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PostSecret » New Media Research Studio FA2. On June 6th, the postcard on the left was featured on, declaring an anonymous user’s intent to commit suicide. Despite not knowing a thing about this user–or even if this “secret” was the truth– the PostSecret community took action , creating a Facebook group and even organizing a suicide prevention rally . This event–from the secret being posted to the reception of it from the PostSecret Comminity–gained a lot of media attention and raised a great deal of questions. Why would someone submit such an intimate secret with strangers? Why are people interested in reading the secrets of strangers? Read the rest of this entry » With so many outlets to express your every emotion using the Internet, many people are worried that there is no sense of privacy left anymore. One site that I believe helps answer these questions is . Hjartesmil. Som eit par har gjetta allereie: eg kom vidare til landsmønstringa med løyndom-boka!

Tusen takk til alle som var med, eg er så stolt av oss. suss! I dag har eg sendt løyndom-boka til trykking. den inneheld nesten alle løyndommane eg har fått, og den kan de kjøpa her. den er kanskje litt dyr, men det blir opp til kvar og ein om de vil ha dei eller ikkje. i softcover er den litt billigare, men eg veit ikkje korleis heilt den ser ut i og med at eg har laga den for hardback-versjon med papiromslag. men ikkje slutt å senda inn løyndommar fordet, er de snille. eg treng jo til å legga ut på bloggen òg, veit de. så send send send!

Her er litt av boka, så de kan sjå. den er ganske stor, heile 86 sider og 25x20cm stor. her er forsida: den har sånn bokomslag i hardback-format, og bakpå står det om meg: bakpå har eg eit gamalt sitat: og her er litt av innholdet: takk på førehand, fine blomar. i dag fekk eg berre èin og det kan sjølvsagt vera greitt og i alle fall når den er så fin. eg har fått scanner! Urn:nbn:se:umu:diva-44280: Performing public secrets. Sharing with Strangers: The PostSecret Community » New Media Research Studio FA2. On June 6th, the postcard on the left was featured on, declaring an anonymous user’s intent to commit suicide. Despite not knowing a thing about this user–or even if this “secret” was the truth–the PostSecret community took action, creating a Facebook group and even organizing a suicide prevention rally.

This event–from the secret being posted to the reception of it from the PostSecret Comminity–gained a lot of media attention and raised a great deal of questions. Why would someone submit such an intimate secret with strangers? Why are people interested in reading the secrets of strangers? Users seek like-minded views on PostSecret Through my initial research looking at this forum, my travelogue aim has shifted drastically.

The PostSecret "Chat" forums My methodology is to become entirely immersed in these forums. Of course, I will be supplementing all of my personal finds and discoveries with data available about PostSecret. Research Happens: “Post Secret” As An Archive Of Our Id | Real World Research. Since I wrote this post, Frank Warren has had to withdraw the Post Secret app because people just couldn’t play nicely. When Frank Warren launched the Post Secret blog in 2004, it was a lark. “A creative prank,” he calls it . He gave out 3,000 postcards to strangers around Washington D.C., and asked each person to write a secret on it and mail it to him.

And they did. And people still do. To date, Warren has received more than half a million secrets . Some of the cards are scrawled, many are works of art. I’m afraid I’ll never find love because not even my own mother loved me enough to keep me I just want to tell someone how angry I am i secretly hate my friends, its hard having friends 1/2 your size Sometimes I wish my gorgeous autistic daughter was ugly.

The cleaner stole my sex book but I’m too embarrassed to ask for it back “im fine” – “im tired” – “im alright” are just excuses. …. and I’m not ok. The blog has no advertising. A supportive community has grown up around Post Secret. PostSecret | Society for New Communications Research. Blog/Blogging/Blogger Relations | Media | 2007 Around the world, many people are troubled, depressed, angry, tormented and even resort to suicide because they feel they cannot tell others what haunts them the most.

PostSecret began as an ongoing community art project where people could mail in their secrets anonymously on a homemade postcard. PostSecret’s founder, Frank Warren, wanted to give people a way to share their deepest secrets and lift their burdens, and needed a platform that would reach people globally. Create the PostSecret blog to encourage people to share their secrets as a way of preventing heartache and suicide. For the past three years, Frank Warren has personally read every postcard sent to him, and many are posted on the PostSecret Internet blog and in published in books for the world to see.

People have told Warren that they recognized a hidden part of themselves on a stranger’s postcard. Post Secret. Jag erkänner, jag tycker om att ta del av andras hemligheter, det får mig att känna mig mänsklig för jag känner ibland igen mig i dem. Frank Warren har sedan ett tag hållt i projektet PostSecret där han samlar hemligheter som folk skickar in till honom anonymt och sedan publicerar han dem på sin blogg. Det finns även fem böcker som givits ut med samlade hemligheter, de finns att köpa på Amazon. När jag såg den här enkla men ack så vackra kortfilm där olika människor bekänner sina hemligheter inför kameran tänkte jag att jag måste dela den med er! Så, vad är din hemlighet?

PostSecret: Confessions on Life, Death and God from Frank Warren on Vimeo. I admit, I like to read other people's secrets, it makes me feel human as I recognize myself in some of them. Frank Warren created the project PostSecret some time ago and it's basically people sending in their secrets on postcards to him (anonymously) and then he publishes them through his blog. Research Paper - POSTSECRET. I just discovered this PostSecret site in Sweden. Do you know of any other sites around the world?