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Zecharia Sitchin. Zecharia Sitchin (1920-2010) does not appear to be as well known in Britain as in the USA, although he is becoming well represented on the web. His work is based on his own new translations of Sumerian and other Mesopotamian texts. Using them, he identifies complex and hitherto unknown early history not just of humanity but also of the entire solar system. According to him, there is a twelfth planet in our solar system, Nibiru (following astrological convention, counting the Sun and Moon as planets one and five respectively, so that Pluto becomes the eleventh planet, rather than the ninth, despite its 2006 demotion to the novel status of ‘dwarf planet’, slightly smaller than the more distant ‘dwarf planet’ Eris).

Nibiru is unknown to astronomers apart from those who are privy to an ancient secret and who do not broadcast their knowledge to the rest of the astronomical community or to the general public. Conspiracy? A cosmic drama Sitchin’s dubious linguistic genius Like this: Interview with Mehran T. Keshe on January 13th 2013. PROOF!! 2013 UFO'S MAKING THOSE STRANGE SOUNDS!! (TRUTHLIVES) Educating Humanity: Disclosure. LES SECRETS DE LA CREATION DE LA MATIERE · EXO-CONTACTS. Posté par exocontacts dans : Non classé , trackback Selon Monsieur Keshe, auteur de 3 livres, dont « L’ordre universel de la création de la matière », les principes de la gravité s’appliquent également sur l’interaction à l’intérieur du Neutron entre Matière, antimatière et matière noire. Le Neutron est principalement composé de ces trois élémnts fondamentaux. Jusqu’à présent, on a supposé que le Neutron était composée par trois quarks, un en haut et deux en bas. Ces minuscules champs magnétiques sont les véritables particules fondamentales provenant d’une soupe cosmique magnétique.

Les champs ayant une force similaire peuvent s’intriquer pour générer un ensemble dynamique. Trois ensembles ainsi constitués ayant une force différente créent les trois types de la matière de base (l’antimatière, la matière noire et la matière), et ils peuvent s’imbriquer pour former le plasma initial fondamental ou Neutron. En français retranscription en français de la conférence de M. Complet en anglais. Ancient Languages Reconstructed by Linguistic Computer Program. First Posted: Feb 12, 2013 09:06 AM EST Scientists have created software that can rebuild protolanguages, the ancient tongues from which our modern languages evolved. (Photo : Flickr/Okko Pyykko) Thousands of years ago, the romance languages--Spanish, French, Italian and others--all descended from one common root language. Now researchers are able to reconstruct ancient, long-dead languages using a computer program.

Scientists have created software that can rebuild protolanguages, the ancient tongues from which our modern languages evolved. Like Us on Facebook Languages change gradually over time as various populations of people diverge. The researchers took 637 Austronesian languages currently spoken in Asia and the Pacific and input them into the software that they created. In order to check their findings, though, the researchers then compared their results with the findings of linguists. These findings have huge implications for the study of languages. Anonymous – A New Message: Free Energy Will Free Humanity – 4 March 2013. La vie Extraterrestre « sur le point d’être confirmée » Mercredi 26 décembre 2012 3 26 /12 /Déc /2012 19:30 Information reprise sur le mur Facebook de Nick Pope avec son aimable autorisation – Source Traduction Era et Sylvain Les miroirs du SKA de nuit (SKA Organisation) L’espèce humaine pourrait entrer en contact avec une vie extraterrestre dans les 12 ans, a affirmé un ancien haut responsable du ministère de la Défense Britannique.

Selon l’ancien Chef de projet sur les Ovnis du Ministère de la Défense Nick Pope, le développement du télescope SKA (Square Kilometer Array) va déclencher « des possibilités nouvelles et passionnantes M. Le SKA, qu’on commencera en 2016, sera le radio télescope le plus grand du monde et répondra à certaines des questions fondamentales de notre univers demeurées sans réponse. M. Investigating galaxy evolution, cosmology and dark energy (SKA Organisation) M. L’expert mondial le plus connu en Ufologie a également spéculé sur la façon dont la vie extra-terrestre pourrait entrer en contact. Ovnis_Nouvelles preuves. Best UFO Sightings Of March 2013, AFO. Astronaut Buzz Aldrin Confirmed Artificial Monolith Structure on Martian Moon Phobos. “There’s a monolith (on Martian Moon Phobos) there!

