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Podcasting is conquering transmedia and virtual reality. Podcasting is a soaring market that is no longer limited to radio.

Podcasting is conquering transmedia and virtual reality

Both adaptable and responsive, it now rubs up against transmedia storytelling and some even go so far as to predict a surprising honeymoon with virtual reality. Released around the same time as the first mobile devices, the audio podcast represents an extraordinary vector for linear and serialized storytelling. This format can easily be incorporated into multiplatform dissemination strategies. However, to shed light on what it shares with transmedia, we need to go back in time to the beginning of the present millennium...

It all began with Donjon de Naheulbeuk. Once upon a time, there was Donjon de Naheulbeuk Launched in 2001 as a “MP3 saga” (the term podcast had not yet been invented), this story subverted Heroic Fantasy codes and allowed us to follow the daily lives of several roleplay typical characters on a quest to find a prophetic statuette in a just as archetypal dungeon. The founding example of Serial. Stanford Journalism Program’s Guide to Using Virtual Reality for Storytelling – Storybench. Next Big Thing: Virtual Reality 3D Painting. Ever wonder what it would be like to step inside of a painting?

Next Big Thing: Virtual Reality 3D Painting

We’ve seen it happen in movies. But now, it’s a reality. Virtual reality, that is. And with the Tilt Brush app by Google, getting immersed in your work is taking on a whole new meaning. It may sound surreal and complicated, but so far, the consensus is that even someone with no gaming or virtual reality experience can create unbelievable artwork in a matter of seconds, and learn as they go. Virtual Reality, with Feeling. Truly immersive virtual reality requires more than just convincing visuals.

Virtual Reality, with Feeling

Now a British startup has developed a neat way to inject feelings, too. In the past, external cameras have been used to monitor the movement of facial features as a means of adding emotion to VR. The new system, developed by Emteq, uses small sensors embedded into a VR headset to measure electrical signals, heart rate, and muscle movement. According to Engineering & Technology, that allows the system, known as Faceteq, to capture a wider range of emotional response than visual approaches. Immersive Entertainment & VR Production.

VR can seem like a big, intimidating space for the average consumer.

Immersive Entertainment & VR Production

All the different kinds of devices, wearable tech and plethora of apps can easily become too overwhelming to tackle all at once. So we thought, what better way to tackle a smorgasbord of info than a list of the best and brightest live events where you can learn about and experience more VR? Réalité virtuelle et augmentée : l’explosion prochaine du marché - Digital Strategy. Kevin Spacey is a virtual reality hypebeast. Kevin Spacey is a great actor and theater director, but I'm a bigger fan of Kevin Spacey the breathless tech evangelist.

Kevin Spacey is a virtual reality hypebeast

When Spacey likes a trend, he invests his time, money, and celebrity. Streaming services are the future? Spacey becomes the star of the first breakout streaming TV series. Video games are the future? Spacey stars as the villain in the most popular franchise of this generation. La fiction interactive : l’hybride jeu vidéo, cinéma et littérature. Regard sur la « fiction interactive », un genre de jeux vidéo qui gagne en popularité où la narration et les émotions sont au centre du gameplay.

La fiction interactive : l’hybride jeu vidéo, cinéma et littérature

La réalité virtuelle : une technologie qui vaudra 80 milliards de dollars en 2025. La réalité virtuelle et augmentée pourrait représenter le futur de l'informatique, et avoir un impact aussi transformateur sur la société que l'avènement du PC ou du smartphone.

La réalité virtuelle : une technologie qui vaudra 80 milliards de dollars en 2025

C'est du moins ce que prédit Goldman Sachs Research dans une étude publiée le 11 février, dans laquelle elle anticipe que le marché atteindra 80 milliards de dollars en 2025 (soit la taille actuelle du marché des ordinateurs de bureau). View-Master Virtual Reality Starter Pack - Apple. Epic / Unity : développer nativement en réalité virtuelle. Business, par Nerces - Oculus Rift, PlayStation VR, Gear VR, HTC Vive… les casques de réalité virtuelle ne manquent pas, mais ils ont besoin de technologies simples pour que les développeurs puissent élaborer des contenus.

Epic / Unity : développer nativement en réalité virtuelle

Geeknaute. Apple To Develop Its Own VR & AR Products In 2016. Samsung is opening a VR film studio in New York City. Samsung is ready to double down on virtual reality filmmaking.

Samsung is opening a VR film studio in New York City

In an announcement at Sundance last week, Samsung USA marketing chief Marc Mathieu stated that the company plans on opening a VR production studio based in one if its New York City offices. "At Samsung we love stories," Mathieu told his audience at the festival. "And we love to help people tell stories. " The tech giant was otherwise mum about its plans for VR films going forward, but it's clear that the Gear VR device will figure prominently in its designs. What's more, the company inked a year-long partnership with the Sundance Institute to help develop filmmakers with its technology.

