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Animal Farm Quotes. Background information for Orwell's 1984 - George Orwell Links. Background information for George Orwell's Nineteen Eighty-Four Nineteen Eighty-Four (commonly abbreviated to 1984) is a dystopian novel by the English writer George Orwell, and first published by Secker and Warburg in 1949.

Background information for Orwell's 1984 - George Orwell Links

The book tells the story of Winston Smith and his attempt to rebel against the totalitarian state in which he lives.

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Newspeak Dictionary. Newspeak Dictionary Newspeak and other terminology found in Orwell's novel "1984", with some additional words which only appear in the movie.

Newspeak Dictionary

Airstrip One - Formally called England. This term demonstrates Orwell's distain for American influence Europe. It seems that Oceania (America, England, South America, Australia) looks upon Britain as little more than an ‘airstrip’ ... a launching ground into the European theater of war.