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Well-formed data. - Visualoop. Thoughts. Scott Murray — alignedleft. Martin Grandjean » Digital humanities, Data visualization, Network analysis » Connected World: Untangling the Air Traffic Network. People travel not just more frequently, but increasingly far and quickly. Mapping the connections between all the airports worldwide is a fascinating network visualization exercise.A network, in its very essence, is already a map. And the global transportation maps that represent the flight connections rarely make this network intelligible: on a world map, Europe is often a very dense area where it’s almost impossible to distinguish the dots/airports. Ultimately, these maps (sometimes very beautiful objects), do not represent the data itself, but some idea of the complexity and quantity. This post (which may be followed by further experimentations in this area) is an attempt to make explicit the network behind air transport. See the full size pictureCC-BY-SA Freely reusable with a link to this post Bonus, the geographical layout of the same graph.

Related GEPHI - Introduction to Network Analysis and Visualization In "Humanités" [DataViz] Times Higher Education's top-200 Universities. About / Contact – CityGeographics: urban form, dynamics and sustainability. My name’s Duncan Smith, and I’m a researcher specialising in urban geography, GIS, visualisation, city modelling and sustainable travel (research publications here). I’m employed as a teaching fellow at Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis, University College London. CASA is a multi-disciplinary centre including city research, modelling and smart city applications. Before this current post, I also completed my PhD at CASA supervised by Prof Mike Batty and Dr Andy Hudson-Smith. The PhD investigated the changing physical and economic structure of the London region, and its relationship with urban sustainability (read more here).

In addition to UCL, I have also worked for LSE Cities, an international urban research centre at London School of Economics, the Greater London Authority, and in transportation research consultancy. City Geographics showcases current projects, publications and research ideas related to urban form, dynamics and sustainability. Like this: Like Loading... Daniel Rosenberg | Robert D. Clark Honors College. Daniel Rosenberg is an intellectual historian specializing in questions of historical representation. His research focuses on eighteenth-century France and Britain and ranges broadly in areas including the history of language, philosophy, and art.

Cartographies of Time was named to the Best Books of the Year 2010 by and ranked #2 on their list of Best Books of the Year in Art and Photography 2010; it was also named to the 2010 list of the Year’s Best Reading Beyond Category by The Barnes and Noble Review. The exhibition based on the book at the Princeton University Art Museum received wide acclaim including a Critic's Pick in ArtForum, which referred to the exhibition and book as a "dramatic" expansion of our "knowledge of visual phenomena. " He is also editor-at-large of Cabinet: A Quarterly of Art and Culture, where he is a frequent contributor. Nicholas Felton. Moovel Lab | Home. John Grimwade Information Graphics.

Beatriz Carmo

Silvia Miksch. Tony Pritchard - London College of Communication. Tony Pritchard is Course Leader for both Postgraduate Certificate and Diploma Design for Visual Communication courses at London College of Communication. He has over 20 years professional experience working both as an associate with the graphic design consultancy Root 2 and has his own freelance practice. Tony's areas of specialist interest are information design and typography. His work spans the arts, education, commercial and professional sectors. Between 2000 and 2003 he organised the International Society of Typographic Designers lecture series for which he was awarded membership of the society and he is currently on the ISTD Education Committee. In 2002 he co-organised a major London exhibition celebrating the Swiss poster collection of Siegfried Odermatt. In 2004 he was co-curator of Future Map Design 04, which was part of the London Design Festival.

Visit Tony Pritchard's Blog for his views on graphic design, typography, information design, teaching and learning. Data Visualization Research Lab :: CCOM-JHC :: UNH. Colin Ware is the Director of the Data Visualization Research Lab which is part of the Center for Coastal and Ocean Mapping at the University of New Hampshire. He is cross appointed between the Departments of Ocean Engineering and Computer Science. Ware specializes in advanced data visualization and has a special interest in applications of visualization to Ocean Mapping. He combines interests in both basic and applied research and he has advanced degrees in both computer science (MMath, Waterloo) and in the psychology of perception (PhD,Toronto).

Ware has published over 150 articles in scientific and technical journals and leading conference proceedings. Many of these articles relate to the use of color, texture, motion and 3D displays in information visualization. Ware likes to build useful visualization systems. He directed the development of NestedVision3D, a system for visualizing very large networks of information. . • Research • Colin Ware's Publications • Course taught by Colin Ware. Raureif – Work. Cesar A. Hidalgo, Homepage. Treemap: Home page. Martin Wattenberg: Data Visualization: Art, Media, Science. Teresa Chambel's home page. Visualization et al. |  Pedro Cruz. Pedro Cruz started his academic activity when he enrolled in Physics Engineering at Instituto Superior Técnico in Lisbon. He later changed his course to Informatics Engineering at University of Coimbra.

In Coimbra he started collaborating with the communication design atelier FBA, doing motion and interactive installations. He spent a year in Belo Horizonte – Brazil, taking an internship at the creative studio 3bits, working in web and interaction design. He later concluded his master thesis in information visualization and aesthetics in Coimbra. Since 2010 he is an Invited Assistant Professor in the Design and Multimedia degrees at University of Coimbra while being a researcher at the Computational Design and Visualization Lab/CISUC.

Information visualization: expressiveness and accuracy. See my research center webpage. Fabian Dubois | Data Visualization and Mapping Lab. Dietmar offenhuber. Kevin Quealy. LISTA – DataVis People. Decidi não postar uma lista extensa de sites, blogs, livros, artigos, etc. Apenas algumas referências basais para a área. Para achar mais conteúdo, pesquisem pelas pessoas que listei abaixo. (ou, caso queiram algo específico, perguntem aqui; eu ou outra pessoa talvez possamos auxiliar). Artigo: D3: Data-Driven Documents - Livro: The Visual Display of Quantitative Information, Edward Tufte Podcast (pra quem curte): Pessoas da área (esta lista está longe de ser completa. Esse link vale a pena colocar aqui: Fernanda B. Viégas. Martin Wattenberg.

Jeffrey Heer