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The Christopher David Ryan Experience. Tanglefoot character designs 2014 on Behance. :Illustration:Gallery:Concept: by JAW Cooper: 05.11. Catching up on things: Here is a commissioned portrait of Stephen Hawking with an albino owl. What a guy! This was one of my first acetate experiments... I fell in love. "Vulnerability and Prudence" Another acetate experiment, for the "Counterparts" show at the Hibbleton Gallery. Lastly, a portrait I painted months ago. My very good friend and insanely talented artist, sculptor, and designer Danielle Buerli is doing her graduate work (in Switzerland) on sketchbooks and I was inspired by our discussion to start a new 11"x14" like I used to keep in the old days.

I'll put up the first couple pages tomorrow! Information Is Beautiful. ANTOINE+MANUEL. Andrew Archer. Portfolio | Kirk Wallace - Illustration & Graphic Design, Boston, Ma. Craig & Karl. Siggi Eggertsson. David Smith – Traditional Ornamental Glass Artist. MUSED | Kostas Kiriakakis. Everett peck illustration. Eyvind Earle® Jonny Wan Illustration. Hexels - a new art tool. The Uncanny Valley. Most people have heard of "The Uncanny Valley" by now. I've heard people refer to it in two contexts in the animation industry: characters that are almost lifelike but are just enough off to be creepy, and stylized/cartoon characters who have an off-putting amount of realistic detail. I want to talk a little about the second one because I've run into it more often recently when artists have asked me for critiques. I don't think there is a hard and fast rule for this type of uncanny valley. When I watched The Adventures of Tintin, at first I was really bothered by the cartoon characters with realistic eyes and hands.

But by the end of the film I was engaged enough in the story that I didn't notice so much anymore. I suspect that a lot of our reaction to the uncanny valley is a bias that can be broken down with repeated exposure. In my experience, the most important form details for navigating the the uncanny valley seem to be the eyes and the nose. Cartoon Modern :: Maurice Noble. is an excellent source for public domain films of all kinds. Among them are a handful of well designed 1950s shorts produced by John Sutherland Productions. Sutherland was one of the busiest producers of animated industrials during the 1950s and his studio’s work is discussed in greater depth in my book.

I’ve never found a good filmography of exactly how many films Sutherland produced, but from what I’ve been able to gather, he produced well over one hundred corporate/educational animated shorts between the mid-1940s and the mid-1960s, which was his studio’s ‘golden age’ period. The working conditions at Sutherland were ideal for artists: he paid top dollar so he always attracted A-list designers and animators, and he was very hands-off when it came to the visuals, so artists were free to do as they pleased. These four films at offer a good sense of the type of films Sutherland produced, though they are only the tip of the iceberg.

Asaf Hanuka. Tomer Hanuka. Jacek Yerka painter of the fantasy worlds - preview of the paintings. Popaganda | The Art and Crimes of Ron English. Mark Ryden. Drawn. Seo Kim. Nick Watson. Karen Petrasko. JonFoster. Ed Bell. Daniel López Muñoz. Imaginism Studios Inc. Illustration Friday. Process Junkie. ZBrush Portal. Buy ZBrush $795 ZClassroom Homeroom Around ZBrush Features: Discover main features of ZBrush New features: New additions to ZBrush 4R5 Industry: Who is using ZBrush and how Requirements: Hardware specifications Community & Content ZBrushCentral: Our community forum The ZBlog: Our official ZBrush blog Turntable Gallery: The best ZBrush artworks ZBC Top Row: The best Of ZBrushCentral Interviews: Major studios behind the scenes Support Support Center: Technical issues and Sales Installation: Steps to install ZBrush F.A.Q.: Q&A about ZBrush Downloads: Updates, free plugins & content Online Documentaton: ZBrush docs ZBrush 4 Docs: Downloadable PDFs Support Forum: Community support ZBrush Training ZClassroom: Official ZBrush video training Getting Started with ZBrush: Official Guide 3rd Party Training: Professional training Schools: Find a ZBrush school near you YouTube Channel: 100's of ZBrush videos © 2014 Pixologic, Inc.

Celia Calle. Ashley Wood. Antonio Santamaria.