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Resources - Cell Wellbeing New Zealand. Comorbidity - Dr. Slavin. Comorbidity refers to the presence of multiple health challenges in the same person.

Comorbidity - Dr. Slavin

For example: high blood pressure, diabetes and obesity. Mitigation in this context refers to reducing the severity of the health challenges. This program is available to our patients with any comorbid condition who wishes to reduce its’ severity without using additional medications. Besides reducing the severity of their health challenges, the patients will in turn strengthen their immune system and in many cases reduce the need for their medications. To remain in the program, the patient will be required to be monitored on a monthly basis at a minimum, optimize their nutritional status based on specific testing, and receive a monthly IV consisting of immune boosting nutrients.

There is no additional charge for this program; however, to remain in the program, the patients will have to show monthly improvements. Call 954-748-4991 and schedule an appointment. Untitled. Untitled. Wondering where does Babassu Oil come from?


The 20 meters tall Babassu palm tree, native to Brazil, produces a nut which is processed to extract its rich fatty, non-drying oil. Quickly becoming the go to substitute for coconut oil, Babassu Oil is highly revered among personal and industrial product manufacturers alike! Untitled. Untitled. 22000018 J Ambicor ORM en s. Untitled. MH 618708 AA Tactra VAC Presentation FINAL CORRECTED. Untitled. Untitled. The Story of WellSpring’s PTX Therapy… and What it Means to You When the phospholipid membranes that protect your cells weaken due to aging, free radical damage, allergens and environmental toxins, cholesterol syntheses is disrupted, causing an increase blood LDL – the bad cholesterol.


The result is a build-up of arterial plaques throughout the body, making it harder and harder for your heart to pump blood through the narrowing arteries. By-pass surgery replaces six inches of arteries, while PTX Therapy supports your body’s ability to clear 75,000 miles of blood vessels throughout your body, much like a natural roto-rooter procedure, reducing deadly plaque build-up and significantly reducing your risk of disease. WellSpring’s PTX Therapy is a direct descendant of pioneering European research that began over five decades ago! Early German research identified powerful phospholipids that targeted plaque build-up and cleared arteries, safely and naturally. Call today: (480) 946.9222. Untitled. A Home And Natural Cure: Oregano Oil For Herpes, The Simple Remedy. Have you been worrying lately about how to get rid of herpes?

A Home And Natural Cure: Oregano Oil For Herpes, The Simple Remedy

, looking out for natural treatments for Herpes? Or wondering about oregano oil for Herpes? Smile now, because here is the final bus stop for your herpes. With the simple to use and an all natural oregano oil for herpes treatment, You can eliminate herpes permanently, effectively and experience an immediate relief in less than no time. In the subsequent paragraphs, I am going to be talking about what oregano really is how oregano oil really works and the best ways you can use oregano oil to cure herpes permanently.

What Is Oregano Oil? Oregano oil is a potent and natural oil extracted from the oregano plant itself. How Oregano Works For Herpes. Herpes is a disease or illness caused by the herpes simplex virus (HSV). Herpes exists in two forms HSV-1 (better known as oral herpes) and HSV-2 ( genital herpes). Osso Good Whole30 Approved Products. The Benefits of Drinking Bone Broth on a Gluten-Free Diet There are numerous benefits to drinking bone broth on a gluten-free diet.

Osso Good Whole30 Approved Products

Not only is it helpful in promoting overall health and well-being, but there are also some specific advantages when you’re going gluten-free. Heals Inflammation You may be on a gluten-free diet for a variety of reasons — from just wanting better health to having a gluten intolerance or allergy. If you have a gluten sensitivity or allergy, stopping your consumption of foods containing gluten is only part of the battle. It’s important to heal the gut and reduce internal inflammation to counteract the negative effects of gluten. Bone broth is one easy way to do this. The post The Benefits of Drinking Bone Broth on a Gluten-Free Diet appeared first on The Osso Good Co..

The Premium Bone Broth. 100% Organic. 100% Grass-fed. Eden Farms – FarmFoods. Causes of Hormonal Imbalance & How to Naturally Balance Hormones. Find a Healthcare Provider – DUTCH Test. Accredited Naturopathic Schools of North America. All AANMC member institutions have been accredited by one of the regional accrediting agencies approved by the U.S.

