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Tools for teaching and learning

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Librarian Approved: 30 Ed-Tech Apps to Inspire Creativity and Creation | MindShift | KQED News. Tool discovery is often a challenge for teachers interested in finding ways to use technology that will change the way they and their students work. With so much going on in the classroom, many teachers don’t have the time to test out various apps and find the perfect tool to meet their needs. Luckily, several tech-savvy librarians have been curating the apps their colleagues find useful and sharing the all-stars with one another through personal learning communities (PLC) and edWeb webinars. These educators are paying attention to their own working habits, as well as those of students, to figure out which technology products and trends are here to stay. Michelle Luhtala, a school librarian in New Canaan, Connecticut, has noticed that much of her own work has transitioned from the computer to her smartphone.

Luhtala sees school policies banning phones as a disconnect between school and the real world, where mobile devices are aiding productivity more than ever.