality from social factors of education, poverty, health insurance status, employment status and job stress, social support, racism or discrimination, housing conditions and early childhood stressors, the researchers obtained prevalence estimates for each social factor using U.S.

Census Bureau data. Freedom of Education = Freedom of Thought + Freedom of Conscience + Separation of School & State. The Cato Institute. 12 Dozen Places To Educate Yourself Online For Free.