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Unexpected Discovery In The Atacama Desert - Is It Something Real Or Desert Mirage? - Many fascinating archaeological discoveries were first stumbled upon by non-archaeologists or other amateurs exploring the terrain.

Unexpected Discovery In The Atacama Desert - Is It Something Real Or Desert Mirage?

No one - except perhaps the discoverers themselves - believed in the credibility of the findings. Until, proof was finally found. One of such unbelievable discoveries has recently been made by retired 79-year old Holly Ahlberg using Google Earth from her personal computer out of her home in the Sedona Shadows community in Sedona, Arizona. Real or desert mirage? The place of this discovery is unique and very hostile. DNA Of The Gods: The Anunnaki Creation Of Eve And The Alien Battle For Humanity. - If you enjoyed the works of late Zecharia Sitchin, then you will most likely be very interested in how Chris H.

DNA Of The Gods: The Anunnaki Creation Of Eve And The Alien Battle For Humanity

Hardy Ph.D is handling the subject of the Annunaki and humanity's mysterious ancient origins. Author and researcher Chris H. Hardy, Ph.D, basically continues where Sitchin left of. Further developing the revolutionary work of Zecharia Sitchin, Chris Hardy shows that the "gods" of ancient myth, visitors from the planet Nibiru, created us using their own "divine" DNA--first through DNA extraction from their own ribs' marrow and later by direct relations with early human females. 200 000 Year. Incredible Roseau Stone Reveals 200,000-Year-Old Writing And Can Re-Write History Of North America! - The incredible Roseau Stone discovered in Minnesota, US could easily re-write our history.

Incredible Roseau Stone Reveals 200,000-Year-Old Writing And Can Re-Write History Of North America!

The stone does not only reveal that several ancient civilizations from across the sea visited North America in prehistoric times, but also that our ancestors were familiar with writing 200,000 years ago! The story of this incredible stone is shrouded in mystery. Putting together the pieces is almost like solving a detective story. Vidéo de Sarcophages Sumériens. Entre avant hier et hier j’ai posté sur Facebook les liens de 2 vidéos de sarcophages trouvés en Irak en 2007 que j’ai posté sur youtube (A voir avant censure).

Vidéo de Sarcophages Sumériens

Bien entendu, sachant que de nombreux lecteurs ne vont pas sur FB (ils ont bien raison) je n’allais pas les oublier ! Ces sarcophages ont la particularité d’être ancien, très ancien… En réalité ils ne sont pas daté et pour cause, ils datent de l’époque Sumérienne, et nous savons très bien que la pensée unique nous donne des dates complètement fausses (en fait ils ne savent rien…). Pour info : Aujourd’hui, ces sarcophages sont à l’abri des vautours (GouverneMents, pseudos historiens et surtout de cette pensée unique qui, si elle avait trouvée ces sarcophages, elle les aurait ou détruit, ou elle les aurait caché et occulté au publique…). A voir, et à partager ! 150,000-Year-Old Pipes Baffle Scientists in China: Out of Place in Time? - The Epoch Times. The universe is full of mysteries that challenge our current knowledge.

150,000-Year-Old Pipes Baffle Scientists in China: Out of Place in Time? - The Epoch Times

In "Beyond Science" Epoch Times collects stories about these strange phenomena to stimulate the imagination and open up previously undreamed of possibilities. Are they true? You decide. Earth Ancients - Photos du journal. 130 000 Year. Ancient Navigation 130,000 Years Ago. 400,000 years old remains of the Altamura Man. In October of 1993, during the exploration of the Lamalunga cave, some speleologists made an extraordinary discovering: in the terminal part of the cave long 60 m, which entrance is through a ponor 8 m deep, there was a skeleton of a prehistoric man dating back to the intermediate period between the Homo Erectus and the Neanderthal Homo, as said 150.000 years ago.

400,000 years old remains of the Altamura Man

He was a 30 years old man, 1,60 m tall which has got the name of “Ciccillo” from the local people. Its skeleton presents a calcium condensation that protect the bones and helped the conservation. In the sixteenth century farm house of Lamalunga, which is close to the site, is possible to virtually follow the entire process of the discovery, from the entrance till the skeleton. In fact, because of technical obstacles that would damage the skeleton, it will continue to rest in the darkness of the cave. 200,000 year old statue found on the moon. WASHINGTON, DC – A noted scientist has just produced proof that the lunar surface was inhabited by intelligent life: a 10-inch angel sculpture embedded in a moon rock.

200,000 year old statue found on the moon.

Geologist Dr. Morris Charles revealed last week that NASA lab workers chipped the angel from one of the rocks brought to Earth by Apollo 11 astronauts 40 years ago, in 1969. Dr. Charles was a NASA scientist himself for 23 years but left the agency in 1987. L'ange de la Lune. Un célèbre scientifique aurait produit les preuves que la surface de la Lune était jadis habitée par une forme de vie intelligente : en effet, une sculpture d’ange de 10 pouces de grandeur encastrés dans une roche lunaire aurait été découverte.

L'ange de la Lune

Le géologue, Charles Morris, a révélé en 2009 que les astronautes de la mission Apollo 11 de la NASA avaient rapporté sur Terre une roche ébréchée représentant un ange, il y a 40 ans, en 1969. A cette époque, le Dr. Charles était un scientifique émérite de l’agence spatiale américaine. Il travailla pour celle-ci pendant 23 ans avant qu’il ne la quitte en 1987. America's "Mystery Stone" Remains An Unexplained Puzzle. - Few people interested in history can resist a true archaeological mystery.

America's "Mystery Stone" Remains An Unexplained Puzzle

Imagine you would suddenly find a strange, dark, odd-looking, egg-shaped stone with unusual carvings and unknown origin. What would you think? This is what happened in 1872 when a couple of construction workers dug up a suspicious lump of clay near the shore of Lake Winnipesauke and discovered an artifacts that today is known as "New England's Mystery Stone". Scientists are still trying to find out how the stone was made and for what purpose. Furthermore, so far it has been impossible to verify the age of the stone and determine how it was carved. Discovering the Oldest Man-made Structures on Earth : Browse > Home / History / Discovering the Oldest Man-made Structures on Earth.

Discovering the Oldest Man-made Structures on Earth :

Megalithomania Conference. Adam's Calendar and the Hidden Ruins of Southern Africa JULY 2010 Amazing Metropolis Discovered in Africa is 200,000 years old! Ancient Alien Theories. Ancient aliens. Ancient Astronaut Theory, Ancient Alien Theory. Ancient Astronaut Theory Most people believe in aliens - from ancient visitors to modern day extraterrestrials who visit Earth with an agenda. Clearly the creation myths of each ancient civilization discuss alien gods who descended from the sky for any number of reasons, some of who allegedly mated with human woman to create bloodlines, or created humans through biogenetic experiments.

In the duality of physical reality, there would be good aliens and bad aliens - who would have great battles, just as we do while visiting here. Ancient aliens, as we envision them based on endless physical evidence found across the planet, does not actually refer to a group of extraterrestrial beings who came here once upon a time, but is more about those who create the consciousness hologram in which we experience and learn.

Reality is consciousness created in the matrix of time to study emotions. Physical Evidence Sumerian God Anu. Ancient Aliens SAISON 1-2-3. T h e E m e r a l d T a b l e t s. Les orgines de l'homme: révélation d'un manuscrit sur Secret-realite. List of World Heritage Sites in Africa.