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6 errores a la hora de sustentar un proyecto cultural. How to Email an Illustrator. My friends, colleagues and I have recently noticed that communication with illustrators is falling apart. We lament this new trend often. While there are still many art directors in the field who efficiently and effectively communicate with their artists, there are seemingly just as many who are entering the profession without having been instructed in how to properly assign work or manage projects. I do not blame these individuals – not one bit. I blame the educators who failed to send them out into the world with good communication skills. Or perhaps I blame the lack of on-the-job training at publications, where art directors are hired and fired at increasingly rapid rates. Therefore, here is a guideline that will lead to improved communication, fewer revisions, better artwork, and fewer headaches for all involved. 1.

This kind of email is a waste of everybody’s time, because all of the important information is missing: size and number of illustrations, context, timeline, and budget. 12 Things They Don't Teach You In School About Being A Designer. My wife Andy and I started Paper Leaf in 2009. We were not bad at design (I think we’re pretty damn good now), but we were really green at business. In some ways, our naivety was a bit of a blessing; had we known what we know now, we probably would have talked ourselves out of starting the business. And that would have been a mistake—we love what we get to do. Regardless, there are a number of blunt realities we faced (and still do face) and things we’ve learned in running Paper Leaf that we either never anticipated, or never really bought in to if we read it elsewhere. Here are some of the big ones. 1. If you want to be a designer, you don’t want to start a design business. I’m fine with that—I love the business side of design—but if you want to be producing design work the majority of the time, you should realize that starting an agency might take you down a different path. 2.

Not every project will be great. 3. It’s just a fact. 4. 5. Math. 6. 7. Landing your biggest contract? 8. 9. 5 Networking Secrets From A Professional Spy. Fourteen years ago when I was working in corporate America I began wooing "Big Firm," a potential new client. I started with a cold-call letter I’d spent an embarrassing number of hours composing. It met with silence. But like a teen boy crushing, I kept pursuing Big Firm for many awkward months, painstakingly crafting proposal after proposal. These earned me a series of thanks-but-no-thanks replies, each signed by the same guy.

I studied Big Firm and sussed out that John was a mid-level but well-connected player and, by all accounts, a rising star. It was time to turn to the darker side of my skill set (I've been in intelligence investigations for 23 years). I built a dossier. On night two of the conference, John and I spotted each other’s name tags across a crowded bar. Conversation ensued; drinks were shared. My pitch hadn’t changed, but our relationship had. The craft of building a network of clients and colleagues isn’t about casting a wide net. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Be Sincere. How to Post on the Internet. I want to talk about the common questions and misconceptions inexperienced artists have, either when they start working towards becoming an artists or when they join Polycount.

This is a culmination of advice I’ve given to people over the years and really, a bunch of stuff I wish someone would have told me when I started out. That's cool, what software did you use? This is something you may want to say; however, it’s akin to asking a photographer what camera they use, or an architect which ruler they use. It implies that the reason something is impressive is because of the tools they use, not the talent they have nor the effort they put in.Now, this isn't to say that you shouldn't ask questions about tools, software, workflows, etc (start here).

What software/tool/workflow is best? This is an unanswerable question, what it really comes down to is what are you most comfortable using. How many triangles should I use for X? This is another unanswerable question. No, shut your mouth. The Many, Many, Many Things You Should Say "No" To At Work. Kristin Muhlner is the CEO of NewBrand Analytics, which helps companies monitor social media chatter about them. She also has mastered the art of saying no, resolutely refusing to become overextended in all corners of her life. Fast Company caught up with Muhlner to learn how to wiggle out of networking, email, and even—gasp!

—charitable work. Be Ruthless "Quite candidly, I’m really ruthless in terms of doing only those things which are absolutely essential. I’m saying no to a lot, both in work and life. Butt Out "I see a lot of peers insert themselves in all sorts of activities where it’s probably not necessary. Don’t Network "I always say no to networking activities. Don’t Answer Email "I love email. Save the World? "I say no to a lot of philanthropic activities. Say No To Being Inauthentic "I met recently with the chief marketing officer of a respected brand, and as soon as I sat down, she said, ‘It’s really great to meet you, but I have to tell you: I’m leaving the company next week. 5 Things Job Candidates Obsess Over That Hiring Managers Don’t Care About. It doesn’t matter how much work experience you have, or how many interviews you’ve knocked out of the park—job hunting is bound to make even the most confident candidates feel insecure.