Oculus Story Studio University Bringing VR Film Workshops. Today during the Sundance Film Festival, Oculus has announced Story Studio University, and initiative by the company to “inspire and educate the next generation of VR filmmakers.”

Oculus Story Studio University Bringing VR Film Workshops

While games are an obvious starting point for virtual reality, perhaps the next nearest use-case is VR film: narrative driven experiences which are more about story than gameplay. Talk to any pioneering VR filmmaker and they’ll tell you that the medium is in its infancy, that ‘the language of VR film is still being discovered’, not unlike the early days of traditional film which saw attempts to transpose radio and theater onto the screen, only to eventually blossom into its own medium entirely. The distinction between VR games and film is already blurry at times—as some VR film experiences like Oculus’ Henry are interactive and rendered in real-time, just like a game—and will probably only get blurrier. At the Sundance Film Festival, Oculus is highlighting a number of VR filmmakers and their work:

VR porn is here. Does virtual sex really feel real? Image by innovatedcaptures/Thinkstock Werner Herzog believes that virtual reality is getting ahead of itself. “It looked OK, but you get tired of it fairly quickly,” he told the New Yorker of watching VR film. “The strange thing here is that normally, in the history of culture … you have the content first, and then the technology follows suit. In this case, we do have a technology, but we don’t have any clear idea how to fill it with content.” Google’s YouTube Hires Scott Broock, Virtual Reality Content Deal Exec. YouTube really wants to make virtual reality video a thing. Case in point: The Google arm now has someone solely devoted to convincing others to make content for it. Scott Broock, who led partnership deals for virtual reality startup Jaunt for the past two years, has moved to YouTube. He’s now “Global VR Evangelist” for the world’s largest video service.

UNIVERSAL MUSIC GROUP AND IHEARTMEDIA ANNOUNCE GROUNDBREAKING VIRTUAL REALITY PARTNERSHIP TO DEVELOP FULLY IMMERSIVE MUSIC ENTERTAINMENT EXPERIENCES - UMG. What’s the future of virtual reality? This article is published in collaboration with The Financial Times. It could take a decade before virtual reality headsets become cheap and portable enough to replace smartphones as the tech industry’s dominant computing platform, the founder of Oculus VR has warned.

Virtual reality is tipped to be one of the biggest themes of this week’s Consumer Electronics Show, with Sony, HTC and Facebook-owned Oculus all set to release their headsets in the first half of 2016. However, Palmer Luckey, who founded Oculus from his parents’ garage in 2012, has told the FT that the technology required many years of further development before it could “replace smartphones” for mainstream users. “I think until you have really high-end computing power and until you have really slim form factors, you’re not going to see glasses that people wear every day as part of their everyday lives,” Mr Luckey said. Asked how long that might take, Mr Luckey said: “It could be five years — it’s more likely to be 10 years. 2016, l'année de la réalité virtuelle. Quand la réalité virtuelle rejoint le réel. Alors que les casques de réalité virtuelle sont sur le point d’être commercialisés à large échelle, se pose la question presque philosophique du degré de réalité des mondes virtuels auxquels ils donnent accès.

Explications avec le Wall Street Journal. Vous avez peur des serpents ? La réalité virtuelle du CES. Réalité virtuelle : Immersion recrute 13 personnes à Bordeaux. "Nous avons toujours été en croissance organique depuis la création de l'entreprise en 1994, mais aujourd'hui nous avons besoin de la Bourse pour financer notre nouveau plan stratégique et mieux nous faire connaître", explique Christophe Chartier, le fondateur d'Immersion. Oculus, Playstation prep VR hardware launches, as Fox leads content landgrab.

"This is even higher than I expected," Magid Advisors president Mike Vorhaus said. "You don't need to get anywhere near the number of people who said they're interested to have a very successful launch. " The study also contained a surprise that indicates VR's broad potential beyond gaming. It found that the most desired type of VR content was entertainment rather than gaming. A full two-thirds of respondents said they were interested in movies and TV content. The Rise and Fall and Rise of Virtual Reality. When Facebook bought virtual reality company Oculus in early 2014, virtual reality blew up. While game and movie studios began reimagining the future, others looked back at the "old days" of VR — a loosely remembered period in the 1990s when gloves and goggles were super cool and everyone was going to get high on 3D graphics.

But things were never so simple. We spoke to 18 key VR innovators about their work and dreams. What follows is over two decades of memories and visions for what the future could be. Jeux vidéo thérapeutiques : “On n'en est qu'aux balbutiements avec la réalité virtuelle” Comment un jeu thérapeutique peut-il permettre d’altérer des souvenirs douloureux ? Si j'agite devant vous un pendule et que je vous parle de votre traumatisme, votre esprit sera occupé par ce mouvement. 'Teslasuit' is a Tactile Skin that Lets You Feel VR, Kickstarter Jan 1st. A UK based company company who has integrated EMS (Electro Muscular Stimulation) into a wireless suit, they claim is capable of allowing you to feel sensations ranging from a cool breeze to the impact of a bullet.