A very unusual structure on this little potato shape object that goes around Mars once in 7 hours! When people find out about that, they are going to say ‘who put that there?’” - Astronaut Buzz Aldrin, 2nd person to walk on the Moon Click on image to goto article! End Like this: Like Loading... Sorry, the comment form is closed at this time.


UFO Disclosure Continues As Former U.S. Senators Add Testimonies. A citizens hearing on UFO disclosure was recently held at the National Press Club in Washing, DC. A number of professors, historians, scientists, high ranking political and military personnel gathered April 29th to May 3rd to elaborate on the ongoing reality of the UFO phenomenon. High ranking political and military figures coming forward is nothing new. In recent history, we’ve seen them gather at the national press club and give multiple interviews as well as share information. We’ve seen Defence Ministers, Generals, Colonels, Astronauts and more come forward.

We’ve also seen official files released from dozens of governments and three letter agencies indicating the reality of this phenomenon. For more articles on the UFO subject and to see some of this information, please browse through our alternative news/science and tech sections, or use the search bar. Something new was added to the mix in 2013 at the national press club. Merrill Cook Mike Gravel Lynn Woolsey Darlene Hooley. President Obama makes his Announcements at the Disclosure Event. Un OVNI a été photographié dans le ciel de San Diego ! A Santee, dans le comté de San Diego, la photographe Ellen Henry a capturé le passage d'un ovni dans le ciel sans s'en rendre compte. C'est en analysant l'image sur son ordinateur qu'elle a compris le point sur la photo était en réalité un objet volant de nature inconnue. Le 7 mai dernier à Santee, dans le comté de San Diego, Ellen Henry a capturé le passage d'un OVNI dans le ciel alors qu'elle photographiait un bâtiment historique.

Au départ, la photographe pensait qu'il ne s'agissait-là que d'une tâche. Seulement en analysant la photo sur son écran d'ordinateur, elle a pu constater qu'il ne s'agissait pas d'une simple tâche sans pour autant parvenir à déterminer le nature exacte de cet objet. Les spécialistes sont dans le flou Venue photographier La Grange Edgemoor, Ellen Henry, qui travaille pour la Société Historique de Santee (SHS), a donc réussi à saisir une image incroyable.

Cet objet volant ne ressemble à rien de connu sur Terre et cette femme l'a immédiatement compris. PROJECT CAMELOT: A ROTHSCHILD SPEAKS OUT. La technologie au service du contrôle. Quand les bildebergs se transforment en Googleberg. Aujourd’hui plus personne ne peut ignorer les réunions secrètes de Bilderberg même les « grands » journalistes comme Yves Calvi.

Mais maintenant que le secret est bien éventé et que les réunions sont plus médiatisées, du moins par les réseaux sociaux principalement, les acteurs du « globalisme » aiment à se retrouver au « Googleberg » qui a pour objet d’intégrer ce globalisme à la technologie et qui apparait plus ouvert de prime abord auprès des médias. Cette année tous les pouvoirs secrets seront réunis en un même lieu. La technologie au service du contrôle. Le contrôle sera poussé de plus en plus loin notamment grâce à la technologie d’internet. Alors que nous en sommes encore à penser qu’internet est un espace de liberté d’informations et de communication, le gouvernement secret travaille à « sécuriser » internet. Google? Le piège d’internet se refermera bientôt sur nous. Si je vous dis que Google est totalement sous contrôle de la mafia vous me comprenez.

De quoi on discute? Description |


Four Mysterious Signals Detected In Outer Space - One Of Them Is Going Off Every 10 Seconds, Researchers Say. - In one of our previous articles we informed about a mysterious signal that was picked up on three different occasions by the Arecibo radio telescope in Puerto Rico. Now, using the CSIRO Parkes 64metre radio telescope in Australia, an international research team has detected mysterious bursts of radio waves coming from billions of light years away.