And since so many factors are out of your control—like whether you’ll hear back about that perfect fit opportunity—it’s no wonder many people find themselves attempting to regain a little power by obsessing over what they can control. But the truth is, not all job-search details are make-or-break. To help you discern what’s worth your worry—and what’s definitely not—we chatted with two career experts to identify five easy-to-obsess-over details that hiring managers really don’t care about … and what to focus on instead. 1. How Fancy Your Resume Looks In today’s competitive job market, it’s crucial to make your CV shine brighter than the hundreds of others on a hiring manager’s desk. "No employer is going to hire you just because you have a beautifully laid-out resume," she says. 2. 3.

Another option? 4. 5. 4 Common Word Traps That Can Destroy Your Career. A slip of the tongue? A foot in your mouth? We’ve all had those moments when we wish we could take back something we’ve said. While many of us recognize these communication faux-pas, communication expert Dr. Loretta Malandro, author of the new book Speak Up, Show Up and Stand Up says our vocabulary contains many word traps that can negatively affect the way we’re perceived by others and destroy our leadership credibility. These words are so commonplace, they’re infrequently noticed by the speaker but can instantly trigger negative emotional reactions in the listener. This is especially true in high-stress situations or where there’s a lack of trust, causing sensitivity to these word traps to be heightened. Some of the most common word traps include: 1. Using the word "you" followed by a criticism or critique leaves the listener with the impression that you’re pointing the finger and can instantly trigger a defensive response. 2. 3. 4.

Get The Best Stories In Leadership Every Day. How To Build A World-Class Design Portfolio. I’ve reviewed thousands of designer portfolios over the past 10 years as a former design lead at Facebook and now as the cofounder of the investing and mentoring network Designer Fund. Beautiful shots of your work might've carried you into an interview years ago, but today, design managers at top startups are looking for more. Here are tips for building a great portfolio site based on feedback from our partners at Bridge, a design education program that connects designers and startups: 1.

Quality over Quantity It’s much better for you to go deeper on a few projects than go shallow on many projects. This will give you the advantage of showing off your best work and let you give a lot of context around that work. If you simply throw in some work to "round out your portfolio" get ready to be judged by your weakest work. An example of going deep on a high-quality project is the Pinterest Creative Team’s deep dive into Place Pins. 2. Project Background: Set the context for the project. 3. 4.

How To Get A Meeting With Anyone. We all have that one person who we'd love to meet—the best business contact or our biggest creative inspiration. When Brad Lawrence and Michael Zach started the art apparel and body paint company BLVisuals in 2010, they dreamed of getting their goods in front of music star Macklemore. “He inspires us and we’d love to meet him,” Zach told a Detroit-area television crew when they were featured on their local news last year. You never know when serendipity will strike; turns out, the cameraman was friends with Macklemore’s security guard and he arranged for Lawrence, Zach, and their crew to meet Macklemore when he and Ryan Lewis were in town for a concert a few weeks later.

“Listening to his songs while trying to overcome obstacles helped me delve fully into this dream I was developing and trust that everything was going to work out,” says Lawrence. Whether you’re a budding entrepreneur like Lawrence and Zach or a veteran in your field, there’s probably someone you’d like to meet. The 3-Step Process To Answering Even The Toughest Questions. On the reality show Shark Tank, there’s a four-word red flag that warns a contestant the Sharks have begun to circle and the success of the pitch is in serious danger: "Just answer the question. " On the show, being able to handle tough questions from the investors can make or break the pitch. Likewise, in your work, your ability to handle tough questions—whether they are from your boss, board, peers, or customers—can advance your agendas and accelerate your promotions, or it can derail your proposals and damage your career’s trajectory.

