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帮看网. 信息订阅器 关注什么 我帮您看 一网打尽 不作他求 体验一下 注册账户 导航 美女图集 健康文摘 灵异世界 情感婚姻 时尚手册 笑话联盟 精彩订阅 网页收藏 网站导航 新闻聚焦 极品笑话 最热点击 关于 关于帮看网 媒体报道 帮助说明 服务条款 联系 联系我们 广告服务 网站合作 友情链接 订阅按钮 邀请好友 交流 问题建议 帮看网日志 新浪微博 腾讯微博 网易微博 搜狐微博 手机版 手机客户端 智能手机版 普通手机版 粤ICP备07033676号 ICP证:粤B2-20080177. 有道阅读. 鲜果网. 抓虾. Best Free Google Reader Alternatives For Web, Windows & Mac. Google Reader will be gone soon and the faster you start looking for ways to move on, the better. It isn’t going to be easy though; scores of developers have created apps or services that integrate and sync with Google Reader. The feature itself was not merely important, but rather considered by many to be an integral part of any worthwhile RSS reader.

Times have changed though and with Reader soon to be no longer available, it’s time to consider alternatives. Understandably, Google Reader users might be looking for either a web service or a desktop app to fill the void, and we’ve compiled a list of free options for each platform: web, Windows, and Mac. Web Based RSS Readers Feedly This service, though it currently works with Google Reader, is at the top of our list for the simple reason that the developers have promised its users a simple and painless transition from Google Reader, and because it has one of the best interfaces you will find in any RSS reader.

BlogLovin Netvibes Feedspot. Bloglovin. Tiny Tiny RSS. Pulse. Netvibes. NewsBlur. The Old Reader. News App. Feedbook. Feedly.