"In a recent survey for pulsars and fast transients, we have uncovered four millisecond-duration radio transients all more than 40° from the Galactic plane. The bursts’ properties indicate that they are of celestial rather than terrestrial origin," scientists explain in their paper. The team says their brightness and distance suggest they come from cosmological distances when the Universe was just half its current age. The burst energetics indicate that they originate from an extreme astrophysical event involving relativistic objects such as neutron stars or black holes. "The bursts last only a tenth of the blink of an eye. Mystérieux sursauts radios intergalactiques observés à Parkes. Des astronomes ont fait une étrange découverte dans les archives du radiotélescope de l’Observatoire de Parkes, en Australie. Comme l’explique Discovery News, ils ont d’abord repéré un signal radio très puissant de quelques millisecondes, puis trois autres signaux d’une puissance similaires.

Contrairement à la plupart des signaux radio cosmiques provenant de la Voie lactée observés jusqu’à présent, ces quatre-là semblent venir de l’extérieur de notre galaxie, à plusieurs millions d’années-lumières de distance. En une poignée de millisecondes à peine, chacun de ces signaux libère l’équivalent de l’énergie émise par le Soleil en 300.000 ans.

Les explications avancées sont nombreuses, incluant notamment la collision d’étoiles à neutrons dotées de champs magnétiques super puissants; l’évaporation de trous noirs; des sursauts de rayons gammas associés à des supernovas. publicité Pourtant, un signal comparable avait déjà été observé en 2007 par l’équipe de Duncan Lorimer. Stem Cells May Help to Create Human Liver. First Posted: Jul 03, 2013 02:58 PM EDT Mesenchymal stem cells (green) accumulate in skeletal muscle following exercise and release growth factors to spur regeneration. (Photo : Marni Boppart) A new study shows that it may actually be possible to create a liver from stem cells. Like Us on Facebook According to Japanese researchers Takanori Takebe, MD, and Hideki Taniguchi, MD, of Yaokohama City University in Japan, they created human liver buds complete with blood vessels that can perform metabolic activities when implanted in mice.

Researchers hope these could be used in humans, as well. Takebe and colleagues used human somatic cell-derived iPSCs to develop into hepatic endoderm cells--a type of progenitor cell destined to mature into normal liver cells--and then co-cultured these cells with human umbilical vein endothelial cells and human mesenchymal stem cells. More information regarding the study can be found online in the journal Nature. Les vaisseaux des extraterrestres sont arrivés il y a des millions d'années (scientifiques) Electroculture Pyramide - Utiliser une pyramide pour les plantes. Long-Lost Egyptian Pyramids Found? by Angela Micol. New Story Released by Discovery News 7-16-2013 Slide Show Released by Discovery News 7-16-2013 Going Against the Grain... Abu Sidhum Site, Egypt- View from Google Earth 2013 update: I now have historical and factual proof from the Abu Sidhum and Fayum sites in Egypt that both sites could be lost pyramid complexes. I want to find out the truth and validate if these discoveries are legitimate.

As I stated in the original press release that Discovery News ran in 2012, "The images speak for themselves. When the story was first published the goal was to get help on the ground to verify if the sites could be lost pyramid sites. Famous Collector's of Rare Maps and Documents Confirm Sites Could be Ancient Pyramid Sites... In September of 2012, to my amazement, I was contacted by an Egyptian couple who claimed they had proof to back up the possible pyramid sites as being legitimate archaeological discoveries.

"El-Kady and Farouk have made important donations to the Egyptian state and the U.S. Understanding UFO Secrecy. By Steven M. Greer M.D. Copyright April 1999 Click here for the PDF version. Over the past few years I have had the responsibility of briefing senior government and scientific leaders both in the US and abroad on the UFO/Extraterrestrial subject. The evidence regarding this subject is clear and overwhelming: It has not been difficult to make a compelling case for the reality of UFOs per se. The ‘what’ or evidence is complex but manageable. In The Beginning In the early days of the ET/UFO phenomena, military, intelligence and industrial interests had concerns regarding the nature of the phenomena, whether it originated from our human adversaries and once it was determined to be extraterrestrial, how the public would react.

