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Jeremy Hammond

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Jeremy Hammond (wikipedia) Jeremy Hammond (born January 8, 1985) is a political activist and computer hacker from Chicago.

Jeremy Hammond (wikipedia)

He was convicted and sentenced[1] in November 2013 to 10 years in US Federal Prison for hacking the private intelligence firm Stratfor and releasing the leaks through the whistle-blowing website Wikileaks.[2][3][4] He founded the computer security training website HackThisSite[5] in 2003.[6] Background[edit] Childhood[edit] Education[edit] Hammond attended the University of Illinois at Chicago on a full scholarship.

Music[edit] Jeremy, along with brother Jason, has had a lifelong interest in music, performing in numerous bands through the years. Career[edit] Hammond worked as a Mac technician in Villa Park, Illinois.[6] He also worked as a web developer for Chicago-based Rome & Company. Activism[edit] Computer security[edit] Arrests and criminal history[edit] Marijuana arrests[edit] Hammond was arrested for possessing marijuana in November 2004 and December 2010.[13][14][15] RNC 2004[edit] Courage Foundation (@couragefound) Stratfor. Stratfor. Strategic Forecasting, Inc. (commonly Stratfor) is a private intelligence company founded in 1996 in Austin, Texas by George Friedman: founder, chief intelligence officer, and CEO.

Fred Burton is Stratfor's Vice President for Counterterrorism and Corporate Security. Products Stratfor has published a daily intelligence briefing since its inception in 1996, when its rise to prominence as chronicled by the MSM occurred with the release of its Kosovo Crisis Center during the 1999 NATO airstrikes on Kosovo. Before the end of 1999, Stratfor had introduced a subscription service through which it offered the majority of its analyses. Stratfor has been cited by media such as CNN, Bloomberg, the Associated Press, Reuters, The New York Times and the BBC as an authority on strategic and tactical intelligence issues. 2011 Breach Stratfor breach first revealed via #LulzXmas - 24.12.2011 Stratfor's statement on the breach - 11.1.2012 Stratfor: Inside the World of a Private CIA - 27.2.2012 U.S. Other. Persona Management. Hedges: Jeremy Hammond Exposed State's Plan to Criminalize Democratic Dissent.

Why The Media Ignores Jeremy Hammond While Praising Edward Snowden. Jeremy Hammond's hack of Stratfor, a corporate intelligence agency, created global solidarity by revealing how the 1% targets activists worldwide.

Why The Media Ignores Jeremy Hammond While Praising Edward Snowden

Jeremy Hammond, hacktivist and political prisoner, was behind the now famous Stratfor email hacks. The mainstream media has devoted hundreds of articles to NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden, the subject of the Oscar-winning documentary “Citizenfour,” but it’s not devoted the same level of attention to many other whistleblowers and political prisoners, like Jeremy Hammond, no matter how sensational the facts they revealed. In November 2013, a federal court sentenced Hammond to 10 years in prison for his part in the hack of Strategic Forecasting, an Austin, Texas-based corporate intelligence agency, also known as Stratfor.

The emails revealed that Stratfor gathers intelligence on behalf of private corporations while also sharing sensitive information with local and federal law enforcement. “Snowden is giving us a message of reform,” she said. Jeremy Hammond /Anarchaos. Jeremy Hammond was arrested on allegations of access device fraud and hacking. Jeremy is being charged as the main person behind the December document liberation on U.S. security company Stratfor that was posted on Wikileaks. Thank you for your support! The money transfers into a bank account, managed by a family member, which was set up to receive solely the donating from WePay. Currently all donations go to Jeremy’s commissary account... Show your support and donate (Free Jeremy Hammond). 18 novembre 10 ans de prison pour Jeremy Hammond Jeremy Hammond est le quatrième lanceur d’alerte (whistleblower) condamné par la justice des États-Unis depuis le début de l’année. 15 November My name is Jeremy Hammond Jeremy Hammond has been sentenced to 10 years in prison. 18 October Benefit CD “Hear Us Now” Hear Us Now!

9 October Stanley Cohen, Defender of Anonymous in PayPal14 (...) Link Censorship as a Causality of Over-Classification.