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Gender inequality

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MGI Power of Parity Asia Pacific Full Report April 2018. - Face the facts: Gender Equality 2018. Back to main Face the Facts page In recent decades, women in Australia have made significant strides towards equality with men. - Face the facts: Gender Equality 2018

At universities, in workplaces, in boardrooms and in government, a growing number of women have taken on leadership roles, forging pathways for other women and girls to follow. The Conversation - Achieving gender equality in India: what works, and what doesn't. Discrimination against women and girls is a pervasive and long-running phenomenon that characterises Indian society at every level.

The Conversation - Achieving gender equality in India: what works, and what doesn't

India’s progress towards gender equality, measured by its position on rankings such as the Gender Development Index has been disappointing, despite fairly rapid rates of economic growth. In the past decade, while Indian GDP has grown by around 6%, there has been a large decline in female labour force participation from 34% to 27%. The male-female wage gap has been stagnant at 50% (a recent survey finds a 27% gender pay gap in white-collar jobs). Educating Girls, Ending Child Marriage. Another important benefit of ending child marriage would be an increase in women’s expected earnings in the labor market.

Educating Girls, Ending Child Marriage

Due in large part to the impact of child marriage on education, women who marry as children have, on average across 15 countries, earnings that are nine percent lower than if they had married later. Finally, countries would also save on their education budget. By 2030, eliminating child marriage today would save many governments five percent or more of their education budget. Action to end child marriage The international community is increasingly aware of the negative impacts of child marriage. Oxfam - Gender equality. Women’s rights Statistically, you’re more likely to be living in poverty if you’re a woman.

Oxfam - Gender equality

And if you’re a woman, you’re also likely to be doing most of the work. Compared to men, women have fewer resources, less power and less influence in decision-making. Discrimination, inequality and injustice are major causes of poverty worldwide, and women and girls bear the brunt of it in all aspects of their lives. Gender equality facts. WorldBank - Gender Home. - Building Gender Equality.

Establishing equality between women and men is vital to unleashing the power of families and communities to transform their lives for the better — but around the world, women, men, boys and girls experience disproportionate access to resources, exposure to risks and control of their futures. - Building Gender Equality

So, with every program we put into action — in each of the 40-plus countries we work in — we consider the needs of both genders, evaluate the dynamics between them and work to empower those most at risk. Give today to help women thrive ▸ We focus, especially, on helping women and girls find their equal voice in the places where they have fewer rights, because we know that strong women equal strong families — and strong countries. FAIRTRADE - Gender equality. Women in developing countries face many challenges - and gender inequality is a contributing factor to most of them.

FAIRTRADE - Gender equality

Fairtrade is working to counter the traditional gender roles that exclude women so everyone has a brighter future! Fairtrade works to improve the lives of all farmers and producers in developing countries, but women in agriculture face even more challenges than men when it comes to earning fair wages, owning land or having a say in the future of cooperatives, unions or communities. According to the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO), women make up roughly 43 percent of agricultural workers and produce 60-80 percent of the world’s food supply, but they make up only 10-20 percent of landowners in developing countries. When women do own land, those farms operated by women are smaller than those of men, with a significant corresponding gap in pay.

Women are also more likely than men to hold low-wage, part-time, and seasonal employment. UNICEF - Gender equality. Girls and boys see gender inequality in their homes and communities every day – in textbooks, in the media and among the adults who care for them.

UNICEF - Gender equality

Parents may assume unequal responsibility for household work, with mothers bearing the brunt of caregiving and chores. The majority of low-skilled and underpaid community health workers who attend to children are also women, with limited opportunity for professional growth. And in schools, many girls receive less support than boys to pursue the studies they choose. This happens for a variety of reasons: The safety, hygiene and sanitation needs of girls may be neglected, barring them from regularly attending class.

Discriminatory teaching practices and education materials also produce gender gaps in learning and skills development. World Vision Australia - Gender Equality. Education In many countries where World Vision works, girls continue to be kept out of school because educating them is seen as an unnecessary expense and they are not considered a legitimate investment.

World Vision Australia - Gender Equality

Livelihoods Women own just one percent of the world’s property and earn only 10 percent of the income, but they are the backbone of rural economies across the developing world. - How We Empower Women and Girls. Who - Gender. CARE Australia - Defending Dignity, Fighting Poverty. WHO - Gender, equity, human rights. Women's rights - Afghanistan. UNESCO fast-tracking girls’ and women’s education. Too many girls and women are still held back by social norms and traditional school practices infl­uencing their educational right and opportunities.

UNESCO fast-tracking girls’ and women’s education

But we know that their education is the most powerful investment to make for our collective future. Her education, our future is UNESCO’s new drive to accelerate action for girls’ and women’s education by leveraging political and financial commitments, as well as leadership for women and girls. It will contribute to the UNESCO Strategy for Gender Equality in and through Education (2019-2025) and its three pillars aiming for better data to inform action for gender equality in and through education; better legal, policy and planning frameworks to advance rights; and better-quality learning opportunities to empower. Her education, our future was launched on 5 July 2019 at the G7 France-UNESCO International Conference Innovating for girls’ and women’s empowerment through education.

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