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Using Chalk Paint® to Paint Your Couch or Wing Back Chair | The Purple Painted Lady. Not in love with your furniture any more? Instead of tossing it and buying new right away- consider painting it using Chalk Paint® decorative paint by Annie Sloan, like my customer’s Karen and Roxanne have (and many others!) It does NOT matter if the furniture is: fabric…velvet, brocade, leather or vinyl.

Chalk Paint® will transform it…resurrect it…..and make you re-love it! Chalk Paint® is absolutely amazing in all it can do and when it comes to painting furniture- which when it is fabric furniture, it is similar to dying it. Keep in mind that if the fabric on your furniture has a heavy textured pattern, Chalk Paint® will change the color of the fabric, but it won’t hide the pattern.

When calculating paint needs- keep in mind that painting fabric is very different than painting a hard surface. When painting velvet that has a heavy texture, make sure to lay the knap in the direction you want it to be once dry with your paint brush in your final, finishing stroke. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. A. B. 6. A. Before & after: katy’s bathroom + shanni’s kitchen.

It’s not often that i see bathroom before & after where someone’s opted to keep their cute retro tile and find a way to work with it. so i was thrilled to see an email from katy at the green door about her recent bathroom makeover. when katy moved into her home she loved the original 1950′s mint green and black tiles, but wanted to find a way to modernize the room without losing all the character. katy started by removing all of the existing pink decor and replacing it with clean white linens. the walls got a coat of bold dark grey paint and katy stenciled on a print inspired by damask wallpaper. i think the new color palette really highlights the 50′s tile work so nicely- it’s great to see fun vintage details like this given new life. great work, katy! (click here to read more about katy’s makeover process.) [have a before & after you'd like to share? Just shoot me an email with your images right here!

(low res, under 1M total, please)] How to Decorate With Salmon Tile. Insider-colour-and-design-secrets.pdf. Hr3092856-13.jpg (image) Insider-colour-and-design-secrets. How to make a tutu wreath with tulle. Dining Room Chair Reveal! | Design Manifest. Happy Monday to you Lovelies! Remember my craigslist chairs from last week? Well I gave them a makeover and today I’m showing them off. I knew from the start I wanted black chairs. Black is so chic, mixes with everything, and makes a bold statement around my Docksta Table.

A solid back may have felt heavy, so I love that the caning allows light to peak through. I know many of you thought I would go more colorful, but I have so much color elsewhere in my space that I wanted these chairs to be more neutral. So there ya have it. PS- EXCITING NEWS! A Chair Affair - thrift store dining chair makeovers - DIY Show Off. Just a quick “after” of the chairs my sister Patti got for around $2-3 each for her dining room (she just moved her family back and is on a tight budget for furnishing her new home). Shopping was done at thrift stores, 2nd hand furniture store, yardsales and auctions. A little clean up and all chair cushions were re-upholstered. Patti chose coordinating royal blue floral and paisley patterns.

Remove seats from wooden chair base.Remove old fabric (usually stapled on)Lay out new fabric with seat upside down in the middle of a piece of fabric (about 1/2 yard should be more than enough). Cut fabric to size (a couple of inches larger all the way around).I fold my unfinished edges under while working my way around the seat, stapling as I go.Start with the center of one side, fold fabric under then pull and staple to the under side of the seat.

Do the center of each side, pulling tight as you go.After each side center is stapled, I move the corners. Cute dining chair, love the upholstery fabric. - Curtains, Drapes, Valances, Hardware For Your Window. Sand and Sisal: How to Frame a Mirror. You all know my master bed/bath is undergoing a facelift and adding framed mirrors is part of the process. Most homes have these huge behemoth mirrors and mine is no exception. Don’t get me wrong I love mirrors! Is that vain to say? Mirrors magnify the light in a room, and I love lots of natural light, but they tend to look a little big and naked. (I’m talking about the mirrors now, not necessarily what they’re reflecting!!!!) Let’s dress that mirror! This project was so unbelievably simple and inexpensive that I kept giggling while making it!

Step 1: Measure the height and width of your mirror, including mirror clips, adding 1/2 inch to account for my desired overlap. Step 2: Choose your molding (at least 3” width). Step 3: Take your width measurement and mark the width on the molding. Step 4: Lay the outer edge of molding against the saw fence and cut a 45 degree angle inward at each end. Step 5: Lay the 4 sides down on a large covered surface to form a box. Step 7: SPRAY PAINT TIME! Kim. Mirror Frame Tutorial. Just like I promised here is the tutorial on how to make a custom looking frame around your bigger then life mirror your builder put up in the bathroom. Are you ready for probably a more detailed tutorial then you ever thought you would need and more pictures then you care to see? Well here goes. Now we are not any means. I have never used a miter box nor have I even sawed anything myself before this weekend. So if my mom and I can do this in a weekend. You can do it too. After you have measured your mirror to know how much trim you will needo to home depot or lowes or where ever your little heart desires to get your trim.