Over my 35 years of providing speaking coaching to business executives, I’ve taught an extremely simple process for dealing with challenging questions that I call the ABC approach. So, how exactly does it work? 1. Alignment has two parts: First, you have to recognize what the questioner has said, and then you have to explain why you feel her perspective has merit. Once you’ve aligned with your questioner, it’s time to move on to the bridging phase. 2. 3.

Templates And Hints For The Perfect Email For Almost Every Situation. Have you ever received an amazing email, one that you’d like to print out and pin to your wall, one that made you grin from ear to ear or slow-clap in appreciation and reverence? When I come across these gems, I drop them into a “Snippets” folder. I study them, I swoon over them, and I borrow bits and pieces of them to send better email. Now imagine that every email you send is as great as these occasional all-stars you receive. Impossible? Not at all. Worth shooting for? At Buffer, we strive for 100% awesomeness in the emails we send to customers, and that pursuit of excellence carries over to the emails we send to teammates, colleagues, friends, and family. So I’m happy to share some of my sources of email inspiration. An email template for shaving 20 hours off your work week Author Robbie Abed took to LinkedIn to share a pair of emails that he had used successfully to shave his workweek from 60 hours to 40 hours.

Here is email number one, which is to be sent on Monday. Thank you! 18 Ways to Be More Positive at Work [Infographic] Cómo ser más productivo : ILUSTRANDO DUDAS. Advice to Graduates | Business of Illustration. This time of year is when illustration majors everywhere are graduating from their programs. Here’s some advice for those of you about to embark on this difficult journey: It’s a marathon, not a sprint It takes your average illustrator seven years to be able to fully support themselves on illustration work alone.

While some may conquer the world overnight, most won’t. Don’t despair if it doesn’t happen right away. You have to play to win I know classmates from fourteen years ago who still have yet to send out a promotional mailer. Get a day job Until you can make a full living off your art, you need to support yourself. Don’t compare yourself to your peers People move at their own pace. Talent is the smallest part of illustration Some of the most talented artists I went to school with were not able to support themselves with their work. Take advantage of your youth You can put up with far more in your twenties than you’re willing to in your thirties.

Location matters Do your own thing. Quiero ser ilustrador : ILUSTRANDO DUDAS. Sabemos que todos venís de realidades diferentes. Algunos de una formación que no tiene nada que ver con esto, otros puede que llevéis años especializandos, otros aprendiendo de manera autodidacta o estudiando alguna carrera creativa relacionada… El caso es que todos queréis dar el salto y trabajar como ilustradores profesionales y para eso necesitáis empezar a encontrar información y referencias sobre la profesión y el sector en el que os queréis meter. Para escribir este artículo vamos a partir de la base de que todos os habéis formado ya a nivel técnico y creativo, que sabéis en qué consiste ser ilustrador profesional y que estáis intentando conseguir encargos y clientes de un sector en concreto que trabaje con ilustración (publicidad, editorial, producto, moda, etc). Sino es así, ya sabéis cuáles son los primeros pasos que tenéis que dar: 1. Saber en qué consiste exactamente ser ilustrador profesional. 2. 1.

Necesitamos tener ilustraciones para meter en el portafolio. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. What To Do When Investors Think You're Crazy. The relationship between entrepreneurs and experts is complicated. Most entrepreneurs can see their vision clearly, but the experts in their field can often think of reasons why the entrepreneur is mistaken and will fail. Despite this, many entrepreneurs follow through with their visions, ignoring the experts’ noisy dissents.

They do this not out of arrogance or ignorance, but because the entrepreneurs know they can visualize the end product more than the naysayers. It is essential that entrepreneurs dream because they see what others do not. Staples Inc.’s Tom Stemberg is a case in point: Pitching The Vision When Stemberg pitched his Staples idea to every investor he could find, they all thought his idea crazy. Investors declined his invitation at first because they saw the high risk associated with such a drastic reinvention of the industry. Investment bankers and others told Stemberg to share his ideas and get reactions from industry experts. Ignoring the Naysayers Ask The Customer. 5 Must-Have Skills Graduates Need to Land Their First Job. Today’s college graduates need every skill-related edge they can get when it comes to applying for and landing a full-time job.

