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Books/Nourishing Traditions - Sally Fallon/Nourishing Traditions - Sally Fallon.pdf. Skin Imbalance Quiz - John Douillard's LifeSpa. Vikriti Results: Vata-Kapha. Take the Ayurvedic Current Condition Test to determine what to balance Congratulations.

Vikriti Results: Vata-Kapha

By identifying your current imbalances, you've just taken an important step towards clarifying your path to optimal health. When your natural ratio of vata, pitta, or kapha deviates from your constitution's unique balance, disturbances begin to manifest in both mind and body. When this occurs, it is important to determine which doshas are most affected so that you can implement the wisdom of Ayurveda to support a return to your natural state of health.

The test you just completed is aimed at measuring how much (if any) each of your doshas is currently increased. Your results came back with If you would like your results emailed to you, enter your email address below. What do the results mean? Any score higher than zero indicates an increase of that particular dosha (vata, pitta or kapha). The greater the increase, the greater the imbalance for that dosha. Signs & Symptoms Associated With Increased Vata: Ayurveda-Diagnostic Test Tri-Dosha, Vata, Pitta, Kapha, Prakruti, Vikruti. Ayurveda & Dosha Types for Beginners. Ayurveda is a holistic science of health, focusing on maintaining a physically and emotionally balanced state.

Ayurveda & Dosha Types for Beginners

Ayurveda began about 5,000 - 6,000 years ago when Indian monks were looking for new ways to be healthy. Revering their bodies like temples, the monks believed that preserving their health would help them meditate and develop spiritually. Over thousands of years of observations, they gathered all their conclusions and advice and preserved it for future generations. This collection of knowledge came to be known as the "science or knowledge of life" -- Ayurveda. How is Ayurveda different from modern medicine? The 3 Dosha types: 1.

In balance: There is creativity and vitality. Each person has all three Doshas, but usually one or two dominate. How do I determine my type? General Health Tips for Vata Types: Maintain regular habits, try to eat and sleep at the same time every night. Second image via yogapeepsthird image via biggolf/flickr. Vata / Kapha Dosha Diet. Your constitution is predominantly air and water.

Vata / Kapha Dosha Diet

An excess of air element creates cold, light, and dryness in the body - colon, skin, and bones, causing dry skin, gas, and constipation.When balanced, air makes one energetic, adaptable and cheerful. An excess of water creates moistness, coldness, and heaviness, leading to congestion, excess weight and mental lethargy. When balanced, water creates loyalty, consistency and comfort. The aim of Ayurveda is to create a balance between elements of air, water, fire and earth. To bring air into balance one needs to:Consume more cooked foods.Take herbs that help digest foodEat smaller meals, 3 -4 hours apart. Reiki Treatments & Training + Meditation Classes from Christine Radice - Classes. We will cover relaxing breathing techniques, energy-based meditation, and visualization exercises that can help create a sense of inner peace and balance.

Reiki Treatments & Training + Meditation Classes from Christine Radice - Classes

Classes for individuals are $25 for a one-hour class. There are special rates available for groups; for more information, please contact me at 617-782-1681 or By phone The private meditation for stress management class is also available by phone. Herbal Options for Managing Adrenal Fatigue. Think of adrenal fatigueas the "waiting room" for type-2 diabetes, hypothyroidism and heart attack.

Herbal Options for Managing Adrenal Fatigue

As a disease classification, it hangs out there with other "pre-" conditions like"pre-diabetes" and "pre-hypertension," and is a strong indicator of which direction a patient's health is headed; namely, down. The exhaustion of the body's ability to react to the signals from the brain and pituitary gland inevitably contributes to disease states like type-2 diabetes, hypertension, and hypothyroidism. Because adrenal fatigue affects a cluster of body systems, treatment is incomplete if it just targets individual, dysfunctional pathways. Adrenal fatigue patients can present with any of the following symptoms: constant tiredness, need for extra sleep, inability to cope with stress, reduced libido, low back pain in the area of the kidneys, sighing, yawning, recurrent infections, irritability, moodiness, and cravings for sweet foods. Why Herbs? Dysfunctional pathway. Assembling the Adrenal Puzzle.

Homeveda - Videos with over 1000 Natural Home Remedies. Fundamentals. The 2013 DINacharya training is currently underway.


We welcome drop-in attendance for students with familiarity of some ayurveda. This training is held monthly in Manhattan at the DINacharya Institute. Saturdays/Sundays, 8:00am - 6:00pm. Johnson Compounding & Wellness Center. Raga chikitsa. Hindustani Classical Music, unlike most modern forms of music, decreases heart rate variability and impacts the alpha brain waves.

raga chikitsa

Modern medical science validates that physical properties of sound interact deep in our brains to alter neurochemicals and pre-frontal cortex function.