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InBrief: Executive Function: Skills for Life and Learning. Children's Media Use in America 2013 Infographic from Common Sense Media. October 28, 2013 Zero to Eight: Children's Media Use in America 2013 is the second in a series of surveys by Common Sense Media designed to document the media environments and behaviors of kids ages 8 and under.

Children's Media Use in America 2013 Infographic from Common Sense Media

Replicating methods used two years ago, we're able to see what's changed. Read highlights from the study in the infographic below, and visit our research page to download the full report. Study: Kids Go Digital, But TV Still Reigns. On a recent plane trip, the toddler in the row ahead of me reached through the gap in the seats and swooshed her finger across my iPad.

Study: Kids Go Digital, But TV Still Reigns

She didn't speak; she didn't even look at me. She simply had a nearly instinctual response to my tablet: Swipe! Not surprisingly, research confirms what I saw before my very eyes: Even little kids are digital pros. Seventy two percent of children under 8 have used a mobile device, and 38 percent of children under 2 have used one, according to Common Sense Media's new study, Zero to Eight: Children's Media Use in America 2013. It's a dramatic increase in the two years since we first measured a significant surge in kids' mobile use in our 2011 Zero to Eight study. Among the key findings: Families love mobile devices. Understanding what kids are using, how they're using it, and how much time they spend on it can help lead to better products, better parenting, and better public policies. Study: Kids Go Digital, But TV Still Reigns. TV Reviews - Kids TV. Educate Families: A Home-to-School Program. How We Rate and Review. Common Sense Media publishes independent ratings and reviews for nearly everything kids want to watch, read, play, and learn.

How We Rate and Review

We never receive payments or other consideration for our reviews. Our unbiased ratings are conducted by expert reviewers and are not influenced by the creators or by our funders. Because media profoundly affects our kids' social, emotional, and physical development, Common Sense Media rates media based on age appropriateness and learning potential. We rely on developmental criteria from some of the nation's leading authorities to determine what content is appropriate for which ages. And research on how kids learn from media and technology informs our learning ratings. For each title, we indicate the age for which a title is either appropriate or most relevant (as in, most likely your kids will see it) and assign an ON (age appropriate), PAUSE (somewhat edgy for the age), or OFF (not age appropriate) rating.

Best: Really engaging, excellent learning approach. Showing results for "young children" Our Mission. Common Sense Media is dedicated to improving the lives of kids and families by providing the trustworthy information, education, and independent voice they need to thrive in a world of media and technology.

Our Mission

We exist because our nation's children spend more time with media and digital activities than they do with their families or in school, which profoundly impacts their social, emotional, and physical development . As a non-partisan, not-for-profit organization, we provide trustworthy information and tools, as well as an independent forum, so that families can have a choice and a voice about the media they consume. We believe in media sanity, not censorship.We believe that media has truly become "the other parent" in our kids' lives, powerfully affecting their mental, physical, and social development.We believe in teaching our kids to be savvy, respectful and responsible media interpreters, creators, and communicators.