Accredited Naturopathic Schools of North America

Department of Education. In addition, all of the naturopathic medicine programs of the member schools have been accredited by the Council on Naturopathic Medical Education (CNME), the recognized accreditor for naturopathic medical programs in North America. Graduation from a naturopathic medicine program that is accredited or is a candidate for accreditation guarantees eligibility to sit for the Naturopathic Physicians Licensing Examinations (NPLEX), the passage of which is required to obtain licensure.

Since 1978, the CNME has helped to develop and maintain the highest standards of education for naturopathic doctors. Holistic Arts Institute - Holistic Health Practitioner Program. Neuropsychology Treatments. Neuropsychology Evaluations Head to Head Consultants in Gladstone, NJ and Jill Brooks, Ph.D. provide comprehensive neuropsychological assessments and evaluations for more than 30 years.

Neuropsychology Treatments

Dr. Brooks has published numerous articles and book chapters in the areas of neurogenic speech and language disorders, executive dysfunction and concussion in sports. Dr. Brooks was appointed by Governor Christie Whitman to serve on the New Jersey Advisory Council on Traumatic Brain Injury. Services for various conditions include the following: Stem Cell Therapy & Treatment Clinics In Florida. Buy Ormus, monoatomic gold, mono atomic gold, monatomic gold, ORMES, O.R.M.E.S., white powder gold, MFKTZ, MUFKUTZ, edible gold, liquid gold, dry powder gold, philosopher’s stone, elixir of life, food of the gods, semen of the gods, manna, showbread, shew. Buy Ormus, monoatomic gold, mono atomic gold, monatomic gold, ORMES, O.R.M.E.S., white powder gold, MFKTZ, MUFKUTZ, edible gold, liquid gold, dry powder gold, philosopher’s stone, elixir of life, food of the gods, semen of the gods, manna, showbread, shewbread, m-state, high spin elements, colloidal silver, sole, brine, Himalayan salt.

Buy Ormus, monoatomic gold, mono atomic gold, monatomic gold, ORMES, O.R.M.E.S., white powder gold, MFKTZ, MUFKUTZ, edible gold, liquid gold, dry powder gold, philosopher’s stone, elixir of life, food of the gods, semen of the gods, manna, showbread, shew

Ormus is a modern name for an ancient substance commonly known as: monoatomic gold, white powder gold, edible gold, ORMES, high spin or m-state elements, MFKTZ, elixir of life, the philosopher’s stone, manna, shewbread, bread of life, food of the gods and many other names. The ancient Egyptians used Ormus (MFKTZ) to heal the physical body, enlighten the mind, increase consciousness and empower the spirit-body.

Allegedly long-term use of Ormus ultimately resulted in perfect harmony of mind, body and spirit which allowed them to access the higher magic such as telepathy, levitation and so on. Ormus may have a profound effect on the mind, body and spirit. David Hudson: ORMEs Patent. David R.

David Hudson: ORMEs Patent

HUDSON Orbitally Rearranged Monoatomic Elements (ORMEs) David Hudson: Superconductivity and Modern Alchemy: Has the Philosopher's Stone Been Found? Golden Milk - Recipe to Balance All Doshas - Ayurveda. Oh Golden Milk!

Golden Milk - Recipe to Balance All Doshas - Ayurveda

Ayurveda is brilliant for its herbal wisdom, such as the benefits of turmeric – but even more so, for its genius in combining. Making dishes, tonics or formulas to create a balanced, whole, all-six-tastes intelligence that super charges healing is a unique forte in Ayurvedic medicine. It’s one of the many reasons I love it, because it is a science of relationships! That is why this ancient and popular Ayurvedic recipe for Golden Milk is so effective – Ayurveda knows that turmeric’s potency is enhanced when its bitter taste is balanced by the sweet taste.

Bitters help the body detoxify, while sweet increases the bio-availability to carry the medicinal qualities of bitters well into your deeper tissues. Rosanna's Videos.