VR headsets are, at least for 2016, somewhat of a known quantity now. Most focus is therefore moving to delivering compelling input solutions that unlock the interactive potential of VR. But what’s missing once that problem is solved. [Best of 2015] The Year in Virtual Reality. Virtual reality has been the stuff of science fiction for decades, manifesting itself in William Gibson's Neuromancer, Star Trek's iconic holodeck, and Phillip K. Dick's A Maze of Death, all the way back to Stanley G. Weinbaum’s 1935 short story, Pygmalion's Spectacles. Science has been trying to catch up with Weinbaum since the 1960s when future Disney creative Morton Heilig created the multisensory "Sensorama" and Thomas A.

The Next Big Thing in Virtual Reality. Imagine you're out for your evening run, when suddenly the Zombie Apocalypse begins. Now, instead of your normal loop around the park, you have to dodge the walking dead, who are lurching from behind trees, trying to eat your brains. All at once, your entire survival is at stake, just trying to get back home again.

It's more than a fantasy. Virtual reality startups would like to create new experiences for consumer like this, adding projected visual elements to the real world, which can turn the quotidian into pulse-quickening adventures, among other things. It may sound like it's a long way off, but in fact it's not. Among other advances you can expect in 2016, consumer-facing companies that are releasing the latest generation of virtual reality headsets will continue to launch more advanced devices. Virtual reality rides set to invade theme parks in 2016. How virtual reality is going to change our lives. Palmer Luckey, photographed exclusively for the Telegraph Magazine at Facebook's headquarters in Menlo Park, California, December 2014. Photo: Carlos Chavarría I am inhabiting a digital world called Toybox where I can touch, move, squeeze, grasp and manipulate objects with my virtual hands – all I need to do is press on the gloves to clench and unclench.

Virtual Luckey could be anywhere in the world, although he happens to be in the room next door, but we are interacting as if we were side by side.

Contenus culturels

Casques. Données et chiffres VR. Sport & VR. Contenus thérapeutiques. Education & VR. Autres contenus. Jeux vidéos. Introducing 360 Video on Facebook. By Maher Saba, Engineering Director, Video Starting today, 360-degree videos will begin rolling out in News Feed. Our goal at Facebook is to connect you with the people and things that matter, every single day. Over time, we’ve seen that people enjoy more immersive content in their News Feeds. This is one reason video has been so successful on Facebook, and we’re excited to take it a step further with 360 video.

To create 360 videos, a special set of cameras is used to record all 360 degrees of a scene simultaneously. Journalisme immersif. Are Movie Theaters About to Disappear? How VR Will Remake Hollywood. Since the first public movie theater opened in the U.S. in 1905, movies have evolved significantly—sound, color, computer effects, high definition. However, one thing hasn’t changed. We still go to the theater to see our favorite films on the big screen.

SXSW 5/5 : Quel avenir pour la réalité virtuelle ? Celebrating Three Days of Virtual Reality Exploration at MUTEK_IMG. How Do You Tell a Story in Virtual Reality? Watch legendary Disney animator Glen Keane draw in virtual reality. Marriott tests out virtual reality in hotel rooms - Fortune. Experience Virtual Reality at the Tribeca Film Festival. Uk.businessinsider. 10 mind-blowing Oculus Rift experiments that reveal VR's practical potential. Bouygues Telecom s’associe à la startup Ubleam pour des territoires innovants. Transformez votre smartphone en masque de réalité virtuelle. Une expérience inédite de réalité virtuelle. Augmented reality enables citizens to explore future plans for their neighborhood - EIT ICT Labs. Google looks forward to Intel processors to power next-gen Google Glass releasing in 2015. Why Augmented Reality Marketing Will Be Huge in 2015.

Virtual reality enters the here and now. Rumor: 2015's iPhone 6S Or 7 To Release With Virtual Reality And 3D Displays : Tech. Virtual Reality Is Going To Change Everything. Virtual Reality & Augmented Reality Market to Hit $1.06 Billion by 2018 – New Report by MarketsandMarkets. Sign Up. The future of Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality: Alternative Reality. Erreur de la base de données. La réalité augmentée en 10 usages éloquents. Laval Virtual 2015. Deux projets repérés à Tokyo et Vancouver. Front Page News. Welcome to W+T Preview – Scott Amyx: Why the Internet of Things Will Disrupt Everything. How Wearable Technology Will Change the Internet. Study: Wearable Devices Could Drive Media Growth. Big picture thinking for virtual reality firm.

Second Life Creator Philip Rosedale Is Building a Virtual World Where Your Avatar Mirrors Your Facial Expressions. Facebook wants to get Hollywood directors and studios interested in the Oculus Rift. The “Oculus Platform” Marketplace For Virtual Reality App Launches This Fall. Virtual Reality Poised for Mass Entertainment, but Can Hollywood Make It Happen?