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En Écosse, un enfant se souvient de sa vie antérieure : retour sur les lieux. Dossier abductions: États de conscience et ETs. Crédit Note adm: Mardi 03 Juin 2014 à 21h25: "Nous reprenons une interview publié par le site web Ovnis-Usa. Rencontre avec une praticienne . " Article source: Dolores Cannon est invitée dans de nombreux pays sur tous les continents, elle y enseigne sa méthode et a publié 17 livres, traduits dans une vingtaine de langues… Mais toujours rien en français ! Son travail rappelle beaucoup celui de Michael Newton (traduit en français). Quand Dolores Cannon s’est aperçue par hasard, que ses patients se trouvaient en deux endroits à la fois (sur son divan tout en revivant pleinement des bribes d’expériences vécues ailleurs, à un autre moment) elle n’a eu de cesse de vouloir en apprendre plus sur les possibilités infinies de la conscience. C’est après l’age de 50 ans qu’elle a commencé à expérimenter dans le domaine des régressions hypnotiques et dans la découverte des vies antérieures.

Sa soif de savoir sera largement récompensée au long des trente années suivantes. VIDEO. Que voit cette femme aveugle qui perçoit le mouvement. PERCEPTION. Est-il possible pour un aveugle d’avoir des sensations visuelles ? La question n’est pas si incongrue qu’on pourrait le croire. Le site de la NPR (National Public Radio), la principale radio non commerciale des États-Unis, a mis en ligne lundi 26 mai une incroyable vidéo reproduisant les perceptions du mouvement d'une femme devenue totalement aveugle. Milena Channing est une américaine de 43 ans devenue définitivement aveugle à la suite d'un accident vasculaire cérébral (AVC) en 2000 alors qu'elle n'avait que 29 ans. Pourtant, très vite, elle se met à percevoir d'étranges apparitions. Vous êtes aveugle, c'est tout Après lui avoir fait passer un scanner, ses docteurs sont formels : l’AVC avait entièrement détruit son cortex visuel primaire, "la porte d’entrée" des informations visuelles dans le cerveau.

Souffrait-elle donc d'hallucinations ? À travers le mouvement, les formes lui apparaissent Les objets en mouvement ne sont pas perçus en détail ou comme ayant des couleurs. UFO Healings - Preston Dennett. Biba, l'homme électricité. Découvrez Battery Man, l'homme électricité. Amazing Afterlife Encounter Told By A Man Who Was Technically Dead For Nearly An Hour. - This is an amazing story about a man who was brought back to life after being technically dead for nearly an hour. Just when doctors and nursed had given up on him, he shocked everyone and returned "out of nowhere. Brian Miller, 41, a truck driver in Ohio was opening the lid of a container when he knew something felt wrong - he immediately called 911 and told the operator, "I'm a truck driver and I think I'm having a heart attack. " Sure enough, his main artery was completely blocked - causing what's known as a "widow-maker" heart attack, Fox 8 Cleveland reported.

According to Pics 11, "he was rushed to a local hospital where doctors managed to revive him and clear the blockage, but after regaining consciousness and feeling the pain dissipate, he developed ventricular fibrillation, when the heart starts quivering wildly and is unable to pump blood. "He had no heart rate, he had no blood pressure, he had no pulse," said ICU nurse Emily Bishop. "I mean think about that. " FOX 4 News - Photos du journal. Afterlife Is Real - Neurosurgeon Says He Has Proof Of Heaven And Advanced Higher Life-Forms. - What happens after death? Is there really an afterlife? Is death just and illusion and do we continue our existence in a parallel Universe? These questions have been debated since the dawn of our own existence. A majority of all ancient philosophers, pagans and Christians alike, agreed that death is the separation of a soul and a body. Modern scientists have so far been unable to offer anything than speculation on the subject of near-death experience.

Perhaps it is necessary to have an out-of-body experience in order to learn more about what happens to us when we die? Dr Eben Alexander, a Harvard-educated neurosurgeon was skeptical to the idea of an afterlife. As a scientist Dr. In 2008 during his coma, Dr.Alexander's brain was inactivated and he says that he experienced something so profound that it gave him a scientific reason to believe in consciousness after death. What happens to our soul when we die? While being in coma, Dr. Dr. He continues: "Birds? 16 People With Real Super Powers. Have you ever dreamed about having super powers? Most likely if you are anything like me you have fantasized about having extraordinary abilities such as super strength or moving objects with your mind.

We have found 16 examples of people who claim to have developed some extraordinary abilities. Perhaps we are evolving into a world of zero limits. 1. Natasha Demkina is a Russian woman who claims to be able to see into peoples bodies. Natasha was a normal kid up until the age of ten according to her mother. “I was at home with my mother and suddenly I had a vision. 2. Liew Thow Lin is a man from Malaysia who can stick metal objects into his body. 3.

