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Home. Socrative. Educational Technology and Student Response Systems. ISTE - International Society for Technology in Education - Home. 101 Web 2.0 Teaching Tools. Online tools and resources have made it easier for teachers to instruct students, and for students to collaborate with those teachers and with other students and parents. These “Web 2.0” teaching tools aren’t magical, but they may seem to defy definition at times since they save time, help you to stay organized, and often take up little space on a computer.

Some of these applications are Web-based, which means that they can be accessed from any computer. The following list is filled with tools that will make a teacher’s, or those enrolled in the best online education programs, life easier. The categories are listed in alphabetical order and the links to each tool are also listed alphabetically within those categories. Aggregators The following list includes free tools that you can use to stay on top of current events, including headlines and blogs. Aggie: Aggie is an open source news aggregator that’s also a desktop application. Bookmark Managers Classroom Tools Collaboration E-learning. 10 Emerging Education and Instructional Technologies that all Educators Should Know About (2012) Naturally, as author of EmergingEdTech, I’m always keeping an eye out for education and instructional technologies that are emerging from the seemingly endless array of tools and concepts that are out there – which applications and ideas are rising to the fore and best positioned to enhance engagement and impact learning?

This year I’ve also been working with constituents at The College of Westchester to develop a Strategic Technology Plan for the next 3 years, so it’s never been more important for me to be aware of those impactful education technologies and concepts that are on the horizon or are already in use and pulling ahead of the pack. Since this listing is more pointedly focused on emerging technologies and looking out over the next few years than the list I published at this time last year, it should not come as a surprise that there are a lot of new entries here (edging out six technologies that remain prevalent and potent, but are more ‘established’ than ’emerging’).

Assessment Tools. These tools are for immediate use with students in the classroom. They are suitable for use in many different contexts and are aimed at improving assessment practices. A range of schools across Victoria have used some of these tools and their feedback and suggestions for use are included. The tools are grouped under the following headings: Graphic organisers - tools to visually represent thoughts, ideas, knowledge and concepts. They help to organise thoughts and to promote understanding. This section contains sample graphic organisers and some examples of how they were successfully used by schools for various purposes. Review and reflection tools - enable students to review and reflect on their knowledge, progress, and what they have learnt and achieved during a unit, topic or project. Feedback tools - enable students to provide feedback on their work and performance. Rubrics - printed sets of criteria for assessing knowledge, performance or product and for giving feedback.

Formative Assessment Steps and Student Feedback. What Are the Largest Educational Technology Organizations? Web Quests Ready-to-go! - 340+ Pages - Just Click and Print! View Collection 50,000+ Printable Worksheets - For Grades K-12 - Teachers Love It! View Now... What Are the Largest Educational Technology Organizations? The modernization of learning is a rather new trend that has revolutionized the world of education.

Virtual schools are the most popular online technology organization. Among the different online technology groups are education portals. OSS Watch, which is a consultative agency sponsored by the JISC or Joint Information Systems Committee, offers broad analyses of the economic, technical, and legal facets of open source software execution in the advanced learning field. What are the largest educational technology organization alternatives aside from virtual schools and education portals? A comparable venture is known as OSC or open source curriculum. You may get open source resources from Curriki, Connexions, and MIT Open Courseware.

Educational Technology Organizations. Blending Technology and Classroom Learning: Jessie Woolley-Wilson at TEDxRainier.