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Tracing package. Getting Started with ASP.NET 4.5 Web Forms - Wingtip Toys. SingalR. Single Page Apps Template. IE10. Cryptographic. GridView. PayPal. Linkedin API for contacts retrieval. Introduction In this article I have tried to create a toolkit through a small set of controls that allow the synchronization of information via Linkedin such as Contacts.

Linkedin API for contacts retrieval

The toolkit is made ​​by Statto C # ajax on the model and predict the creation of a ScriptManager js that all amounts required to instantiate the API calls to the world Linkedin. The dialogue with the Linkedin system requires a exchange their credentials through a redirect on the login system of the web platform. Background The code described in this article allows you to create easily one schmea of API calls to retrieve all the information related to your contacts in linkedin. The ability to perform a query on the platform linkedin requires that the application you are using has at its disposal a APIKEY issued by the web linkeind To understand how it is possible to obtain a APIKEY refer to the links provided below: All the necessary script is contained within Using the code This script can be inserted within any file History.


RegularExpression. Fixed Table Header atop scrollable GridView in ASP.NET. Introduction Article describes simple formatting technique that allows to create a fixed-position Table Header atop scrollable HTML5 Table rendered by GridView control by using position.fixed and tr:nth CSS3 property.

Fixed Table Header atop scrollable GridView in ASP.NET

Working DEMO demonstrates the practical implementation of proposed solution and other design practices pertinent to HTML5/CSS3 web-page layout. Background I've been searching for simple reliable solution to render GridView Header row that stays "like a rock" always atop of the data table regardless of scrolling position. Apparently, I was not alone in my search as numerous traces/leads were found all over web-development blogosphere, pointing to the same set of concerns [1...5]. Content in HTML5 elements Presentation in CSS3 style Functionality in Javascript/jQuery So, I decided to move forward with my own solution, which as projected should be: Multiple "what-if" iterations resulted in solution, demonstrated above and described below. Rendering XML Data as HTML using XSL Transformation and ASP.NET XML Control. Download demo - 3 KB Introduction This article talks about how we can render XML data in an ASP.NET application.

Rendering XML Data as HTML using XSL Transformation and ASP.NET XML Control

We will see how this can be done using XSLT transformations. Background.


ASP.Net TreeView Automatic Numbering using CSS. Introduction Recently I was faced with a requirement to provide automatic numbering for an ASP.NET TreeView and I did it using CSS counters.

ASP.Net TreeView Automatic Numbering using CSS

I am providing here the CSS I used and the TreeView markup so that someone else might find it useful. Using the Code. WebMonster. Introduction The code shown here allows a user to get all public tweets of her /his liking without logging into Twitter and search for tweets with keywords.


It also allows the user to search for his/her friends who are tagged in his/her albums.


The easiest way to implement NumericNextPrev paging of GridView. Introduction GridView has no built-in pager mode that allows you to display both next/previous page links as well as page numbers.

The easiest way to implement NumericNextPrev paging of GridView

I have no idea why. But it's really easy to implement. Background Once I had requirement to do this, I've found several solutions over the network but all of them were to complex. MVVM. Data. HTML5. Ajax. Understanding SQL Injection and Creating SQL Injection Proof ASP.NET Applications. Download demo - 411.7 KB Introduction This article talk about what SQL injection is, how can that effect the security of our websites and what steps should be taken to create an ASP.NET application SQL injection proof.

Understanding SQL Injection and Creating SQL Injection Proof ASP.NET Applications

Background. Cutting Edge - Mobile Site Development, Part 4: Managing Device Profiles. In this article I’ll discuss a way to classify mobile devices and build a Web site that serves different markup to different devices based on the capabilities of the device.

Cutting Edge - Mobile Site Development, Part 4: Managing Device Profiles

If you don’t need to adapt the rendered markup to the capabilities of a requesting browser, building a mobile site can be a seamless experience. More often than not, though, you need to fine-tune the content you serve and adapt it to the effective capabilities of the browser. Does that sound like the reiteration of an old story? Years ago, developers faced a similar problem for desktop browsers. It was common to write Web pages that checked the type (and sometimes the version) of the browser before deciding about the markup to return.

It still can be difficult and expensive to build a desktop Web site that looks and works the same regardless of the browser.


Home : Official Microsoft Site. WCF. Select multiple row in data grid with check box. Introduction It is difficult to retrieve data from a selected row in a DataGrid to another control like a button.

