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11 LinkedIn Profile Tips for Nonprofit Professionals. The following is an excerpt from Chapter 6 of the recently released book Social Media for Social Good: A How-To Guide for Nonprofits.

11 LinkedIn Profile Tips for Nonprofit Professionals

These basic LinkedIn Profile tips for nonprofit professionals serve as a foundation for when and if your nonprofit is ready to utilize LinkedIn Groups and Company Pages. That said, I do not cover personal LinkedIn Profiles in my upcoming webinar How Nonprofits Can Successfully Use Twitter and LinkedIn, but LinkedIn Groups and Company Pages are covered in detail in both the webinar and in the book. Finally, it’s important to understand that the line between personal and professional is blurry on LinkedIn, so much so that it’s completely respectable to use LinkedIn for personal reasons during office hours. Twitter / Home.

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Don't Start Using Social Media - The Face of the Matter. Think Big. Be Bold. Drive Change. Pinterest Gets More Copyright Friendly. DIY Social Media Management. Yesterday, I had a lot of fun giving another webinar for Nonprofit Webinars, this time focused on DIY Social Media Management.

DIY Social Media Management

There are so many tools out there and so many different options pulling us in so many directions that I’ve found many organizations, especially very small organizers, can feel like they are getting tied up in knots. The goal of this webinar was to provide some baseline tools to help manage the incoming and the outgoing content across all channels an organization may be using to communicate and connect. Fundraising, Management, Marketing.