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Chineasy uses illustrations to break down and teach Chinese characters. Entrepreneur and venture capitalist ShaoLan Hsueh has developed a simple methodology -- called Chineasy -- to allow non-Chinese readers to learn written Chinese characters.

Chineasy uses illustrations to break down and teach Chinese characters

Chineasy -- which aims to "penetrate the Great Wall of Chinese Language" -- works by taking a few core characters from the Chinese language and using illustrations and simple stories to help people memorise their meaning. Once people can recognise these characters, it is easy to recognise a family of related characters. For example, the character for the word "tree" has similar visual characteristics to "woods", "forest", "idiot" and "almond". Meanwhile the character for the word "fire" is similar -- give or take a few additional pen strokes -- or is visible within the characters that mean "hot", "burning", "stir fry" and "to head up".

Starting with eight core characters -- fire, tree, Sun, Moon, person, mouth, door, mountain -- students can learn 64 different words and combine them to create simple sentences. Chinese Flashcards for Integrated Chinese (1st/2nd Ed.), Level 1, Part 1. Chinese Character Flashcards. A Java applet to assist in the learning of Chinese characters. Currently the 1,000 most frequently used characters are in the database but I hope to add more as time goes on. I have a new version of the flashcards with many improvements. It requires users to download the Java 2 Plug-In and a Chinese Unicode font. Information on how to do this is included in the page. How to Use: Study Chinese Flashcards - HSKFlashcards. Chinese Online,Chinese Learning Online,Ehuayu,华语在线,汉语学习网. Pinyin Practice ~ Tones. Chinese Memory Game. Pinyintextfield.swf (application/x-shockwave-flash Object) Vegetables - 蔬菜词汇 - chinese english vocabulary. Mandarin Chinese: Vocabulary Guide: Vegetables.