Daniel Temmet is able to memorize incredible amounts of information. Most Savants are not able to explain how they accomplish their amazing abilities but Daniel is different. In his experience the visual image of 289 as very ugly, 333 is particularly attractive, and pi is beautiful. 4. Was a man who knew what that was like. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Vision nocturne innée pour le chinois Nong Youhui. Un fait des plus rares a été remarqué en Chine : l’entourage d’un jeune garçon du nom de Nong Youhui s’est rendu compte que ce dernier aurait la capacité de voir dans le noir. Quelques semaines après la naissance du petit Nong Youhui, son père avait déjà alerté les médecins concernant la pigmentation de ses yeux. En effet, le garçonnet a des yeux bleus, chose extrêmement rare dans un pays où la quasi-totalité de la population possède des iris marron. Néanmoins, les docteurs ont rassuré le père en disant que ce n’était pas grave et que cette coloration disparaîtra au fur et à mesure que l’enfant grandirait.

Seulement, Nong Youhui a toujours des yeux bleus et pour couronner le tout, il serait capable de voir dans le noir, tel un chat. Le cas de Nong Youhui n’a pas encore été étudié par un orthoptiste (spécialiste des troubles de la vision) connu et on ne saurait confirmer la véracité de ces faits. Un enfant chinois capable de voir la nuit. Nong Youhui | monessasmontage. Girl Who Can Start Fire With Her Brain Mystifies Scientists. - Many think this young girl has supernatural abilities and scientists are puzzled by what she has accomplished so far. She is now being called a global scientific phenomenon. According to the family, their 11-year-old daughter has a bizarre ability to set things aflame by just being near them. The young Vietnamese girl living in HCM City's Tan Binh District has drawn a great deal of attention from the nation's media. Her father tells it all started about a month ago when the family home's electrical network suffered several short circuits, about a month ago. Electricians were called to fix the short circuit but could not find the cause behind the power failures.

A fan in the house was partially burned He said the girl was taken to other houses where the same phenomenon took place each time. The girl has been examined by doctors at Cho Ray Hospital and the Children's Hospital No. 2 but nothing abnormal has been found. Burned ceiling in the girl's family house. Prof. This Man Has Lived Without Food For 5 Years - He Say He Just Needs Sunlight And Air. - Millions of people struggle with overweight and magazines are packed with advices from expert informing us how we can get a better and healthier figure. Companies earn billions on diet plans and weight loss tools. So, it feels strange to hear this man, who describes himself as a "breatharian has lived without food for the last 5 years. Kirby de Lanerolle comes from Sri Lanka and he makes some astonishing claims.

Kirby says that he can extract calories from "photons and light and vibrations and wind". He admits he ate real food but he felt bad afterwards. He usually only eats his daily communion that consists of a small morsel of bread and red wine. Kirby's goal is to teach others how they can become breatharians. People are concerned that this kind of diet leads to death. Kiryb claims he can live on sunlight and air. He is also currently the only Breatharian in Sri Lanka. Une réalité mathématique dessinée en fractales par un homme atteint par le syndrome du savant. Jason Padgett est un américain qui a acquis, sans le vouloir, des capacités étonnantes en mathématiques après une agression en 2002. Il a été durement touché à la tête et il vit maintenant la réalité sous forme de fractales mathématiques descriptibles par des équations. Il est atteint du syndrome du savant qui lui permet désormais de pratiquer une forme de synesthésie.

Image d’entête : “une main quantique à travers mes yeux” (J.Padgett) Avant l’incident, Jason ne possédait aucune capacité particulière en math, il était même plutôt mauvais. Il a copié la plupart des réponses à son examen de géométrie dans l’enseignement secondaire et n’a jamais eu beaucoup d’intérêt pour cette matière. Ci-dessous : “trou noir de Planck”. “Dualité onde-particule” “Une dérive dans l’espace-temps” Selon la bio de Jason Padgett : “Cosinus sinusoïdale et ondes tangente” “Fusion hW=MC^2” “L’expérience des doubles fentes” (Fentes de Young) Vous pouvez admirer d’autres œuvres de Jason Padgett sur Fine art america.

Graham Hancock - Photos du journal. Une molécule double l'espérance de vie : le C60 fullerène - Université Paris Sud. La source de Jouvence ! Cette chimère longtemps recherchée par les chevaliers vient peut-être d’être découverte dans un laboratoire de l’Université de Paris Sud sous la forme d’une molécule de fullerène composée de 60 atomes de carbone. Le fullerène est une molécule qui peut prendre plusieurs formes (sphère, tube…) . Les fullerènes ont été découverts il y a 27 ans et depuis, on ne cesse de leur découvrir des propriétés et des applications nouvelles. Par exemple, le fullerène composé de 60 atomes de carbone est aussi appelé un buckminsterfullerène (C60).

