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Borne in the Commonwealth of Dominica, lives in China. Young graphic designers with an interest in branding, webdesign and illustration. I love Asian girls, billiard, Tv Shows(The Walking Dead is my fav).

Creating the perfect logo design. “Among the accomplishments of the grammarians can be reckoned a method for paraphrasing Sanskrit in a manner that is identical not only in essence but in form with current work in Artificial Intelligence.” – 1985, NASA researcher Rick Briggs Sanskrit is an ancient language used and documented over 20,000 years ago leading way to the religious belief of Hinduism, the worlds oldest religion.

Creating the perfect logo design

Sanskrit has covered many questions in detail to connect science and spirituality as one. From physics and chemistry to medicine and maths, the language and discoveries made in the time of Sanskrit have been astonishing. Its even considered that the technological advancements and discoveries made today are simply reinventions of those made previously via the Sanskrit. Blog  – Golden Ratio in logo designs. Golden Ratio in logo designs.

blog  – Golden Ratio in logo designs

Beauty and aesthetics have been praised from time immemorial. But little did people know that the most effective, perfectly balanced, and visually compelling creations followed the tid-bits of mathematics. At least not until 1860, when German physicist and psychologist Gustav Theodor Fechner proposed that a simple ratio, an irrational number defines the balance in nature.

The Golden Ratio! Blog : #NewTwitter’s Divine Proportions. “To anyone curious about #NewTwitter proportions, know that we didn’t leave those ratios to chance,” explains Twitter’s Creative Director, Doug Bowman, referring to the site’s recent revamp.

Blog : #NewTwitter’s Divine Proportions

The two-pane layout remains the basis for the redesign, but the new proportions are based on an age-old mathematical constant that – applied correctly – can result in some of the most effective, perfectly balanced, and visually compelling creations. The Golden Ratio – also known as the Divine Proportion – is represented by the calculated number 1.6180339887, and denoted by the Greek letter Phi (Φ). It is all around us, in nature, science, art, architecture and even music – from nautilus shells to spiral galaxies, the Parthenon, the Mona Lisa, and Bartok’s Music For Strings, Percussion & Celesta. It is ingrained in our consciousness, causing us to find attractive anything in which the ratio appears by nature or by design. Fibonacci spiral elephant concept logo by Jan Zabransky.