Pick out the trim that you think would make the best frame for you. Mom wanted a fairly thick frame since it is such a big mirror so the mirror wouldn't swallow the frame. So she picked out two trims to pair together. You can piece together a bunch of different trims to your liking. There really is an endless amount of combinations you could make. Thanks. How To Frame A Bathroom Mirror. If you love the look that wood moulding can do to enhance the architecture and décor in your home but have hesitated to add it because you thought it was beyond your level of skill – I want you to think again.

There are many options on the market today for homeowners with or without the proper carpentry skills and tools. I am going to show you how I made a frame for my bathroom mirror using a miter saw, but don’t fret because at the end of the post I am going to show you how EASY it is to do without a miter saw, too. Here is my bathroom mirror before: Just a plain mirror, actually two placed together. It lacks any style, but I am going to change that. The mirrors were originally hung with Mirror Mastic – which is a glue that won’t bleed through to the mirrored finish. Mdf(primed) Baseboard Moulding with Cap 19/32” x 5-1/4” Miter Saw Paint Paint Brush Caulk Liquid Nails and Caulk Gun Pencil Measuring tape 1.

The actual moulding I used. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Joint After After. Kitchen Cabinet Knobs Hardware Category - Hardware LookInTheAttic. The Right Way to Re-Finish Kitchen Cabinets - Paint Gurus. If you've looked at the price of kitchen cabinets lately then you know they can get costly fast. So if your kitchen is in need of a makeover, repainting is a smart way to give the cabinetry a fresh new look without breaking the bank. Previously-painted wood cabinets are prime candidates, of course, but so are wood cabinets with a clear varnish or lacquer finish: With the right prep work, a quality paint job will brighten up dark pine, oak, and other natural-finished wood cabinets and transform the entire room. Formica or laminate cabinets will need additional preparation and an alkyd or bonding primer to enable the paint to adhere.

Prepwork. First thing you should know is that this is definitely not a weekend project, no matter how small your kitchen! But even before sanding, clean all the surfaces with a degreaser. If there are dings or cracks or holes left by hardware, now's the time to fill them. Primer. Finish. The New Step-By-Step Home Decorating Projects - Creative Publishing International, Editors of Creative Publishing. How to Attach a Mounting Board for Roman Shades. Most Popular Green Paint Colors - Benjamin Moore Green Room Colors.

Best Selling Grays. Free Instructions - How to Make Roman Shades | Terrell Designs. No Sew Roman Shade from Mini Blinds. ***UPDATE: I’ve received so many great questions about this project that I did a second post on no sew roman shade from a mini blind FAQs You may have seen a few versions of this floating around blogland and Pinterest, and being so sewing challenged, I am all for anything involving fabric that is “no sew”. Give me a drill or a saw and I’m all set. Sewing machines? Who? What? Supplies needed: fabricblindsfabric gluemeasuring tapescissors I had heard a rumor that Home Depot will custom cut blinds for free. Pop off the bottom caps, unknot the pull string, and set aside the bottom bar. Cut away the ladder cord. Decide how many folds you want and how far apart you want the folds.

Reattach the bottom bar. Cut your fabric about 2 inches wider than your blinds. Iron your fabric if needed, then fold over the sides and iron the hem. Run a thin line of fabric glue under the hem and run your fingers from the inside of the shade to the outside corners to smooth it out. Let dry and then hang it back up. Stencils for walls, reusable stencils by Cutting Edge Stencils. Mixing Chalk Paint Colors to Extend Your Palette. Every time I blog about chalk paint, I usually get a few emails from people saying they are afraid to try it. This is so perplexing to me. I get being afraid of a lot of stuff, but chalk paint? Don’t be afraid of chalk paint. It is literally the easiest, most forgiving product I have ever used. The other comment I hear a lot is that people think the color palette is limiting. I might have tended to agree with this a little more in the beginning of my chalk paint experiences, but again, this is just not the case.

I recently found the blog Ciruelointeriors. You get the idea, right? Have a great day friends, and get brave. If you would like to subscribe to Playing Sublimely, you can click here to do so, or go to the bottom right hand column of this page and enter your email address.