Grâce à leurs propriétés lubrifiantes, conductrice ou de structure, on retrouve ces nanoparticules un peu partout : pharmaceutique, électronique, cosmétique… Les chercheurs de l’Université Paris Sud cherchaient les effets toxique du C60. Le premier groupe de rats, celui qui a reçu une alimentation normale a vécu 22 mois en moyenne. Hélas, ce n’est pas pour demain. En savoir plus Lire le résumé de l’expérience en PDF Google+ Scientists Halt Aging in Mice by Tweaking Activity in Almond-Sized Brain Region : Science/Tech. (Photo : Regis Duvigna/Reuters) Scientists have discovered for the first time that the body's aging switch may be located in the brain region that controls growth, reproduction and metabolism.

The latest study, published online in the journal Nature, revealed that the brain's hypothalamus, an almond-sized brain region located just above the brain stem deep in the brain, may be the body's "fountain of aging". Researchers at Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University believe their discovery could lead to new treatments for extending lifespan and combating age-related diseases "Scientists have long wondered whether aging occurs independently in the body's various tissues or if it could be actively regulated by an organ in the body," senior author Dr. The hypothalamus is known to play essential roles in growth, development, reproduction and metabolism. "As people age, you can detect inflammatory changes in various tissues," Cai explained.

Featured Video : Dr. Girl that Never Ages: Could She Hold the Key to 'Biological Immortality' (Video) Gabby Williams (Photo : YouTube/Screen Shot ) Scientists are looking into a disorder that prevents aging and may possibly hold the key to eternal youth. Yet the health issue is so rare that no medical term has been used to diagnose the condition. Like Us on Facebook Meet Gabby Williams, who carries both the facial features and skin of a newborn, weighing only 11 pounds, but is 8 years old. Yet, even at this age, her mother still feeds and cradles her as if she were a newborn. She also still wears diapers. Doctors who have been studying this medical rarity have found a handful of cases around the globe similar to Gabby's, but are still plagued by what genetic marker stops the aging process from turning on. TLC television will be airing similar stories on Monday, Aug. 19, regarding the rare disorder at 10 p.m. "In some people, something happens to them and the development process is retarded," said medical researcher Richard F.

Walker, who conducts research at All Children's Hospital in St. Coconut Oil Reverses Dementia in 100 Year Old Woman. In 2010 my mother, then 98 years old, became very depressed after the death of my father and brother. She was on Lexapro for the depression and It took almost 8 months for her to feel better. Unfortunately, the experience brought on severe dementia. She fell and broke her hip January 2011 and recently after her 100th birthday she was hospitalized for gall stones. Each visit to the hospital increased the symptoms of dementia and delirium. A friend recently emailed me a video of Dr. I started her on 2 tablespoons Saturday, March 31, 2012. I put the coconut oil in her oatmeal and cook all her meals with it. It has been 30 days since I started my mom on coconut oil and I am thrilled to say that her dementia has improved so much.

For 20+ years we have been gathering as a family to spend a few hours praying and catching up. I am glad to say that everyone over the age of 70 who was at this gathering has gone out to get some coconut oil. See Also: Includes 85 recipes – Free shipping available! How To Slow The Ageing Process? - The Solution Is In Your Genes. - A new study provides evidence that aging works through a special set of genes that everyone has - the rDNA genes. "This work is exciting because it shows that rDNA instability is a new factor in aging," says Dr Austen Ganley from Massey University, New Zealand.

An international team, led by Dr Takehiko Kobayashi from the National Institute of Genetics in Mishima, Japan found that by improving the stability of the rDNA genes, which are usually quite unstable, they could extend the lifespan of baker's yeast, a model system for studying cell aging. The researchers set out to understand how the Sir2 gene reduces aging in yeast. Sir2 genes shot to prominence as potential human anti-aging genes with the finding that resveratrol, a component of red wine, activates them. However, subsequent research has found that resveratrol doesn't extend lifespan in mammals. The yeast Sir2 gene controls rDNA stability, but also has many other targets in the cell. Paper. Découverte d'une hormone qui augmente la durée de vie. RÉGIME. Faire un régime allonge t-il la durée de vie ?

C'est prouvé chez un grand nombre d'espèces, de la levure aux primates, en passant par le chat. Mieux, restreindre sérieusement la quantité de nourriture diminue l'incidence des maladies liées au vieillissement (cancers, maladies neurodégénératives, etc.) chez les rongeurs et les grands singes. Et pourquoi pas chez l'homme. Mais attention : un régime drastique est difficilement soutenable, entraînant irritabilité, baisse de la libido et même baisse de la fertilité.

Un lien établi entre allongement de la durée de vie et baisse de la fertilité DÉCOUVERTE. Dans la revue Nature communications, l'équipe détaille sa découverte : chez ce ver, manger moins entraîne la production d'une hormone, l'acide dafachronique, qui a la particularité d'augmenter la longévité et de diminuer la fertilité. Vers des applications thérapeutiques ? MÉCANISME. Ces 9 choses qui vous arrivent lorsque vous êtes en train de mourir... C'est hallucinant !

Jean Jacques CHARBONNIER : voyage dans l’au-delà. | Richard Federmann. Preuves de la télépathie comportementale de masse. Man in coma uses his thoughts to tell doctors, 'I'm not in pain' TELEPATHIE (médias)