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Thyroid Maddness

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Armour vs. Other Brands. Optimal Lab Values–how to interpret your results. Supplements and meds that can influence your cortisol saliva results. Thyroid and mental health articles. Thyroid, Depression and Mental Health. How to treat adrenals–for the patient and their doctors. HOW TO FIND A GOOD DOCTOR. Mistakes Patients Make (or their Doctors make for them!) Things We Have Learned. “First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.” ~~Mahatma Gandhi And it’s highly recommended to get the Revised Stop the Thyroid Madness book as well. It’s easier to use and follow, can be useful at the doctor’s office, and you can share it with others.

Many patients also order it to be sent to their doctor… Why Stop the Thyroid Madness was started Since the early 1960’s, it turns out that many thyroid patients have had problems, yet our doctors either proclaimed us “normal”, or said our symptoms were due to something else, and bandaided them with more and more medications. Something had to be done! Want to order your own labwork to take to your doctor for consultation?? Stories of Others. Natural Thyroid 101. Options for thyroid treatment. Hashimotos – The Autoimmune Thyroid Attack.

Dear Doctor… Symptoms of low cortisol. Reverse T3 (also called Reverse Triiodothyronine)