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Croque Madame Muffins - The Little Paris Kitchen - Rachel Khoo. Windowfarms.


Je veux être bonne: Les recettes. Biscuits à la vanille avec Rudolf. Une souris verte qui courait dans l’herbe – Sablés escargots à la vanille et au thé vert. [A green mouse, running through the grass – Snail-like vanilla and green tea sablés] I assume you guessed from the lack of content around here that I’ve been somewhat busy.

Une souris verte qui courait dans l’herbe – Sablés escargots à la vanille et au thé vert

And well, you’re just damn right. A slice of convenience. When it comes to home baking, the idea of convenience has been kidnapped by well-meaning manufacturers who have created a culture of pre-rolled pie crust, shrink-wrapped cookie mix and frozen cudgels of bread dough.

A slice of convenience

Granted, the pie crusts save time, and the bread dough may serve as training wheels for those tentative about yeast. (Come on, you can do it!) But the convenience of refrigerated cookie dough is hardly modern. Our great-grandmothers knew this with their recipes for icebox cookies, as they once were called. These mostly humble treats got a boost in the 1930s when electric refrigerators became more affordable. Art & Christmas / Christmas: Refrigerator cookies. Coffee Break / Christmas finger food. Pie...Pie...I Love Pie / Pie Pops. Recipes / Banoffe "Danger" Pie.