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Who knew HEALTHY could taste so dElicIouS!?! My kids thought I was crazy when I told them we were having I was crazy and they were cRaZy hApPy!

Who knew HEALTHY could taste so dElicIouS!?!

Why not when you make your own and pack them with fruit AND a TOP SECRET ingredient that is so healthy, it must remain secret. So secret that I am going to show you the process in reverse so that the SECRET INGREDIENT remains secret until the very end! Many of you may already know the ingredient I am talking about, but shhh, don’t spoil it for everyone else:) So here is your dEliCiOuS breakfast popsicle. This is how you get it to slide right out of the mold. How to Make Almond Joy Hot Chocolate - Almond Milk Hot Chocolate Recipe. Today we’re going to take that delicious almond milk we talked about in the last blog post and make–what’s that?

How to Make Almond Joy Hot Chocolate - Almond Milk Hot Chocolate Recipe

You haven’t made almond milk yet? Well, what are you waiting for? Brazilian Lemonade. This is my most favorite drink.

Brazilian Lemonade

Ever. Maybe I’d feel differently if I drank (as in alcohol), but there is nothing I love more than a warm, breezy afternoon and a pitcher of Brazilian lemonade. Suck It, Starbucks!: The Q. No one seems to understand why iced coffee costs so much more than the regular stuff.

Suck It, Starbucks!: The Q

Sure, some theories exist: that it's more labor-intensive, that plastic cups are more expensive than paper ones. But on an unseasonably warm spring day recently--when people were lined up out the door of the Starbucks across from my office, waiting to buy iced coffees that cost 30 percent more than hot ones--another idea occurred to me. Namely, that coffee chains and convenience stores had converged on a simple truth: Like flip-flops and sundresses, iced coffee is one of the undeniable pleasures of summer. And regardless of how high the price, people will just pay more for it. Orange Blossom Frescas - A beverage for the Morning After. I know this is a strange day to post about a refreshing, cold beverage, being we’re in a midst of a Snow Advisory but I’ve been drinking Orange Blossoms with Cranberry and Mint all day long and it’s just too good not to share.

Orange Blossom Frescas - A beverage for the Morning After

I started making Infused Waters out of necessity. Being a poor college student and wanting some variety in my daily menu, I just took fresh fruit and picked some mint that was growing wild on campus and let it ferment for a few hours in ice cold water. But I had no idea that my inexpensive yet delicious beverage actually had roots in Spanish Cuisine a.k.a Aguas Frescas or Fresh (cold) Water! Aguas Frescas is super easy to make. Just slice up some fruit, I like citrus the best, add a few sprigs of mint and place all of it in a pitcher, add water and chill. But you can make it more complicated by adding several different fruits or herbs. Sometimes I like to add a tsp or so of Rose Water to give the beverage a delicious fragrance. AllRightsReserved@BigBlackDog. Homemade Coffee Creamer. My friends tell me the one thing they can’t give up is their flavored coffee creamer.

Homemade Coffee Creamer

I can understand. Creamy, sweet, smooth, with all sorts of different flavors to choose from. The problem is the ingredients. Have you ever read what’s in those bottles? They are full of artificial colors, flavors, preservatives, refined sugars, high fructose corn syrup, and hydrogenated oils. Step-by-Step: Amazing Spiced Chai Concentrate – Tasty Kitchen Blog. Warm spices, strong tea and steamed milk swirling around in my tummy make chai lattes a favorite during the winter months.

Step-by-Step: Amazing Spiced Chai Concentrate – Tasty Kitchen Blog

It warms me from the inside out in a way that puts coffee and tea to shame. Unfortunately, the chai concentrate from certain coffee chains is too sweet. But there is something better. It never occurred to me to make my own chai. (Certainly it must be too hard.) Here are the ingredients you’ll need: cinnamon, ginger, cardamom, star anise, cloves, black pepper, nutmeg, orange zest, tea bags, brown sugar, honey, and vanilla. Start by bringing 4 1/2 cups water to the boil on the stove. Then you need some orange zest. The recipe says to use a piece of ginger. Once the water has come to a boil, remove the pot from the heat and add the tea bags. Then add your cinnamon sticks (we only add two—it just looks like we’re using four because we broke them in half).

Then add your star anise and seven cardamom pods. How to Make Sassy Water To Flatten Your Belly. Decide how exercise will fit into your daily schedule.

How to Make Sassy Water To Flatten Your Belly

For weight loss, 250 minutes per week of exercise is ideal, according to This could be 50 minutes per day, five days per week, or 35 minutes per day on all seven days during the week. According to "Body for Life," exercising in the morning on an empty stomach will provide the most reliable and consistent weight loss results. 52693_700b.jpg (700×3457)