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Vittana - Graduating a generation beyond poverty. Romantic Pick Up Lines - StumbleUpon. Have you tried every trick in the book and still failed to pick up a date? Well, then why not try your hand at using these romantic pick up lines? They are really impressive at times, you know. And then, who knows, you might just get lucky! Are you tired of being the guy who always ends up at the wedding of his dream girl, as the best man? Are you going through such a long dry spell, that it seems like the rain gods have forgotten you exist?

And, have you tried your hand at using romantic pick up lines, only to end up picking up a fight with the girl's hitherto invisible hulk of a boyfriend? Then, it's time to go out there and pick up prospective partners using the right lines! Intelligent Pickup Lines I was blinded by your beauty, so I'm going to need your name and number for insurance reasons.Him: I'm sorry, were you talking to me? Expand your vocabulary!


How To. Activities. Customizable Clothing: Unique 120-Zipper Dress Design | Designs &Ideas on Dornob - StumbleUpon. This convertible dress design by Sebastian Errazuriz is nothing short of stunning in any of its possible stylistic configurations. The wearer can simply zip and unzip along any of the horizontal zipper lines to convert their clothing in a matter of seconds. What might be most remarkable about this design is how quickly it can shift from elegant to sexy, a full-length, single-piece dress one could potentially wear to work into a skimpy, short-cut, two-piece number that could put some bikinis to shame.

In between there are any number of other options for shortening the top or bottom or even leaving some zippers partly on and partly off. Despite the obvious benefits in terms of variable style, temperature and so on there are some clear drawbacks to this design as well. How much cold metal can you, after all, take on your skin? And do you really want to give any passerby 120 ways to undress you in the blink of an eye? BBC Science | Human Body and Mind | Pyschology Tests & Surveys - StumbleUpon. Crazy paper thing - StumbleUpon. Dumb Student Late Assignment [PIC] - StumbleUpon. Web Design. How To Make Rage Faces on Facebook Chat | Geekosystem - StumbleUpon.

Simply type the above code that corresponds to the appropriate rage face into Facebook chat, and the image of the rage face you chose will appear, emoticon-like in its existence. Facebook didn’t suddenly become hip to the Internet and add rage face emoticons (something from which Google Chat would greatly benefit), but the ability to add rage faces to Facebook chat is more of a hack than anything else, and something to which you can add. Reddit user daychilde explains that these aren’t actually some form of ragemoticon, but that the double bracket and code corresponds to a user profile or page, and when put into Facebook chat, will show the thumbnail of the profile or page that the code links to. So, all one has to do to make any picture a Facebook chat emoticon, is to simply create a user profile or page that uses the desired picture as the profile picture, then enter the double brackets and corresponding code into Facebook chat.

Here’s a tidy list of some more rage face codes: Company Makes Custom Stuffed Toys Out of Childrens Drawings | Geekosystem - StumbleUpon. Child’s Own Studio does something pretty neat: If you supply the studio with a drawing a child made, the studio will produce a stuffed toy using the child’s drawing as the blueprint. Are you an overprotective parent who will stop at nothing to make sure your child is both safe from possibly iffy design choices, but also one who makes sure their child gets exactly what they want at all times always?

Child’s Own Studio actually prefers you, stating that the more directions provided, the better. On the site’s official FAQ, it is noted that there isn’t a set price, and the studio will provide a quote once the child’s drawing is received, though standard U.S. and Canadian shipping will cost $15. The toy ends up being around 12 to 14 inches long on average, and the toy takes about 2 to 4 weeks to make once the payment is received, though rush orders are possible, there will be an extra fee for that. (Child’s Own Studio via Hacker News) Relevant to your interests. - Upload your art. Mock it up. Download your image for FREE! - StumbleUpon. Awesome idea to scare the sh*t out of your roommates | Lulz Truck.

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