Numerous surveys and reports indicate that recent U.S. college graduates face a wildly competitive job market along with astronomical student loan debt. More than 40% of recent graduates are underemployed and 16% are working part-time jobs, according to Accenture’s 2013 College Graduate Employment Survey. One employer survey, conducted by staffing company Adecco, indicates that 44% of responding companies cited "soft skills, such as communication, critical thinking, creativity, and collaboration" as the area with "the biggest gap. " Additionally, a Talent Shortage Survey from ManpowerGroup discovered that nearly one in five employers worldwide is unable to fill positions because they can’t find people with soft skills. 1.

Most new graduates apply for entry-level positions, perhaps following an internship at a specific organization. 2. 3. Consider a sports team. 4. Want People To Actually Read Your Emails? Use These Subject Line Tricks. What Creative People Need To Do To Protect Their Work. 70% Of Your Time At Work Is Wasted--How To Change That. 9 Things I Wish I Knew When I Started My Career. Emprendedores_culturales.

Guía Portafolio : ILUSTRANDO DUDAS. Starting a freelance design business: Amy Ng | PATTERN OBSERVER PATTERN OBSERVER. 5 Ways To Make Your Emails Stand Out From A Cluttered Inbox. 10 Significant Things You Likely Didn't Know About Social Media But Should. 7 errores evitables antes de ir a la imprenta. 9 Tips For Boosting Your Website Traffic And Leads. How To Nail An Interview, In 6 Simple Charts. Why Tweaking Your Career Vocabulary Can Radically Improve Your Life. Cómo conseguir el capital para su emprendimiento, Trabajo y educación.

Why Your Friends Shape Your Happiness, Creativity, And Career. 8 Simple Scientifically Proven Ways to Improve Your Writing. 11 Productivity Hacks From Super-Productive People. 5 Free Apps To Overcome Your Forgetfulness. Ilustracción! » Nueve normas de oro para el ilustrador profesional. The Simple Psychological Principle That Will Transform Your Terrible Networking Skills. How To Build Connections When You’re Just Starting Out. 5 Ways To Improve Your Website. Escribir y publicar: de la IDEA al ORIGINAL y del ORIGINAL al LIBRO. 6 Social Media Tips That Will Improve Your Marketing. 4 Habits Of Punctual People. Beyond Traditional And Emotional Intelligence: The Secret Weapon Of Great Innovators. 6 Simple Habits That Can Save You Hours. Why Successful Habits Are About Structure, Not Effort. How To Do What You Love And Not Go Broke. How Patagonia's New CEO Is Increasing Profits While Trying To Save The World.

How To Become A Content Master On LinkedIn. How to Be a Successful Freelance Illustrator. 17 | Infographic: See The Daily Routines Of The World's Most Famous Creative People. Starting your career as an Artist on the Internet — Let’s Make Things. Don't Send Yet! 9 Email Mistakes You’re Probably Making--And How To Fix Them. 5 Ways to Instantly Become More Productive.

Guía Portafolio : ILUSTRANDO DUDAS. Freelancers: How Not To Get Screwed By Clients. How Much Should You Charge For Design Work? 12 Things They Don't Teach You In School About Being A Designer. What Would These 12 Business Leaders Do Today? Another Lesson From Steve Jobs: A Driving Vision Has 4 Key Elements. 5 Ways to Successfully Work From Home. These Interview Fake-Outs Reveal What Your Employer Really Wants To Know. Pixar President Ed Catmull On How To Run A Creative Business. 5 Tips For Fast And Focused Meetings. 5 Traits Of Successful Job Offer Negotiators. 5 Career Mistakes You Didn’t Know You Were Making. 12 Ways To Build The Best Relationship With Your Boss.

10 Assumptions You Make That Kill Your Resume. 4 Tips To Help Millennials Find Meaningful Work. 9 Resume Mistakes That Might Cost You A Job. 5 Types Of Buzzwords That Are Killing Your Resume. Hey, College Grads: Avoid These 5 Job-Hunting Mistakes And Good Work Can Still Be Had. 5 Weird Habits That Make People Successful And Awesome. 6 Ways To Create A Culture Of Innovation. 18 Things Highly Creative People Do Differently.