Select multiple row in data grid with check box

To solve this problem, this code helps the user to retrieve data from the selected row of a DataGrid to other control in ASP.NET. Background DataGrid is a control in ASP.NET used to display data. To retrieve data from a DataGrid, there are inbuilt functions of DataGrid like the select command. Using the Code. Pagination with DataList. Download source - 1.3 KB Introduction As we know, DataList is the most versatile Data Bound Control available in ASP.NET where you can display data as per your need in your required style, direction, etc.

Pagination with DataList

But there is some problem as well. There is no option to Paginate the Data Loaded in DataList directly. In case we have too many records, we cannot display all of them in one page without paginating. Today, we will learn how to paginate DataList data in simple steps. Understanding ASP.NET Application and Page Life Cycle - A Beginner's Tutorial. Download demo - 2.3 KB Introduction This article talks about the ASP.NET application life cycle and Page life cycle. We will try to see the what all events are usually of the importance for an ASP.NET developer and what needs to be done in these events. Background. Sharing Authentication Cookie between two ASP.NET Applications. Introduction The objective is to explain how to share the same Authentication cookie information between two ASP.NET applications. The Approach Assume that there are two applications and wants to share the cookie between these applications below are the settings required to share authentication ticket(cookie) across applications.

Step I Need to set the enableCrossAppRedirects, domain, and requireSSL in both the application config files, under forms section. First, the application config file. A machine key is required to decrypt the ticket: The second application config file should be, And the Machine Key should be: Introducing ASP.NET FriendlyUrls - cleaner URLs, easier Routing, and Mobile Views for ASP.NET Web Forms.


How to create a custom session value provider. Download source code Value Providers. PDF. Dragging/Moving shapes smoothly using Canvas 2d APIs. Ajax. WCF. WebServices. Mobile. Supporting the OPTIONS verb in ASP.NET Web API. ASP.NET Web API controllers support only four HTTP verbs by convention: GET, PUT, POST and DELETE. The full list of existing HTTP verbs is more extensive though. One of those unsupported verbs which can be particularly useful for API discovery and documentation is the OPTIONS verb. The OPTIONS method represents a request for information about the communication options available on the request/response chain identified by the Request-URI.

This method allows the client to determine the options and/or requirements associated with a resource, or the capabilities of a server, without implying a resource action or initiating a resource retrieval. If we wanted to implement controller support for the OPTIONS verb, we could manually map an action to the verb by decorating it with an AcceptVerbs attribute, and making the action return a response with a relevant Access-Control-Allow-Methods header.

For a values controller, with a GET and DELETE action, it could look like this. The Power of ViewState in ASP.NET. One of my client servers was attacked by an 'One-Click Attack'. Do you know what an one-click attack is? I don’t want to annoy you with a long description of it, so I will make it short! An one-click attack is when a hacker creates HTML that includes a form and a link which, when clicked, submits the form to the server being attacked. The hacker use it to then spam the target site. [Caliburn.Micro] Passing Control Event to ShellView. Download source. Load data dynamically on page scroll using jQuery, AJAX, and ASP.NET. Adding the Facebook Like Button to a Website. Consuming WebAPI Using jQuery. Simple Flash Uploader. Introduction After spending some time searching the web for code to find uploading progress, I wrote this simple and easy to implement article based on a code library from

ASP.NET MVC3 Slideshow Control using jQuery and XML. Table of contents. Title case using ASP.NET with C# SimpleMembership, Membership Providers, Universal Providers and the new ASP.NET 4.5 Web Forms and ASP.NET MVC 4 templates - Jon Galloway. Bundling and Minification. ASP.NET Web API OAuth2 delegation with Windows Azure Access Control Service. Customize Twitter Bootstrap To Not Look Bootstrap-y - Aj freelancer. An Introduction to ASP.NET Web API.

OData 101: Building our first OData-based Windows Store app (Part 1)


Creating an External Hyperlinked Image in a Table Using a PDF Anchor. Responsive design using Foundation with ASP.Net MVC. ASP.NET Page Life Cycle Events. Basic HTTP authentication in ASP.NET Web API using message handlers at MVC. ASP.NET Web API Tracing (Preview) - roncain. 4.5, ASP.NET MVC 4, ASP.NET Web Pages 2, and Visual Studio 2012 for web developers: Part 1 - Jon Galloway. Gallery. The HTML5 Drag and Drop API - JavaScript tutorial. SignalR/SignalR. How to convert a PDF document to RTF or Text document in C # and VB.Net. OData support in ASP.NET Web API - Meta-Me. LinkedIn Style Themes for the AjaxControlToolkit Tab Container ControlMatt Berseth « ASP.NET. Using Page Inspector in ASP.NET MVC. Resolving a hostname in C# and retrieving IP version 4 address. Build Single Page Apps - Part 5 - HTML 5 and ASP.NET Web Optimization - John Papa.