In the 1930s and 1940s this was no small matter: If these UFOs were of terrestrial origin, they would be evidence of an earthly adversary with technological devices far in advance of US aircraft. Like. The Cold War is over. A Current Estimate Sounds great. The Webs We Weave.


The Best UFO Footage Of 2013 (September and October) 11 octobre. Clash DailyBOMBSHELL: Ex-CIA Agent Claims Obama Had Breitbart and Clancy Killed. Brandon Walker/ – Doctor Jim Garrow, philanthropist and worker for one of the largest non-profit organizations on the planet to save female children from slaughter in China. He has been featured on several media outlets throughout the world. Last Sunday, as a guest of Now the End Begins internet radio program however, he dropped a bombshell on the world. Dr. Garrow claims that up to a week ago he was covert CIA.

According to Garrow … Andrew Breitbart died under mysterious circumstances. Well according to Dr. Then there was Tom Clancy. Tom Clancy once said: I hang my hat on getting as many things right as I can. It is no secret when he wrote The Hunt for the Red October that he was met at the door by Pentagon officials and FBI agents demanding to know where he got top-secret documents. Dr. Finally he revealed a revelation so shocking to the radio program that can be best described in their own words: Read more:

Ecuador Giants Shown To The World. In Loja province, Southern Ecuador and Peru border, many strange relics have been uncovered. Bones and full skeletons very similar to those of humans but of incredible size. These artifacts have been watched over for many years by several guardians in the beautiful valleys of that Province. By far the most famous and well known of these “guardians” was Father Carlos Miguel Vaca, who guarded until his death in 1999, several bones and fragments, unearthed from a site called “Changaiminas” which translated means “Gods cemetery.” Several fragments were redirected to the Smithsonian Institution of the United States of America, for people to study their density, age, weight etc.

This was broadcast on a television program for Ecuador, which lasted two hours, led by renowned director Alfonso Espinosa De Los Monteros. Now some pieces from that collection have been shown to the world by renowned UFO researcher Klaus Dona. 23 octobre. Une nouvelle vision de l’univers inspirée de Sakharov, par Jean-Pierre Petit (Partie 1) 31 octobre. Obama Orders NSA To Stop Spying On The World Bank, IMF. Novembre. Facebook dévoile quels gouvernements sollicitent vos informations privées. La France en fait partie. Global Government Requests Report. December. Must SEE- Defense Minister Of Canada Tells Of Proof Of ET's & UFOs RT News 12-30-2013. Sphère filmée de près depuis un bateau. Manufacturing Glass Could Reduce Nuclear Waste By 90% Lachezar Filipov of BAS says "Aliens Already Exist Among Us" | UFO, Ancient Aliens, Mystery, Conspiracy. New X-ray Vision Can Reveal Internal Structure Of Objects.

BEST UFO on Reunion Island OVNI sur l'île de la reunion Piton saint leu.


Aout. Projects | CSC Center for Strategic Communication. Scientists Store Thick Book With Images And Software In DNA! Ordinateur quantique : la Russie dans le top de la compétition mondiale. Scientists Validate Large-Scale Quantum Computer Chip. OVNI Crache "Récupération" (24 Mai 2013) Baltic Anomaly Mystery: New Voyage to 2nd Anomaly | Truthfall. Les chercheurs de Saint-Pétersbourg ont découvert une vie extraterrestre dans l’Antarctique. Horrific sounds sets off car alarms Feb. 19, 2013. Alberta Canada. Regardez cet ovni filmé par un pilote en plein vol au Costa Rica. Les chercheurs russes sont sur ​​le point d’élaborer une nouvelle théorie de physique.

Abducted by Aliens - 15 Public Cases - Alien Invasion. World Conference Sought for ET/UFO Disclosure From UN.